1 1. 1 911 46 SAN FRANCISCO EXAMINER Friday, Oct. 15, 1965.. 240-Country Ranches, Acreage and Homes Napa County CHOICE ACREAGES 10 acres- -panoramic view of valley. Timber.
Spring water. Cabin. $20,000. 2. 58 acres--Big Ranch Rd.
and river frontage. Excellent buy, $120,000. 100 acre 5-hill view land, beautiful bldg. sites, good water district. Close to Napa.
Owner will sell 50 a. Only $1,000 per acre. Good terms. 320 acres- Pope Valley, many all yr. running springs, timber and open land, fine bldg.
sites. $115,000. PHILIP WAYNE McCORMICK REALTORS 923 Randolph Napa 224-8355. 1600 Ac. Cattle Rach, mod.
2. BR. home 2 older homes. Napa Valley Properties. 707-224-3163.
Oregon MUST SELL TRUSTOR 111 and Can No Long. er Operate. 470 Acres Oregon Farm 60 Acres of Peat Soil Approximately $200.000 Depreciable Assets. One Mile River Frontage Water Rights Good for Pasture Row Crops, Pellet Mill In Operation. Location: 20 minutes from downtown Portland.
TERMS and will consider prepaid interest. WRITE: I. E. Gray, Corporation Office, Loma Linda University, Lom a Linda, California. FREE OREGON CATALOG 5 to 20 acres nt.
Grants Pass Medford. $150 fn. $35 month. Cal-Ore. Ranches.
1054-CX So. Riverside Medford, Ore. Oroville Dam 10 ACRES- Big Pines, Spring nr. Feather River, Oroville Lake. Exc.
hunting, fishing. rec. area, $7,500, $1500 $60 mo. Write owner, 1827 Venice Concord Petaluma DOWNTOWN fine Victorian 3-br. home.
Bargain at $25,000. BART C. MITCHELL 7186 Gravstn. Hy. at Stony Pt.
1795-5406 COTATI 542-1909 Placer County AC. Pine Covered hillside with Sierra view. Clean air, house with character. 1700 sq. ft.
nr. Colfax in heart of rec, area. 500. Box 2721, Colfax. Rohnert Park YOUNG AMERICA HOMES, 3-br.
From $13,995, $99 pays all. Incl. (707) 546-5233. San Andreas OPPORTUNITY knocks-80 acres near San Andreas nr. Round Stream.
Above fog, below snow. $300 acre. 274-2702 (209). San Jose 80 AC. prime subdivision land, edge of San Jose, 1 mi.
to Country Club. Spectacular, view of city Santa Clara Valley, $3950 ac. full pr. cash, bal. on terms incl.
release clauses. Bijou Realty, Drawer BA, Bijpu, Cal. 916-544-4188. Santa Cruz 295 Ac. on Hiway Nr.
Skyline. Can zone some for motel or trailer courts. Water, electricity. Miles of gd. roads.
$650 per acre. dn. CIVIC 341-2626 Santa Cruz County OCEAN view lot in a very private area at secluded Sunset Beach between Monterey and Santa Cruz. $7,500 will take late model car plus cash. Mel Crader, 813 Robt.
Chowchilla, Cal. Santa Cruz Mountains acres rolling wooded parcel, 100 ft. to co. elec. 2 mi.
to Boulder Creek. $8,850. Also ac. cabin sites. Owner (408) 354-3989 or 388-6252.
San Mateo County 600 AC. stock ranch, subdiv. 851- 8100, Wm. Holmes, Brkr. 16-AC.
ocean view, all usable, fenced, live stream. $25,000. RICKLINDLEY RL TY. 593-7839. 1380 El Camino San Carlos Santa Rosa INSPECT -Custom built 2035 sq.
ft. home, 2 yrs. old, on ac. Beaut. liv.
stone din. all elec. nook. 00- dies of cupboards, rumpus TV outlets in all rms. 2-car gar.
Ask. $25,000, terms. SMALL 4-rm. cottage, ideal for elderly couple. Only $4600.
COUNTRY lot, 100x190, level, $3000, ez terms. JOS. METCALF, 700 Beaver 707-545-4019 ESTATE SALE Approximately 15 acres located at 3070 Santa Rosa Ave. Inheritance tax appraisal $110.000. For information contact your brol e.
or BANK OF AMERICA N. T. S. A. 637 4th Santa Rosa 707-545-6570.
SECLUDED creekside 2. bath custom built home. Extras! 1 bik. to sch. in best area.
2 patios, landscaped. $29.500. terms. Owner 542-6017. AC.
ranchette. 3 2 bath home, shop barn. $22,500. LAMPE Relaty. 452 5133 AC.
cor. Spacious 6 rooms. Barn $27,000 try $5.000 dn. Cotati Rity. at depot, Cotati.
ACT FAST: oaths shake root. Huge lot. Near golf. $31,950 Gehrke Rity. 2314 4th.
LI 2-6344 BY owner. 2 well bilt. home. nr. J.
C. Din. fireplc. Big patio, trees. Dbl.
det. gar. 600. 707-545-3272. Sebastopol Ac.
Some fruit trees. 2 br. home, clean. 2 wells, 2 pres. systems.
Lots of good outbidgs. Or will sell acreage with good bldg. sites. 2 road fronts. Call or write owner, 7099 Baker Lane.
823-4061 BY OWNER. New 3-br. home, 2 baths, bilt-in range, garbage disposal. Firepl. Central gas heat.
Shake roof. On acre with apple trees. Nr. town, good district. $22,650.
Call (707) 823-2474 or 823-7930. 24A close to hiway $39,500 BART C. MITCHELL 7186 Gravstn. Hy, at Stony Pt. 795-5406 COTATI 542-1909 2-BR mo.
income. Creek. $27.500. SEVEN SEAS REALTORS 823 -5356. Shasta County 10 ACRES GOOD ROAD PINES! OAKS! Plenty of bldg.
sites with excel. Spring! Hu Hunting and fishing! view Ideal vacation or retire ment! $4250. dn. by owner. Box MI0045 Exam.
SHASTA LAKE VIEW! 70 inspiring acres. 1 mi. from Lake. Private Co. road thru property.
Unequalled investment at $200 per acre. Write: Country Squire Realty Corp. (834 Hwy 44 Redding 241-1145 Sierra County 20 ACRES mining claim. Lge. log cabin, completely furnished.
(415) 836-4728: 261-8712. Sonoma County AC. View, trees and water. $1700 per acre. 10 Ac.
Trees, artesian well. View of college. Close in. $3000 per acre. 4 Ac.
2 bdrm. home. New well. View. $18,500.
3 br. In town. $14,800, lo dn. 290 Ac. 1 mi.
frontage. 4 mi. from freeway. $1500 per ac. CARRIE REALTY on Plaza Cotati AC.
Large 2 br. home, firepic. 2 car gar. Lovely setting of natural trees family fruit. Pasture or homesites.
$21,500. Tombe Rity. 3981 Grav. Hiway, So. Sebstpl.
823-2360; TR 4-3469. eves. 823-5043. SPLENDID selection of summer cabins, permanent homes. spar kling streams, redwoods, 2-hour drive.
Free brochure. 774-1270 CAZADERO RLTY. CAZADERO THREE 1-3rd ac. ocean view lots nr. Jenner.
ICARRIE 5600 Grav. So Sebastopol. 823-5349. 240-Country Ranches, Acreage and Homes Sonoma County 1.73 Ac. Timber Cove lot nr.
ocean. Schath. Inc. Box 95 Clearlake Oaks, ph. 3346.
34 level A. n. S.S. Col. 6 mi.
to dntn. S.R. $3000 ac. McCluskey. 819 4th, Santa Rosa.
171 prime AC, in path of futur development, Priced to sell! asterson Assoc. 938-8413 Tahoe National Forest PRIVATELY owned section. .20 miles to the Lake. 35 miles to Reno, miles No. of ee, Hwy, 90.
Big view flat with trees. Asking $1,000 or $150,: 000. Or 10 ac. with duplex, cabins trailer sites, bordering Prosser Creek. Excellent potential to upgrade.
$35,000. Terms. cash. Take paper in trade or carry. Submit.
Call or write EBB POUNDS 2201 El Camino, Sacramento, 922-8326. Trinity County SPORTSMEN ATTENTION Acreage on Trinity River nr. Douglas City, Salmon steelhead fishing. Trms. 366-9302 eve.
Valley of the Moon $750 Down -U bath. hdwd. floors. double gar. $18.750.
VALLEY of the MOUN RI.TY. 232 W. Napa Sonoma 938-5545 ACREAGE 4.29 choice west valley; level, trees $20.000 GREENGRASS REAL TORS Boyes Hot Springs 996-6744 SCENIC 3 Ac. Level, partly wooded. Co.
rd. frt. Utils. 500. Sonoma Hwy.
Kenwood 833-5101 E. SONOMA 3 Dain Cape Cod home. $28,950. AUBERLIN AUBERLIN.938 5573. McFARLANE Realtor.
996-1086. and pre '60 homes. 2 BR, Trees. Terms. to ac.
Sonoma valley of the Moon Trade. Bob Gar lick, 707-996-6792. 922-2818. S.F Lot. all utilities $400C level fenced $6000 FRANQUELIN Rity 938-3366 5 AC.
ranch. A BARGAIN! Modern 3 br. home. $32.500. BOSSE, Ritr.
938-8591 AC. E. Sonoma. Nice 2 br. Palio, fruit trees.
$2. 500. Sonoma Valley VIEW 3-BR, 2-bath hm. $22.000. 996 7594 eves.
No pls. St. Helena HILLSIDE-3 open beam, cornerstone baths. beautiful wood interior. view of valley.
963-3741(707) Tahoe National Forest 40 Green Acres of Meadow Land with Year Stream. $16,000. MARSHALL THOMAS SU 1-4627 Vallejo $13.950 UP Square! Open Daily. Freeway' to Sonoma right 1 mile. Yolo County 28 AC.
dry farm apricot orchard, well. Good view of Capay Val. $12.700. Ph. (916) 796-3797 or write PO Box 4.
Rumsey, Calif. Yuba County 60 ACRE Ranch near Wheatland. Calif. All planted to shipping plums. 35 acres in full bearing.
al. 3 years old. House Bidgs. on place. $1,800 acre.
interested write owner, E. Swetzer. 1300-13th Sacto. Ph. 442-1501.
241-Public Lands WRITE BOX 459 LAFAYETTE tor late Government land Info 243-Real Estate Er anges SO CALIFORNIA near Riverside in Corona, 2 new apt. bldgs. containing 45 units. 2 swimming pools; income over $60,000: $475.000. Owner here: wants Bay improved or unimproved.
PRUDENTIAL. 350-17th. Oakland. HI 4-6343 (Kirby) TRAILER park site, 8 unit motel. coffee shop and co*cktail bar.
Nr. new multimillion dollar pro ject. For sale or lease. some trade. Brokers welcome.
Write box 14047, Examiner. 50 OR 100 Units wanted with good income in exchange for bare acreage, zoned R-3 southern Marin, A-1 location for 100 units. Robert A. Lindskog, 910 Irwin San Rafael. 454 0832.
WILL trade equity of $7,700 in Pacifica duplex lot for '65 model Cadillac, Imperial or Continent al. Call Arcata 822-2925 or Loomis 652-7394. 15 UNIT motel in Crescent City, always full; plush unit. Want Bay Area $96,000 Ron Monroe, 939-4711. 2 4-UNIT on ocean front.
Loans equity 000. Trade for SURF. 359- 5515. PROBLEM Properties wanted in trade on motels, ranches land, apts. All areas.
100s of listings. Whitchurch P.O. Box 77326, S.F. 986-0918. DUNCAN, KORB TRIMBLE inc.
Investment Property Exchangors 103 E. 14th, Oakland TE 4-6230 Sacto. Inc. prop. cash for same in S.F.
567- 6175. 3 UNITS- -Sunset, 2 units sq. ft of ground floor offices. GURBARG DE 4-0200 245-Real Estate Wanted CASH CASH We will B-U-Y your home, flats, apts vacant lots for cash! Also we may advance tunds it you are contemplating purchas ing other propertv want tr list with us. Wm.
NADELL RLTY. JU MOTEL chain desires locations for Hi Way Centers. Prefer approx. 4 acres, key location with access to core area for motel, service station and Please write or call American 311 Salinas Salinas, Calif. 424-0341.
OUR REPUTATION is your guaranty of satisfactory service. To sell your property call us today. WIENER ASSOC. MO 1-0400 Immediate buyers! 3 Offices! NAKAMURA Berkeley, 848-2724, Hayward. 581-6565 San Mateo.
342-8301 Cash for your property WESTATES R.E. 359-5442 Pacifica PRIVATE party wants call from owner of S.F home, bungalow Will pay LO 4-5470 A complete real estate service. MASON McDUFFIE CO Residnteial Sales TH 5-420t SEE ADDITIONAL ADS IN EVERY CLASSIFICATION BY TURNING SEVERAL PAGES FORWARD. Examiner WANT ADS 24-Business Personals Support Girl Scouts 824-Typewriters, Adding Machines, Cash Registers, etc. ADDING MACHINES ELECTRICS $45 up MANUALS $25 up MBM.
1173 Valencia. MI 7-7711 1368-Career Preparation, Men and Women GROCERY Checker, PBX, swch. IBM Keyench, teletype, typ. M.T.1. 995 S.F.
DO 2-5366 See our ad. Class 550 today. 137-Help, Wanted, Men SALES. Over the Stores. Ref.
books exhibits. Phone 836-4337 for appt. 169. "Pickup Campers" FOR The Best- GO TROPICANA campers. Sorenson 322 El Camino, vale, RE 6-4154.
170 Homes SE Newell PARAMOUNT 20 55 Twin 10. Trirs. Hwy. 40 next to Valleio, 643-8816. 179-Used Automobiles COMET '64 Cyclone.
(NIB734) TAKE OVER PAYMENTS No cash needed on OK credit. Several other cars also. Kelley 207-Unfurnished Apts. East Bay $126 up-2 bd. apt.
for tent or less when purchased. $665 dn. PINOLE CREST GARDENS PHONE 223-3460 225-Peninsula Homes San Jose $18,400 up-3 2 bath. No Dn. Open Daily.
GATE, Tully San Jose. San Mateo FOUR bedroom. bath, 2 story home. Large living room. family room.
formal dining room, all electric kitchen. Brand new on spacious lot. $29.500. Call 341-1213. 236-Business and Commercial Property Peninsula DANVILLE-135' front on Hartz Ave.
32,000 sq. ft. across trom Safeway. Choice location in "HUB" area. $85,000.
Grubb Ellis Co. 939-4200 237-Industrial Property Lake Tahoe FOR So. Lake Tahoe Property. GRAYSON REALTY-Box 1067, Tahoe Valley. 916-544-2276 For South Shore Property Contact--Tom Kiernan Co.
Box 102 Bijou 916. -544-4181 240-Country Ranches, Acreage and Homes 940 Acs, rice row crop nighly developed. Ample water. equipmt. Art Rosene.
297-5813, FREE Catalog, Safe-Buy. 511-SF Flood 870 Market, S.F. Clear Lake BE our guest any Sunday 10 view homesites at Clear Lake. For details OR 3-2450. Mariposa County 1100 ACRE Mariposa Ranch.
600 plus A. deeded, 500 A. BLM. wooded, ample water, fenced, good access. Lots of game.
$120,000. down. Will consid. trade for approx. $85,000 equity.
513 15th Modesto, 6530. Consult the Want Ad Section of the morning Son Francisco Cradle and the Con Ever Vital Statistics Births drive, Sept. 29, a son. Marriage A -Frank So. Knoll road.
Mill Valley, Sept. 25, a son. -Thomas 133 Esparanza Tiburon, Oct. 4. son.
AR ARMITAGE- Court, Pacifica, Thomas Oct. 4, a 16 daughter. Oviedo ARMBRUSTER-Bruce 158 Alpine Terrace, Oct. 5, a son. BALDRIDGE-Lawrence 154 New.
man Sept. a son. BARBA Way, Oct. John son. 15 San LorBRADBURY -Gordon 3221 Clement Sept.
30, a daughter. BECKNELL Roger 135 Lee Oct. 4, a daughter. BODDIE- Charles 4124 Howe Oakland, Oct. 4, a daughter.
UT TIC I--Edward 1295 Bay Shore Oct. 2, a daughter. CABELL- John 2165 Larkin Apt. 101, Oct. 2, a daughter.
CLEMENT- -Daniel 232 18th Apt. 3, Sept. 30, a son. 1380 EI Bonita St. Helena, Sept.
22, daughter. CONTRERAS-Ramiro 3432 19th Oct. 4, daughter. COOPER -Benjamin 2551 Sutter Apt. No.
220, Oct. 6, a daughter. -Maurice H. 2121 43rd Sept. 28, a daughter.
CURLEY San Bruno Sept. 29, a daughter. CRUZ- 747 Sept. 27, a daughter. DICICCO-Sabino Enzo 216 daga Oct.
1. a son. DOTTERWEICH-Michael 50 ford Heights Oct. 6, a son. DOWNES- William 997 Sanchez Sept.
26, a son. ERIE- Charles Santa Anna Daly City, 25, a daugh "'seat. ter. -Francis 2 Portola San James Rafael, Sept. 25, a son, FRANCIS H.
51 Crestciew Daly City, Sept. 22, a son. FEALY- -Peter 1366 27th Sept. 15, a son. FREDERIKSEN- Jorgen Frederiksen, 531 Magnolia Piedmont, Oct.
4, a daughter, 335 Oct. 1, a son. FITZGERALS-Maurice 1255 by drive, Hillsborough, Sept. 14, a son. FOHRMAN-Melvin Jerome Forman, 1229 2nd Sept.
29, a son. -Louis 519 5th Sept. 26, a daughter. GORNIAK-Ronald 2230 38th Sept. 18, a daughter.
HANLON-Robert 15th Oct. 7, a son. -Terrence 1437 So. Mary Sunnyvale, Sept. 25, a son.
-Terrence 1437 So. Mary Sunnyvale, Sept. 25, a son. HAYNES- James 1441 47th Sept. 23.
a daughter. HEARD--John D. 905 Connecticut Sept. 22, a son. HERNANDEZ- Carlos 3442 19th 3, a daughter, HORDE -Joshua 1238 Shafter Apt.
A. Sept. 28. a son. HOSTETTER-D1 3301 Humphrey Richmond, Sept.
25, a daughter. INABA-Edward 338 4th Oct, 6, a son. -John 37 Museum Way, 5, a son. -Vincent 32 Flint Oct. 3, a son.
LA -Jack 1150 Moraga Sept. 29, a daughter. LE PAGE- George 320 32nd Oct. 3. a daughter.
Peter 2501 Valleywood drive, San Bruno, Sept. 30, daughter. LYNCH- Gerald 620 39th Sept. 27, a daughter. Robert 1515 Sullivan Colma, Oct.
1, a daughter. MALONE-Vaughn 91 Santa Elena, Daly City. John Sept. 27. a daughter.
167 Goettingen Sept. 24, a son. MIKLES-Lynn 1306 California Apt. No. 3, Oct.
7, a son. MISLEH-Nadim 1271 41st 19, a son. NETTLES 1134 Shrader Oct. 4, a daughter. O'NEILL'-Timothy 5208 Anza Oct.
3, a daughter. -Nick 673 Guerrero a daughter. PALMER James, 923 Divisadero Oct. 2, a son. PAOLI- 350 Catherine South San Francisco, Oct.
6, a son. PICCININI-Nello 71 Rossmoor drive, Sept. 24, a daughter. PIERCE -John 3246 Vicente Oct. 5, a son.
PHIPPS- Willis R. 675 Bucha. nan Sept. 19, a son. PRICE- -Eamonn 3873 Army Sept.
30, a son. RAMIREZ- -John, 571 Campbell Oct. 4, a son. RYLAND-Frank Louis Ryland, 2950 Diamond Oct. 6, a daughter.
1355 Willard Apt. 25, Sept. 30, a daughter. SHAW- Robert 3920 Irving 1. Sept.
27, a son. SMITH--Geoffrey 420 (Roa) Rosario drive, Santa Barbara, Oct. 6, a son. SMITH--Robert 264 Delbrook Oct. 6, a son.
SMYTH- 2705 20th Sept. 18, a daughter. SOLORZANO- Carlos 1132 York Oct. 4, a son. Douglas 1263 Leafwood drive, Novato, October 4, a daughter.
ON A--Joseph 891 Standish Court, Pacifica, Sept. 27, a son. THORS-Donald 311 Horizon Way. Pacifica, Oct. 5, a da daughter.
UTTER--James 484 23rd daughter. VALLECILLO--Miguel 284 Chenery Oct. 2, a daughter. -Harold 524 Avalon 6, a daughter. WHITNEY -David 360 Lakemerced Apt.
6, Daly City, Oct. 5, a son. -Laurence V. 36 Serrano Bladh. 21, 20 BLADM Randolph, and Carolyn Steele, 21, Randolhp.
DYSART Dysart, 26, Las Cruces, N. Mexico, BetMcGowin, 23, 2340 Pacific. HIDALGO- MARTINEZ-Fermin Hidalgo, 37, 926 Mission, and Zoila Martinez, 32, 351 27th St. WILSO Wilson, 28, Carmel, and Eva Bessie, 21, 148 Carmel. WILLIS Willis, 18, 21 Sanchez, and Theresa Jones, 19, 796 Pine.
Haffman, 35, Daly City, and Donna Litchfield, 26, 109 Denslowe Dr. John Fowlie, 20, 405 Moscow, and Jane Stayart, 19, Naplee Ave. STANDIFER-DABene8 guy Standifer, 26, 2840 Gough and Barbara Dabbene, 21, 2840 Gough. Kelvin Dunnigan, 25, 2280 Green and Valenzuela, 24, 2280 Green St. BURTON PARSONS Burton, Antique Auction Saturday, October 16 Sale 6 p.
m. Sharp Preview Time 12 Noon to Time of Sale Carpenter's Union Hall 647 Lindaro, San Rafael, Calif. French Provincial Bed room set, Music Box, Vict. Display Cabinets, Rosewood Collection of Clocks, Fr. Clock Sets, Oil Paintings by Known Artists, French Mirrors, Old Cantonese Razors, Miessen, Bronzes, Old Delft, Sheffield and thousands of items too numerous to mention.
EMERALD ANTIQUE AUCTION CO. 1022 Terminal, San Carlos, Calif. ROY THEOBALD, Auctioneer Funerals AIELLO, (Arilio), Andrew -Oct. 12 BOYLE, John 13 CATHEY, Jose D-Oct. 11 delONGH, Ethel Elizabeth--Oct.
14 DOHERTY, Aileen 13 DOUGHERTY, Angela--Oct. 13 DUNLEVY, Timothy P. -Oct. 13 FITZGERALD, Gerald GOLDSTINE, Samuel--Oct, 14 HANLON, Robert Joseph--Oct. 11 KENNEDY, Daniel 13 KOCHEVAR, Floyd -Oct.
12 LAZZARINI, Sarah Elizabeth-Oct. 14 LUM, Harvey--Oct. 8 MAICHEL, Joseph 8 McCARTHY, Ruth- Oct. 14 MERRILL, Elbert Edward MURPHY, David-17th year AnniNORTON. Henry 12 O'NEILL, Mary Jane--Oct.
14 OTTOVICH, Rachel--Oct. 14 PANKOW, Wiliam 13 REYNOLDS. Royal Lewis Oct. 13 SCHUTTE, JOHN--Oct. 14 21, 1994 Fell, and Sheila Parsons, 21, 1994 Fell St.
Bullis, 21, 2533 18th and Kathryn Cullen, 19, San Rafael. JOHNPEER-PAUL-Gordon Johnpeer, 18, U.S. Navy, and Kathleen Paul, 18. Vallejo BENNETT-GONZALEZ-Jack Bennett, 21, 805 Bush and Pamela Gonzalez, 19, 805 Bush St. PATCH and Cleo Galles, Patch, 26, 25, Daly 1459 City.
SHIPMAN- UR 0-Frederick Shipman, 21, Pacifica, and Sharon Yurko, 18. Pacifica. Stone, 22, 722 Taylor and Pamela Taylor, 18, San Carlos. Smith, 27, San Bruno, and Linda Maymuni, 20, Daly City. FLYNN-LANE-Ronald Flynn, 22, La Canada, and Candace Lane, 21, 30 Rockaway Ave.
BY E-JOHNSON-Michael Byrne, 22, 292 Hale, and Diane Johnson, 21, San Leandro. Howard Byars, 36, 957 Mission, and Diana Rodrigues, 23 Tioga. SMALL-MURILLO-Bert Small 28, 589 Post. and Maria Murillo, 33, 589 Post. EVENS Alabama, and Jean Stevens, Emler, 55.
Downieville. LEE-JUDGE-Donal Lee, 38, 1382 43rd and Mary Judge, 28, 1661 18th Ave. COLBURN-FAIGIN-Paul Colburn, 21, 15 Bruce, and Lynda Faigin, 23, 1 Holloway Ave. -Terrell Abshire, 21, Redwood Valley, and Anita Gerhart, 20, 41 Dunsmuir St. LAW-CHOW-Frederick Law, 28, 1540 Mason and Rebecca Chow, 23, 1305 Powell St.
Washington, 27, 1905 Laguna and Sharon Davis, 22, 1905 Laguna St. LA POINTE-WILSON-Alan La Pointe, 22, 269 Talbert and Lynne Wilson, 21, 14 El Sereno Ct. POINDEXTER-G A R- Lonnie Poindexter 27, Berkeley, and Virginia Gardner, 27, 357 Los Palmos. Hite, 39, Larkspur, and Mary Cimarelli, 33, 642 Taraval. STONE-KIRCHHOFF-Cecil Stone, 44.
1087 Market, and Laura Kirchhoff, 44, 2841 Taraval. Tedesco, 24, So. S.F., and Patricia Mallon, 28, A Wisconsin, and Nancy Sin25, 501 Douglass. A Sweet. der.
an, 18, Oxford. TIMBERLAKE-C E-Wilbur Timberlake, 43, 355 Sawyer, and Ann Cope, 34. 226 Leland Ave. Golden Gate, and Mable Knight, Tyler, 25. 2844 24, 1519 McKinnon.
JUSKA-ETTINGER-Henry Juska, 23, Pacifica, and Joan Ettinger, 26, Pacifica. HERRERA- Herrera. 20, Selma, and Sandra Legrand, 19, 876 Douglass St. Divorce COMPLAINTS FILED STIEHR-Dennis vs. Gail.
PABLO- Juan Teresa. -Dennis vs. Nancy. LAZAR- vs. Ernest.
BARRETTA-Donna vs. Silvio. CICERI--Joan Richard. SANCHEZUMitilde vs. Pedro.
INTERLOCUTORY GILMORE- from Charles. KIDWELL-Zerna from Daniel. BOXER-Valerie from Abraham. ZARAOOZA-Jutio from Luz. HARRIS MORALES Melanie from Henry.
-Sixto from Nera. from J.R. CRONE Renee from David. KLINKER-Dolores from Charles. FINAL DECREE COOPER--Ida and Freddie.
YOUNG- and Robert. BURKETT-Betty and Victor. CHINN--May and Edward. PAUL-Lois and Charles. VANS and Peter.
and John. DAVIS Ruby and Goree. MYRICK- Billie and John. CHOW--Mary and Elmer. DAUGHERTY-Elsa and Charles.
STORM-Palle and Britten. SHANNON Grace and Conald. SEARS--Ethel and Alva. YARBROUGH- and Salena. CLASEN- Joann Philip.
Henry. Probates FILED OCT. 14, 1965 SALVATOR P. BROCATO-Estate $29, 800, Petitioner Benedetto Brocato, Oct. 28.
EMIL LINICH Walter Linich, Oct. 28. ALVERTA C. THOMAS--Unknown, Charles J. Thomas, Oct.
29. LEE Altaneze Taylor, Oct. 28. HANNAH T. Gerald Griffin, GENEVIEVE McCORNICK SALISBURY -Unknown, Fargo Oct.
KATHARINE SMITH WILLD-Unknown, Richard 0. Herman. Oct. 29. JOHN JOSEPH Ludmilla Mcinerney, Nov.
1. ROSE STERN Elias N. Leid. er, Nov. 4.
MARY FRANCES LEWORT known, Thomas J. Murray, Nov. 2 A-MAE -Unknown, Kenneth Carl Knabenshuh, Oct. 28. EMILE REDINGER- Unknown, Bank of America, Oct.
29. MAUDE Marion M. Symon and Mildred M. Mclntyre, Nov. 4.
New Problem For Erhard BONN (AP) West German Chancellor Ludwig Erhard met today with leaders of his Christian Democratic Party to decide what to do about the sudden deadlock in his efforts to form a new West German government. The crisis arose last night when the Free Democrats, the junior partners in Erhard's coalition. walked out of the negotiations. The Free Democrats want their leader, Vice Chancellor Erich Mende, to keep his other job of Minister of All-German Affairs. Erhard wants to replace him with a Christian Democrat.
Nudist Club Drive HOTNET (England)- house for prospective members next month. SHELBY, Russell 10 TROUIN, George 13 UHLMANN. AMALIE-OcL. 13 VOLLMAR, Wilma--Oct. 13 YOUNG, Richard -Oct.
14 AIELLO (Arilio), Andrew--In San Francisco. Oct, 12, 1965, Andrew Aielio (Arilio); a native of Italy, aged 72 years. A veteran of World War Friends are invited to attend the funeral on Monday, at 1:15 p.m., from the Chapel of VALENTE, MARINI, PERATA 649 GREEN ST. Interment, Golden Gate National Cemetery. (Visiting hours until 9 p.m.) BOYLE, John Napa, Oct.
13, John Boyle, husband of Mrs. Gilberthe Boyle of Napa, father of Robert Evans of Piedmont, brother of Miss Grace Boyle of San Francisco; a native of California; aged 68 years. Funeral services will be held Saturday, Oct. 16, at 9:45 a.m. at the Chapel of RICHARD PIERCE FUNERAL SERVICE, 1650 Silverado Trail.
Napa, thence to St. Apollinaris Church, where a Requiem Mass will be offered for the repose of his soul, at 10. a.m. Rosary at 8 p.m. Friday, Oct.
15. Graveside services will be held at 12:30 p.m. Monday, Oct. 18. 1965 at Holy Cross Cemetery, Colma.
CATHEY. Jose 11, 1965, loving son of Stanley and Barbara Norris. brother of Leon, Joseph, Josephine and Lillian Ca they; a native of Arizona. The funeral will take place on Saturday, October 16 at 8:30 a.m. from the MEMORIAL CHAPELS OF CAREW ENGLISH, Masonic and Golden Gate thence to St.
Agnes Church, Masonic at Page where a Requiem Mass will be offered for the repose of his soul commencing at 9 a.m. Rosary Friday evening at 8 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery, delONGH, Ethel Elizabeth--In this city, Oct. 14, 1965. Ethel Elizabeth delongh, beloved wife of the late Cornelius Dasse delongh; loving mother of H.
Robert delongh and Emily Terkelson; grandfather of Robert and Karen Terkelson, Robin, Lita, Jody and Dasse delongh; also survived by brothers and sisters. Funeral services Saturday at 11 at ASHLEY McMULLEN'S, 4200 Geary bivd. at Sixth ave. Inurn ment, Woodlawn Memorial Park. PARKING--ENTER SIXTH AVE.
DOHERTY, Aileen Redwood City, Oct. 13, 1965, Aileen M. Doherty, beloved wife of the late William E. Doherty: devoted mother of Raymond Doherty: loving grandmother of William, Elizabeth. John and Patricia Doherty; beloved daughter of the late John S.
and Clara L. loving sister of the late Raymond Egan and Mrs. Claire Ward A native of San Francisco. A past president of Novo Club. Funeral Saturday at 9:15 a.m.
from Chapels of ARTHUR J. SULLIVAN 2254 Market bet. 15th and 16th. then to St. Cecilia's Church, where a Requiem High Mass will be offered at a.m.
Interment. Holv Cross Cemetery. Rosary Friday at 8 p.m. DOUGHERTY, Angela--In this city Oct. 13, 1965, beloved daughter of the late Richard and Mary Dougherty; devoted sister of Mrs.
Constance Schmit of Lewistown, Montana, Stephanie and the late Theodora Dougherty; loving aunt of Jospeh W. Schmit, Mary Garrity and Suzanne Healy; a native of Montana; a member of the Confraternity of Sr. Monica's Parish, and the Legion of Mary. Friends are invited to attend the funeral Saturday, at 9 a.m.. from the Evergreen Mortuary of McAVOY-O'HARA Geary Blvd.
at Tenth thence to St. Monica's Church where a Requiem High Mass will be offered at 9:30 a.m. Interment Holy Cross tery. Rosary Friday at 8 p.m. PARKING COURT TENTH AVE.
DUNLEVY, Timothy Belmont. Oct. 13, 1965. Timothy P. Dunlevy, beloved husband of Alma Dunlevy of Belmont, devoted father of Bryan Dunievy, of Belmont and Mrs.
Mary Ann Thornburg of Portland, Oregon; brother of John Dunlevy and Mrs. Lorraine Daly of San Francisco, and Mrs. Catherine Martin of Kentfield: a native of San Francisco, aged 55 years. Funeral services will be conducted Saturday. Oct.
16. 1965, at 9:30 a.m. at the CARLMONT CHAPEL, 1101 Alameda de las Pulgas, Belmont, thence to the Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, Belmont, where a Requiem Mass will be said for the repose of his soul commencing at 10 o'clock. Interment will be at Holy Cross Cemetery, Colma. The Rosary will be recited Friday evening at 8 o'clock at the Chapel.
FITZGERALD, Gerald -beloved Margaret. Noel and Craig Fitzgerald, loved brother of Claire Fitzgerald and Marie Devin. devoted grandfather of Bradley, Ethan, Joel and Heather Fitzgerald. A Requiem Mass was celebrated Wednesday morning at St. Brigid's Church, HALSTED 1123 SUTTER ST.
GOLDSTINE, Samuel -In this city. October 14, 1965. beloved hus band of Hannah Goldstine, devoted father of Irma B. Goldstine and Ralph Goldstine; devoted grandfather of Joyce King; greatgrandfather of Lisa, Juliet and Suzanne King: loving brother of Florence G. Norton; a native of Monterey, Calif.
Services Sunday 1 p.m. at Sinai Me mo rial Chapel. Divisadero Street at Geary. Inurnment Portals of Eternity (Contributions to your favorite charity preferred). Monterey papers please copy.
HANLON. Robert Joseph--in San Francisco, Oct. 11, 1965, Robert Joseph Hanlon, dearly beloved son of Agnes Hanion and the late Robert D. Hanlon, devoted brother of John J. Hanion, Ellen R.
Riley and Agnes A. Burns, also survived by other relatives; a native of San Francisco; a member of Teamsters Union, Local No. 85. Private services were conducted Thursday, Oct. 14, at the Chapels of SUHR WIEBOLDT with Interment at Golden Gate National Cemetery.
KENNEDY, Daniel this city, Oct. 13, 1965, beloved husband of Margaret Kennedy, devoted father of Harold Gerald Charles D. and Robert E. Kenne dy and the late Clair Kennedy, endeared brother of Thomas Ken nedy, loving grandfather of seven grandchildren; a ber of Beauticians Barbers Union Local 148: Mission Council. Knights of Columbus No.
2519. St. Vincent de Paul Society, Holy Name Society of St. Finn Barr's Church. Friends are invited to attend the funeral Saturday at 8:30 a.m.
from REILLY 29th Dolores thence to St. Finn Barr's Church, where a Requiem Mass will be offered at 9 a.m. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery, Rosary Friday 8 p.m. Spiritual bouquets preferred Goodwin Scannell, Directors KOCHEVAR, Floyd -Oct. 12, 1965, loving husband of Eleanor Kochevar, son of Rosalie Kochevar, brother of Angie, Rosie, Maxine, Peter and William Kochevar, stepfather of George Kristoff.
Evening services Friday 8 p.m. Services Saturday 12 noon daphne sffs, one church st. LAZZARINI Sarah Oct. 14. Elizabeth.
1965: wife in of the late Charles: dearly beloved sister of Mary Murray, San Francisco; Grace Nowak, San Francisco: Gladys Scott, Greenville: Henry Dean, Seneca: John Dean, Seneca; Ernest Dean, Chester. Calif: a native of San Francisco, aged 89 years. Services will be held on Saturday, Oct. 16, at 2 p.m. in the lone Baptist Church.
lone Calif, Interment, lone City Cemetery. THE SAN FRANCISCO HEART ASSOCIATION gratefully acknowledges all Memorial gifts. 259 Geary St. YU 2-5753 LUM. Harvey--In this City.
Oct. 8. 1965. Harvey Lum, beloved husband of Olive Lum, loving father of Mrs. Eunice Jung and Moonvene Lew, son of Mrs.
Chang Gum Tai, brother of Benson and David Lum, grandfather of six grandchildren. Services, Sunday, 10:30 a.m., CATHAY MORTUARY, 1213 Powell st. MAICHEL, Joseph sea, Oct. 8, 1965, beloved son of George and the late Olive Maichel; devoted brother of Shirley Rowan: loving nephew of Agnes I. O'Connell; native of San Francisco, aged 42 years.
A member of the Sailor's Union of the Pacific, Burial took place at sea. McCARTHY, Ruth--Oct. 14, 1965, Ruth McCarthy, loving sister of the late Regis McCarthy. A native of San Fraicisco, Friends are invited to attend the funeral on Saturday at 8:30 a.m. from the Chapel of VALENTE, MARINI.
PERATA 4840 Mission st. therce to Church of the Epiphany, where Requiem Mass will be offered. commencing at 9 a.m. Interment, Holy Cross Cemetery. Rosary Friday evening at 8 o'clock.
(Visiting hours until 9 p.m.) MERRILL, Elbert Edward--Beloved father of Michelle Merrill, and Mrs. Shirley Kliman, fond brother of Jack, Archie and Edna Merrill. Services Friday in Los Angeles, followed by interment in Holy Cross Cemetery, Colma, Calif. NORTON, Henry San Rafael. Oct.
12. 1965. husband of Evelyn Norton, father of Mrs. Robert Elliot, Mrs. Peter Madison, Margaret Norton and John L.
Rockwell, stepfather of Peter C. and John Wiseman; and Wiseman Denzer and Mrs. Donald M. Armstrong: a native of Illinois. aged 81 years.
Memorial services will be held at his home, 339 Fairhills, San Rafael. Saturdav. Oct. 16 1965 at 1 p.m. KEATON'S SERVICE O'NEILL, Mary Jane--In this city, October 14, 1965, beloved wife of the late Frank O'Neill, devoted mother of Mrs.
Dorothy Hemmenway; loving grandmother of Janice, William, James, Carol and John Hemmenway; loving sister of Margaret Dignan, Hazel Steinmetz and Charles Burns. A native of San Francisco. A member of Holy Rosary Sodality and Confraternity of St. Anne's Church. Funeral, Saturday at 9 a.m.
from Chapels of ARTHUR J. SULLIVAN 2254 Market St. bet. 15th 16th, then to St. Anne's Church where Requiem Mass will be offered at 9:30 a.m.
Interment. Holy Cross Cemetery, Rosary Friday, at 8:00 p.m Oct. 14, 1965, dearly beloved OTTOVICH, Rachel--In St. Helena. wife of Isadore Ottovich, loving mother of Marion Wilmont, Sarah O'Neal, Jack Ottovich, Eve Fields, and Bernard Ottovich, devoted Maurice sister of Bert Sumroy.
Sadie Marks, Frances Huey, Ruth Fox and Mildred Clark: also leaves 20 grandchildren and one great-grandchild; vice, president of the East Bay Auxiliary No. 2, of the City of Hope and past president four times: Hebrew a member Center of the Berkeley Beth Israel. Royal Neighbors of America and B'nai B'rith Ladies Auxiliary; a native of England: Friends are invited to attend aged 62 years. the funeral services from the CAPORGNO CO. MORTUARY, 1727 Grove Oakland, Sunday, Oct.
17 at 2:30 p.m.. Rabbi Paul Laderman officiating. Cemetery, Interment, OakHome of Peace land. PANKOW, William Salinas, Oct. 13, 1960, William 0.
Pankow, beloved husband Billi of Lou ie C. Pankow, father of and Paul Dana Pankow, all of Menlo Park, son of Mrs. Mabel Pankow of Buffalo, N.Y., brother of Mrs. Harold Santmire, Buffalo, N.Y., Bradley Pankow of Florida, Mrs. Ralph Brighton.
WitSnyder, N.Y. and Rev. Richard liamsville. N.Y., Robert Pankow, Pankow, Valley Stream. N.Y.: aged N.Y.; 37 a native of Buffalo, years.
Friends are invited to attend funeral services, 2 p.m. Satthe urday, at the Johnston Colonial Mortuary, 650 Live Oak Menio Park. Interment private. REYNOLDS, Royal Lewis--October 13. 1965, beioved husband of Mabelle M.
Reynolds, loving father of Mrs. Jean Mainaris of San Rafael, Mrs. Lucille Vario of Oakland and the late Royal Lewis Reynolds of San Francisco. Brother of Justus Reynolds of SacraGrandfather ol Helene, mento. Theo, Jeannie, and Starr Mainaris, and Mrs.
Andrea Loftin, Royal Lewis Reynolds Ill and Stephen Vario, A native of California, A memoer of the V.F.W. Private funeral services were held at the Telegraph Avenue Chapel of GRANT MILLER MORTUARIES, Friday, October 15. Interment Golden Gate National Cemetery. SCHUTTE, John 14, 1965, beloved loving brother of Max husband of Myrtle Schutte; Schutte: loved brother-in-law of the vale Rosetta A. Schutte.
Rosary Friday evening, 8 o'clock, HALSTED 1123 Sutter at st. A Mass of Requiem will be offered Saturday morning 10:30 o'clock at St. Vincent de Paul's Church, Green st, at Steiner. Entombment Holy Cross Mausoleum. COMPLIMENTARY PARKING Russell this City SHELBY, 10 a native of New Oct.
1965. 76 years: a former York, aged railroad employee. services will be held Funeral 15 at 1 p.in. at La Friday. Oct ESTRELLITA MORTUARY, 1159 Valencia street.
Interment. Olivet Memorial Park. TROUIN George this city, Oct. 13, 1965, George W. Trouin.
husband of the late An beloved M. Trouin, loving brother of nie Frank Trouin. devoted uncle of Mrs. Mildred Pro. Mrs.
Edna Funge and Mrs. Ellen Nevins; a of San Francisco; aged 86 native years; a retired employee of United States Postal Service. Friends may call afetr 2 p.m., Friday and are invited to attend the funeral Saturday, at 8:30 a.m., from the Evergreen Mortuary of Geary Blvd. at Tenth thence to St. Mary's Cathedral, (temporary location Sacred Heart High School Auditorium) where a ReMass will be offered at 9 quiem a.m.
Interment, Holy Cross Cemetery. PARKING COURT TENTH UHLMANN. Amalie -In Sunnyvale, Oct. 13. 1965, loving wife San Francisco's Highly Trusted Funeral Directors Halsled 9 Company 1128 Sutter Street OR 3-3000 of John Uhimann of Sunnyvale, loving mother of Margaret Osborn of San Jose, Pearl Giese of San Francisco, grandmother of Pearl Rob: ert Nitsch Osborn and of John Los Giese of S.F., Altos, great-grandmother of 73 two.
years. a tive Friends of France, are aged invited to attend the at funeral a.m., services from the HOWARD Monday, Oct. 18 9 H. WYANT FUNERAL HOME, Sun. nyvale, thence.
to St. Martin's at Church for a Interment Alta Mesa Requiem Mass 9:30 a.m. Memorial Park. Rosary 8 p.m, Sunday, Wilma this Vollmar. city, VOLLMAR, Oct.
13. 1965, beloved wife of the late Frederick William Elizabeth Vollmar. E. Wilkie, loving loving daughter of mother of Gale Enright and JoceVollmar, devoted Stockton, sister of loving Willyn liam F. Wilkie grandmother of of Billy and Dawn Enright and Laura will Holmes.
be held on Funeral services Oct. 16, at 11 a.m.. at Saturday, Memorial Chapels of CAREW the ENGLISH, Masonic at Golden Gate Ave. Inurnment private. Donations to the American Cancer Society preferred.
Ricard A. this Young, city, Oct. YOUNG, 14, 1965, Richard beloved husband of the late Mary of Agnes Young, devoted father Helen McDowd of San Francisco. Maxine Kelley of Fresno, and Richard J. Young of South San Francisco, loving of eight grandchildren, brother of Katherine Price, Coryall and Mae Hicks.
Friends are invited to attend the funeral services 9:30 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 16 at St. Montfort Emydius. Church, Ashton and De Avenues where a Requiem Mass will be recited.
Rosary 8:00 p.m. Oct. 15. at N. GRAY 4 Friday, Divisadero St.
at Post. In Memoriam MURPHY. year Anniversary Anne's Church, be Saturday, offered at St, Oct. 16, for our beloved husband and father. Helena Murphy and Family REBER, John--In loving husband memory of my dearly beloved John Reber ago today.
May his who passed away five years soul rest in peace. MRS. JOHN REBER SPOHN, M.D., Eugene (Oct. 15, 1963) We do not lose the ones we love: They only go before Where there is everlasting life Where sorrow is no more And where the soul will always live And peace is everywhere And God takes us in His care. MAEVARA Florists BELLI BELLI 430 POWELL ST.
982-8800 HENRY SCHRUMPF VALENCIA MI 7.8277 SHERIDAN BELL 120 MAIDEN LANE SU 1-2300 4 Funeral Directors Carrm English FUNERAL DIRECTORS Dignified Services Any Family Can Afford All Faiths Carem English FUNERAL DIRECTORS 850 MASONIC AVENUE FILLMORE 6-2414 AMPLE FREE PARKING Cemeteries WOODLAWN Memorial Park Mi Providing BEFORE NEED Spares Your Loved Ones Colma, California PL 5-1727 WOODLAWN Memorial Park Veterans' Godeau Funerals FUNERAL HOME Expertly 41 Van Market Planned San Francisco 94102 HE 1-1230 Since 1895-all faiths have been served by beautiful Olivet: PARK MEMORIAL OLIVET MEMORIAL PARK 1601 HILLSIDE BOULEVARD Write for tree must ated brochure COLMA, SAN MATEO COUNTY- -PHONE 755-0322.