THE CAPITAL TIMES, Monday, Jan. 30, 1967 19 AiiilIVo Wings Holy Name in Tenth Cage Win Parnelli Jones Is Riverside Winner Truman, Meier Are y.iaiifierg EAU CLAIRE Mark Truman in Class and Tom WAUKESHA Madison Holy Name high school's basketball team won its 10th game in 111 Meier, in Class members of starts here Sundav by beating 'the Madison Blackhawk Junior East Trnv Divine Word. 80-63. iSki Club qualified for the Cen- itrai united aiaies oki jumping Steve Nolan scored 25 points, to nament at Wisconsin Rap-1 Goldsmith Takes 2nd RIVERSIDE, Calif, iff) It took a thinking man to dethrone Dan Gurney as champ of the ids on Feb. 12 in the regional jumping tournament Sunday.
Truman 17, Meier is 13. Also competing in the tourney were Paul Schorr, Steve Duckwitz and Bill Buglass in Class B. for the Hilanders with John Clark adding 18. Mike Ahern had 25 for the losers. Holy Name College defeated Mt.
St. Paul, 82-64, in the second game of the doubleheader. Box score: 1 Pee-Wees Win Holy Namo-80 Divine Word-a fg ft ol to ft ot 7 1 6 3 2 Clark annual Riverside-Motor Trend 500-mile race for grand nation, al stock cars. A balding, wiry driver named Parnelli Jones thought and drove his way around the twisty, 2.7-mile course Sundav to win $21,980 in the delayed race. The race, started a week ton MILWAUKEE The Madi-! i 3 i son West Side TeeWee hockey! 1 3 team defeated the Milwaukee 0 owiAi- en cnrln law 2 5 1 Inqala 3 1 2 Dorn 1 0 3 Nolan 10 5 0 Endres I 1 3 Neurmiffller 0 0 0 McSorley 1 0 3 Haas Ryan 3 4 4 i Simon scored a shutout in the I a Bantam game, the Totals 541SU Totals 34 is is nets.
In "I read where Deniel Boone usta get by on to Milwaukee, oiyin. w.S' Tii i 17-41 Westsiders lost Holy Name 1 7-M 70 PTM: Olvlnt Word Holy Name I I' but postponed by rain, pitted some of the nation's top driv a pocketful of parched corn. ers against four-time winner Gurney, and the pressure finally paid off. ZSA ZSA GABOR says SAVE MONEY at AAMCO An unidentified ski jumper soars above spectators on Hustlers Roll Season Record The Hustlers rolled to a season record of 2,778 in junior 'bowling Saturday at Dream Lanes with Tom Fosdick lead Ambelang Paces Win; Scores 16 Blessed Sacrament won its fifth game in six Parochial Bas-betkall League games Saturday when it beat Edgewood, 29-19 largest AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION I Jones, of Torrance, entered the race determined to avoid an old broken machinery. He said he thought about it constantly.
"I felt I could outrun all the wintery Sunday afternoon at the Blackhawk meet at Tomahawk Ridge. World ski jumping champ, Bjorn Wirkola of Norway, took honors by setting a new hill record of 206 feet. (AP Wirephoto). SPECIALISTS! I COMPLETE INSPECTION SERVICE ing the way with a 646 on! at Midvale. other Jones said, "and! I thought if I talked to myself I Mil a UKCC 1 111 Jay Ambelang had 16 points for Blessed Sacrament and Mike games of 201-224-221.
It was his "sixth honor count. Bob Bakke scored 561, Dick TREUISO ADVANTI Pair Signed CLEVELAND () Outfielder Vic Davallilo and Chuck Gahagan scored 10 for Edge- Entries in Lead Wanless 560, Bill Nelson 552 WOod nd 1 yw FREE! Towim Roidteit with binding! guarantee Reg. S9.95 34.20 APD. t'TfiW in Hone Mn MS Highar MtW OF CARS Includes: Htmovlnj, Olamanlllni Inspection and Reassemble. EXCLUSIVE WITH AAMCO LIFETIME GUARANTEE Froe parts and labor on all AAMCO custom rebuilt transmissions and torque converter as long as you IW.
your own car and service It annually at a modest sirvict chant at any of the 300 AAMCO shops coast to coast. There are no other fuirantees liu this one. ONLY Anns "tS MB MONET DOWN 1 Day Seivlco bowlers took early lmls the "le'r i could keep from punishing the car and I might make it." He made it, averaging 91.08 miles an hour in a 1967 Ford. He was sometimes a whole lap ahead, especially after Fur-ney's machine, a 1867 Mercury Cyclone, blew its engine near the end of the race. lY THMS 65th men's state bowling tcur-i 3.
ve" and Dave Mueller 459 in the Hustlers total. Byron Ammer-man tied the season individual record with a 244 at Casino Lanes. Best scores: Queen of Peace lost to St. Bernard, 36-35, despite 23 points by Tom Clauder. Dan Mooney scored 17 points including two free throws in the last eight seconds to give Queen of Peace the victory.
St. Dennis beat St. Maria Sunday after the first weekend of competition i ch' Davahllo, in his fifth year as runs tc Mav 14. i a centerfielder, hit .250 last TREUISO MARK IX with binding! and 1 year guarantee 4Q 1)1 Reg. 49.95 el.
1 TRANSMISSIONS There are 2,401 teams the' acdsu" duel a JU1 average in largest figure since 1946 and 1S; Placing second behind Jones Coretti, 25-16. Mike Thorenson was Paul Goldsmith of Mun- Open 8 a.m. til 6 P.M. Daily Saturday til 12 834 SOUTH PARK ST. Phone 257-0686 had nine points for St.
Dennis, ster, in a 1966 Plymouth, a reco 7.000 seekers of the ias' award. There are sm wnile Plaving several Psi-more than $86,000 in prizes; other record. I nowt nave eI8ht Ar dv Stuart rolled 636 to lead Players under contract- TREUISO INNSBRICK with bindings and 1 year guarantee nm QA followed by Norm Nelson of Racine. in a 1967 Plymouth. Goldsmith got $8,828 for his work.
tl Reg. 39.DS ci Steve Schiro scored 10 points and Don Hensen nine as St. James whacked St. Pat's, 36-13. Bob Arnold had 11 of St.
Pat's 13 points. At ARCADE LANES Juniort: Scott Woerth 462; Gary Kas-baum 437; Ole Johnson 523 (1MI. Girls Nancy Palten Karen Adler 3V; Sue Adler 352. At SAGLES LANES Junlerst Ed Foster 550 1200); Bill Schmelier 490; Tom Brice 484; Dallas Quamme 455; Don Robinson 446; Bill Duncan 423. At SCHWOEGLER LANES Majors: Dlzon's Men's Wear 2.052 (713).
Tom Miller 549; Ken Wanner 545; Tim Blau 'J6i Jim O'Connell 530; RicK Folker 499. Preps: Jim Vaughn 294 (156-140); Tim Vauohn 289; John Grimm 269. Girls Jean Gruendler 270 (136-134); Vickie Baumel 234; Mamie Carlson 229. At BOWL-A-VARD LANES Juniors: League Execs 2,326 (793). Rod Bahler 530 203); Bom Martin 514 (190); Kevin Farley 484; Bill Kahl 452 Girls Roxanne Richrnan 432 (154); Nancy Enders 417 (158); Debby Andersen 387.
Pram: Bob Enders 297; Ray Velth Ire ABl Oft'ce Team No. 1 of Milwaukee into the team handi cap d'vision lead with 3.042 TREUISO SKI BOOT William Large of Milwaukee 28.67 The day almost perfect for racing except for a slight haze drew 77,000 spectators race officials said. A crowd of 61,000 turned out a week ago for the soggy first section. For Jones, it was only 1 cl. Rosten Leads Skeeter Racing Dave Rosten won a first and was the handicap singles leader with 699.
In the women's competition at Fond du Lac, Donna Rusch of Janesville, having the highest 268; Bob Grnde 259, eff Anderson 254; Kim Richman 254 GirlsTerry Healv TREUISO SKI BOOT Kris Jensen 240, pam Groom 220. a second place in the Skeeter second victory alter many Bantams: Greg Ninneman 235; Bob division races the Four Lake races on the Dooular course, single ranie 10 aaie wnn a vis, 1 3i58 lace double boot Reg. 28.95 Juniors: Incoherenls 1781 (640). BobjYacht Club's Weekly ice boat FRONT END it races on Lake Mendota Sunday Jack finis hed sec His has been a bad lucky story 'vas We aii-cvems leaner wnn especially in 1964 when he wasi'73fi- far ahead at the 400-mile mark, I She and Mildred Bartels. also anri his engine up.
Janesv'ilc. took the lead in In all, Jones led in 126 of the doubles competition with a 1,079. ond and first and Bob Kuchl- ALUMINUM SKI POLES Aflamn are; en waqner 31; 1 im ua-ruso 487; Greo Burr 471. Girls eJnny "Blaiek 43; ackle Erdman 094: Vickie Erdman 37; Janice Schaub 370. At DREAM LANES Juniors: Jim Fosdick 448 (501-M4-22th Bob Blake 5Hi Dick Wanless 560; Bill Nelson 552; Jim Lazari 549.
At SPORT BOWL Juniors: Sieve Adler 444; Carl Thels 464; Dennis Hach 442; Mark Brooks 441 1 Mike Brooks 439; Duke Dahmen 402. At CASINO LANES freos: Greo Lerdahl 267; Bru.e Stein- thau first and fourth in the DN-60 division. 1 ALIGNMENT 1 5 laps this time. 4.n Reg tM el. take during a yellow flag Hon period cost him almost a The rac; was stopped i previous veek after 50 laps hoter 264; Chuck Knuteson 255.
Glrll lap as penalty. Then a long pit stop to change tires and get CAR TOP CARRIER Sue Wenper 245; Diane courtier zjsi Allco Vlckerman 220. Juniors: Byron Ammerman 491 (2441; John Knuteson 407. Bill Hoseley 398. gas put him far behind.
He had worked up to third again 135 mile? because of rain. The delfiy caused some problems, especially to Freddie Lor-enzen ot Elmhurst, who way leading when racing clamp-on 1 pr. capacity Ren. I9.9J cl Glrls-Joleen 451 (147-172-132); Diane 13.52 -S before his engine blew up. Tlmme 437; Barbara Guflel 421.
At HILLDALE LANES Only 13 of the 44 cars entered I Mornlni Junior: Liee Drevfuss 263 S200); John Golden 454; Dave Enoeike stopped. were running at the end 440 (1831: Steve Haves 434, Tom Lem. beroer 423; Dave Bruns 4)4; Tim Bless- SKI CLOVES He had a flat tire and was; Among those felled by me- I ur laS tl mL 1,11 anc mWf aWv i rsfSrFll) I 4E manufacturer's oiigi- jBthjl FXJL 3 iyj A tE nil specifications, us-B: Nl jUmL CLs tC ing the most modern chanical ills was two-time In Ino 407. Seniors! Victors 1,843 (652). Tom Crone 543 200); Jell Adler 484 (1B2II Jim Preoler 476; Larrv Klelnhelnz 471; 7.44 rleerekin Reg.
10.95 dianapolis 500 winner A. J. Jim Crone 448 (1801; Penny powers Foyt of Houston, who left 434: Tom Kuehn 423; Mark Sweel 404. in the pits preparing to fix it. So, race officials made i leave it flat for a week and fix it when racing resumed Sunday.
It cost him ihe lead, but he made a good race of it. Blessed Sacrament: 11 Sixth grades iRon Gessler 255; Jim Topp 248; Gordy Bertaonoll 239; Don Williams 220; Mike the race on the 87th lap after his engine blew. "I've never had any luck here at Riverside, so there's no Summaries Skeeter: Dave Rosten 1-2: Bill Matt-son 2-3; Frank Trost 3-4; Jack Ripo 4-1; Johnson Art Jack 5-5; Bill Kummerlln 47; Bob Brocket 7-DNF; Jerry Simon 8-DNS; John Bluel 9-DNS; Bob Clements DNF-DNS, DN-40: Bob Kuehlthau Ml Jack Loew 2-1; Glen Christensen DNF-2; Harry Field DNS-3; Bob Brocknell DNS-5. U.S. Swimmers Defeat Canada PITTS BURGH (l The American team has won Canadian-American duel swimming meet for the 11th straight year with a 663-216 triumph.
A top American performer in the two-day meet that ended Sunday was Terry Var-y of St. Louis, setting a meet record of 1:03.9 in the 100-yard girls open backstroke. Miss Varney was second in the 100-yard butterfly for girls 13 and 14. She and the winner in that event, Sally Harvey of Fort Lauderdale, Fla. qualified for women's national swimming championships with times under one minute, four seconds.
serpen Z'a; fete Aspinwou uv; vyiris, Dehlba Brusca 181; Mary Crowley 181; SKI MITTENS 4 Sift I I I Busid McCormlck 19. Seventh-Elphth cl. grades Girls, Carol Marking 232; Col leen Dunn 205; Sue Reuschleln 205. Rej 4,5 Morning Bantams: Fugitives 1,231 Gurney was in good position reason for mv luck to change to win for awhile, but a mis- Foyt said. (6661.
Jeff Bruns 309 (140169); Mark Campanile St; Bob Bevler 271; George Albrioht 27; Jim Rubnlti 256; Steve SKI COCCLES Ketterhagen 746; Scott Vanco 243; Ed Berry 242. Girls-Jackie Killing, 271 (178); Sanndy Mann 235; Patty Engelke nn- nan Daniels 713: Barb Bowers 211. dual leni 1.64 I Afternoon Bantams: Tom Brandt 308 (152 154); Jerry Slelatr 26; uutt orun-gardt 282; Terry Klein 281; Dous Hoare 267; Bill Felrn 241; Gary Dobson 236. "Girls-Chris Accardo 218; Jody Varney 200. I BOOT TREES Jerry West of Los Angeles clamp-on Reg.
l.U 2.36 1 scored 840 free throws in 1965 for a National Basketball As sociation record. I I TOBOGGANS I LUND 8 ft. 1 BUY NOW Thursday III I 1x555 NoDrEv a WEEK 1 MONTHS 3 ONLY T0PAY "IU.OALEO.VLV parSextra if n8ed9d gj KfAfifMfiWAl I BATTERY A IE llnBB 1288 'motor6 I eUJ l-st Fits most KING ttyBffr cars 12-Vcars Our high quality A Wa BBmSBkW Exchange Exchange Selected 12 Mo. Guarantee '4 USED $195 4 T6RES up 1 19.88 Reg. $32.50 cl.
You can tell it's Canadian Club with your eyfeSJhut. NO OTHER WHISKY IN THE WORLD TASTES LUND 6 ft. 16.88 Res $27.50 el. SIZES 6 to 14 WIDTHS A to EEE 8 ft. PAD 5.99 Rf.
$9.50 cl. QUITE LIKE Most Sixei Availabln 6 ft. PAD SAVE NOW! BUY A PAIR 4.99 Ref. $8 oo cl. 9j ACT NOW i up lo 50 PLAIN TOE TRI- WINGTIP CASUALS Res.
$10.95 to $32.95 NOW FROM 8bo tfl s2635 Free Transportation To and From Work or Your Home for Auto Service. I state; ONE CROUP LOAFERS SPORTING HOODS NOW Sg50 HALF PRICE SPEEDWAY Where your dollar buys MILES more I rifiovfQ Hi I I I I 1 HIGHWAY Sr "nut- SAFfTY T7 DOWNTOWN si a Taw tut Umm. rag 4515 Monona Drive 222-7097 Open 9-9 Sat. If HILLDALE 7M North Midvale Blvd. 238-8491 Open Mon.
thru M. 7 .30 Saturday! 215 East Washington Ave. 256-4875 Open Manoey 7 Tuesday (nd Saturday 30 Capitol Tog Shop 231 State Street Shop Monday and Thursday 'HI 9 Phone 222-7097 I TIMS 010 IMP0KH0 IN B0IIU IR0M UWM tl HlMB ttt IMP0I1CS5 01 KOI I MICH. 66 PROOF. lUWtD CAMDIAH WHISKK.
Hrndtjunrtcr for Philcn Appliancv I A..