The Gering Courier from Gering, Nebraska (2024)

4. Sod House Fall Meeting The Sodhouse Society fall meeting will be held Sunday, Oct. 12, at the state 4-H camp lodge in the Nebraska National Forest near Halsey. A program and activities are planned and it is open to all who might wish to attend. Many members of this organization reside in this area of the Panhandle.

Registration will begin at 9 a.m. and at this time a book table will be open with pioneer exhibits on display. The morning meeting commences at 10:30 with Mrs. Hal Stevens of Holdrege, new president, conducting the meeting. The morning meeting will include devotionals with special music.

Dr. and Mrs. Glen Auble of Ord, and past officers will participate. Dinner will be served at the lodge at noon and tickets may be purchased at the registration desk during the morning. The afternoon program will begin at 1:30 in the lodge building and will feature special instrumental and vocal music by the well Keith Lewis family.

Others who will be present and participate include Mr. and Mrs. J. Dean Hersh of Dunning, immediate past president and past secretary; Phillip K. Gardner of Broken Bow, immediate past vice president; Phillip R.

Dowse of Comstock, member of the board of directors, along with several other participants. Enrollment Night Women of Moose The Women of the Moose met Monday evening, Oct. 6, for enrollment night. The following were enrolled as new members: Linda Mitchell, Judy Connelly and Sharon Hutchinson. Moose Heart Chairman Nan Snygg was in charge of enrollment.

The program on mental health and drug addition was given by Marty Weygint from the Mental Health Center. Mrs. Harvey Foos presented a citation to the Women of the Moose for their work in the Cancer Crusade. Mrs. Agnes Nielson presented Mrs.

Foos the senior regent pin upon completion of her service as junior graduate regent. Prizes were won by Freida Prince and Mildred Harrison. Hostesses were Lea Brethauer, Virginia Warren, Ruth Schulenburg, Claudette Shapland and Sandy Bartlett. The next meeting will be Oct. 20.

CLUB NEWS The Afternoon Ladies' Fellowship of the Central Church of Christ will meet for installation of officers, Thursday, Oct. 9 at the church at 2 p.m. The Gering Project club will meet with Mrs. Merle Vilmur, Friday, Oct. 10 at 2 p.m.

The lesson will be UL the metric system. A newly organized 4-H club, will hold a bake sale Saturday, Oct. 11, at 9 a.m. at the Gering Safeway store. The Hairdressers association 22 will hold their monthly meeting, Oct.

21 at the Stable Club at 7:30 p.m. Come dressed up with an elegant hairstyle. Two prizes will be given for the total look. All hairdressers are welcome. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY DR.

THOM VAN BOSKIRK DENTIST Closed Saturdays Phone 436 4144 Gering DR. E. A. GOOD DENTIST Office Hours 8: Saturdays by Appointment 1240 Street Phone 436 2717 Gering. Nebr DR.

FLOYD E. BROWN CHIROPRACTOR Office Hours Closed Thursdays Phone 436 2933 455 Street Gering, Nebr DR. L. R. WHITAKER OPTOMETRIST Contact Lens Specialist Complete Visual Care Through Visual Analysis 910 Street Phone 436 5036 Gering DR.

SCHLOTHAUER DENTIST Telephone 436 3196 14th and Streets Gering, Nebraska 69341 DR. GLEN LORE, D.V.M. Livestock Health Consulting Service Office (308)635 0116 Home (308 436-5201 Home (308 436-5201 Or 436 2964 Box 405 Gering THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1975 GERING District Meeting WWI Held in Sidney District 7 meeting of the World War I veterans and auxiliary was held in Sidney, Sept. 28. Heading the women's meeting was District President, Pat Robbins of Alliance.

The auxiliary voted to buy pictures for the Hot Springs Veterans Hospital. Mrs. Zobel, National VAVS associate gave reports on the VA hospital in Hot Springs and also the Scottsbluff home. Mrs. Phil Schleicher was elected senior vice president.

Chairman of the men's meeting was District Commander Russell Carpenter of Alliance. Guests were Department Commander Russell Mumma and Department flag bearer Esther Mumma of Nelson and Department President Bertha Price of Peru. The Sidney auxiliary and barracks served refreshments after the meeting. TOPS Club 350 Met Wednesday TOPS club 350 met Wednesday morning at 9:30 at the Eagles Lodge in Gering. KOPS weekly queen was Terry Schneider, who was also KOPS backslider.

Maxine Netherland was TOPS weekly queen and Pauline Kechter was TOPS backslider. Mary Netherland won the lose an ounce contest. Penalty for the week is to write the TOPS pledge 30 times. Toastmistresses Met Thursday The Twin City Toastmistress club met at the employes lounge in the McCosh Drug Thursday evening. Mrs.

Ted Smith, president, called the meeting to order, led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance and gave the inspiration. Responding to table topics, as presented by Varla Aden, were Mrs. Don McCosh, Mrs. LaMar Jones and Mrs. John Johnson.

The parliamentary lesson, in the form of a question and answer bingo game, was led by Mrs. Johnson. Emily Osborne, lexicologist for the evening, presented a lesson on three often misused words. Toastmistress, Mrs. Mearl Waitman, gave a brief commentary relative to the theme of the evening, "Remember before announcing the participants.

Speakers and their titles were: Decade of Grandpa" by William Brennan; "Memories are Precious" by Mrs. LaMar Jones and "Memories" an impromptu speech, by Dorothy Evelyn. Evaluators for the speakers were Mrs. John Johnson, Mrs. Ted Smtih and Dorothy Evelyn.

Mrs. Al Messersmith served as general evaluator and Emily Osborne as grammarian. Two guests, Mrs. Melvin Knoedler and Mrs. Don Wilhalm were present.

This selfimprovement club welcomes other women who may be interested. Thompson- Rostberg Wed Recently Miss Bernice Thompson and David Rostberg were united in marriage recently, at the Church of the in Scottsbluff. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. R. W.

Carpenter, assisted by the Rev. Sherman Taylor, uncle of the bride. Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Thompson of Scottsbluff and Mr.

and Mrs. Vernal Rostberg of Larimore, N.D. Mrs. Russell Luce of Gering was soloist and was accompanied at the organ by Mrs. John Hegwood of Gering.

Lighting candles were Rodney and Susan Prouty, cousins of the bride. The bride, escorted by her father, wore a long dress of lace over bridal satin. The bodice featured a stand up collar and long lace sleeves. Her fingertip veil of illusion was held in place by a crown of seed pearls. She carried a white Bible accented with orchids.

The bride's gown was made and designed by Mrs. Harold Penner of Gering. Serving as maid of honor was Lori Hegwood, cousin of the bride and bridesmaid was Carol Penner. Flower girl was Rhonda Prouty, ring bearer, Jason Prouty and Diane Prouty was in charge of the guestbook. Best man was Steve Lind of Oslo, cousin of the groom, Harold Walker was groomsman and ushers were Wendell and Bryon Thompson, brothers of the bride.

A reception was held in the church and serving were aunts of the couple, Mrs. Stan Prouty, Mrs. Walt Prouty, Mrs. Lyle Prouty, Mrs. Lester Prouty, Mrs.

Sherman Taylor, Miss Alice Rostberg and Mrs. Ed Taylor. Following a wedding trip to Central Nebraska, the couple is residing in Scottsbluff where she is employed at Cannon Brothers Ford and he is employed at the Veterans Home. Eagles Auxiliary Regular Meeting Scottsbluff-Gering Eagles auxiliary met Thursday evening for a covered dish supper. Elizabeth Cohen, state madam president, visited the auxiliary, also three visitors from newly organized auxiliary in Sidney.

The ritual team draped the charter for Nina Cross. Delegates selected to attend the zone conference were Ruby Koch, Jane Schilling and Elva McKean. The third and final reading of the by laws were read by Jane Schilling, chairman. Anyone interested in having a booth for the Handicraft Fair, Nov. 22 and 23, is asked to contact Ruby Koch or Shirley Purnell.

Marie Green won the attendance pot, Dixie Livingston the mystery gift and Louise "ramer's name was drawn for the pot of gold. Hostess for the evening was Irene Walters and her committee. The next meeting will be Oct. 16 at 8 p.m. for initiation.

YOU'LL JUST LOVE HELEN'S SELECTION OF COATS Fur Trim Manmade Fur Suedes Manmade Leather $79.95 to $159.00 See the latest styles at HOUSE OF STYLE COURIER -Page 1 Phone 436-2222 Social Chene Lil Sorensen, Society Editor 80 Residents 50th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Earl Horton, former Scottsbluff residents, recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at a reception held in the clubhouse in Picadilly Square, 1251 S. Bellaire, Denver. The event was hosted by his sisters, Mrs.

Glenva Lord of Denver and Mrs. Lucile Redding of Danbury, and nieces, Connie Redding of Denver and Faith Lutheran Mission Fair Faith Lutheran Church held a Mission Fair, Sunday, Oct. 5 during the Sunday school hour. The ladies of the Lutheran Women's Missionary League, organized booths and displays depicting mission work of the church in foreign countries, in the United States and with the youth. Cookies, cakes and snacks from the various countries were prepared and tasted at the various booths.

A film on the church mission work abroad was shown, with the challenge of all that yet needs to be done in the field of missions. Jaycee Ems Annual Neighbor Night "Country Kitchen" was the theme of the Gering Jaycee Ems annual Neighbor Night held Monday, Oct. 6. An old fashioned meal was served to members and guests from neighboring towns before the program. Tina Cook gave a speech, entitled '200 Years Ago" about her heritage.

Mrs. Harry Hokamp gave a spinning demonstration and members of Dorothy Bronson's voice class performed. Special guests included the state Mrs. Jaycee president, Dee Tonniges. At the business meting, the group approved purchasing Christmas gifts for five foster children.

A Halloween social was planned. An orientation for members and others who are interested, will be held on Saturday, Oct. 11 at the home of Mrs. Maurie Dienes. TOPS Club 320 Met Wednesday TOPS club 320 met Wednesday at Colson Manor with eight members present.

Mary Lopez and Imogene Lewis tied for weekly best loser. Potatoes and cutting meal into half portions were the forbidden food. Penalty for gainers is to touch toes ten times. Rose Schumacher and Donna Reifschneider tied for the pledge contest. This contest will begin again and end Nov.

12. Jessie Floth won the win a block contest and the mystery gift. Imogene Lewis won the I Hee Haw jar. The team contest will continue and end Nov. 12.

-Christian Studio December Wedding Planned by Couple Mr. and Mrs. Ted Van Winkle announce the engagement of their daughter, Stacey Lee, to Ernest G. Schmidt. All are of Gering.

Miss Van Winkle is attending Nebraska Western College and is employed by Herber Machinery Supply Co. Schmidt is employed by Coop Refinery. A December 27 wedding is being planned. Judy Margheim Hosts Alpha Beta the year were discussed and it was decided that members send birthday cards and cards on holidays to the veterans at the Nebraska Veterans Home. It was also decided to send birthday cards and members make birthday cakes for the children of the Dave Nuland home.

A Christmas party for the children was discussed. A report of the chapter's upcoming Halloween party was given and the all chapter Christmas dinner dance to be held Dec. 6 was discussed. Guests attending the meeting were Sandra Osborn and Barb Sailer. Transferee members attending were Linda Halverson of Austin, Carol Pollock of Glenwood Springs, and Kay Higgins of Springfield, Colo.

Carol Anderson presented the program, "Voices Behind Us." Alpha Beta chapter of Beta Sigma Phi held its regular meeting in the home of Judy Margheim. Service projects for Taste Testers Elect Officers The Taste Testers 4-H club met recently for election of officers. The following were elected: Holly Scoggan, president; Amanda Olsen, vice president; Jeri Smith, secretary; Nancy Nichol, treasurer; Susan Teegerstrom, song leader: Karolyn Heinemann, club reporter; Kelli Zwetzig, sergeant at arms and Pam Richardson, game leader. Other committee chairmen were named and there was a discussion on what projects the girls planned this year. UMYF Chili Feed Friday The Gering First United Methodist Church senior UMYF will hold a chili supper this Friday, Oct.

10, from 5-7 p.m. prior to the football game. The supper will be held in the fellowship hall and admission is $1.50 for adults and $1 for children. Guest Speaker At DAR Meeting Katahdin Chapter DAR met recently at the First United Methodist Church for a 12:30 luncheon. Guest speaker was Mrs.

Vance Hewitt. New members introduced were Mrs. Leo Denham and Mrs. W. L.

Newman, both of Morrill. Report on Constitution Week was given by Mrs. Melvin Brown and Mrs. Warren Gifford. Hostesses were Mrs.

George Bell and Mrs. J. W. Brashear. Past Regents of Katahdin Chapter DAR, entertained at a 1 p.m.

luncheon Wednesday at the home of Mrs. K. A. Ohme. Honored guests were the new Regent, Mrs.

Charles Beard and her officers. Penny Griffith has been elected secretary of the Alpha Xi Delta pledge class at the University of Nebraska She is a 1975 graduate of Gering high school and is a student of veterinary medicine at the university. McCray- Shrader Engagement Announced -Christian Studio The engagement of Julia McCray to David Shrader, both of Gering, is being announced by their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra McCray of Cody, Nebr.

and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shrader of Gering Miss McCray is a graduate of Chadron State college and is presently teaching in Gering. Her fiance has served with the United States Navy and is now employed by Nebraska Public Power. December 20 has been selected as the wedding date.

BUSINESS DIRECTORY The merchants and Individuals listed in this Directory are Recommended for Their Reliability and Integrity Mrs. Lavaun Williams of Castle Rock, Colo. The Hortons were married in McCook in September, 1925. Mrs. Horton is the former Velma Heumphreus of Cambridge, Neb.

Horton was employed by the Nebraska State Employment Service in Scottsbluff from 1945 until 1969 when he retired. In 1970 they moved to Denver, Eat Out Night For PWP Saturday Parents without Partners Eat Out Night will be held at the Candlelight Inn, 7:30 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 11. Dancing will follow the dinner. For more information, call 632-7651.

On Sunday, Oct. 12, the Sidney chapter will meet at noon at Riverside Park for a sack lunch and then tour the scenic and historic areas of the valley. At 5 p.m., will meet at the Wildcat Hills for a covered dish dinner. Plan for part or all of this outing with the Sidney chapter. All Scottsbluff PWPs are invited.

Special Program Methodist Church On Sunday, Oct. 12 at 10:30 a.m. at the morning worship service Gering First United Methodist Church, seven boys will be inducted into the God and Country Scout award program. At noon a fellowship dinner will be held in the fellowship hall. Each family is asked to bring their own table service and a covered dish.

A brief program will be presented by the Finance committee following the dinner. The first of seven sessions of a seminar on prayer will be held in the church lounge at 7:30 p.m., Sunday, Oct. 12. This seminar is designed to help everyone to improve and enrich his prayer life. The seminar will continue every Sunday night through Nov.

23. Anyone interested is invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Alden Rundell spent a few days in Greeley, last week visiting in the home of their daughter and family, Mr.

and Mrs. Fred Tjardes. A guest in the Rundell home this week is Mrs. Rundell's aunt, Mrs. Edith Moyer of Pine Bluffs, Wyo.

Mrs. Louis Smith of Seattle, is visiting in the home of her mother, Mrs. Leah Armstrong and other friends and relatives. Ray's Used Cars Parts We bust 'Em Up and Sell the Pieces" PARTS LOCATING SERVICE ON CARS AND TRUCKS Highway Phone 632-6600 Gering Scottsbluff Olson's Moving Storage' Local and Long Distance Moving Agent: Allied Van Lines 1200 3rd Ave. Scottsbluff Phone 632-2126 Yates BUY, SELL AND TRADE All Makes and Models Our Reputation is Your Guarantee Gering, Nebr.

Renzelman's House of Music' Renzelman's repair all makes of TV's, Stereos, and electronicorgans Free estimates if brought in 436-4884 1907 Broadway Scottsbluff or 632-8485 Mr. and Mrs. Loren Hinebauch of Manhattan, are visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Maupin.

Mrs. Anna Bressler and Mrs. Ruth Amthor returned recently from Chicago, where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Mark Amthor.

SANDBERG'S CY COLOGY sez: LOCAL TRADEMARKS. STRANGE AS IT SEEMS, A GOOD WAY TO KILL TIME IS TO WORK IT TO DEATH Put your dollars to work at Sandberg Implement. You'll like our pleasant service and our -budget prices. SANDBERG IMPLEMENT WHITE CORPORATION MOTOR INC KRAUSE Phone 308-436-2179 HIGHWAY 71 SO. GERING, NEBR 9.

The Gering Courier from Gering, Nebraska (2024)
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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.