Chadron Record from Chadron, Nebraska (2024)

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Chadron, Nebraska

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THE CHADRON JOURNAL CHADRON NEBRASKA AUGUST 21 1931 UTTER-BLUST TELEGRAM EXPLAINS POINT ON TRUCKERS evening was spent by those who were there and lovely refreshments were served by Mrs Danley Large Crowd Hears Heflin -Here Tuesday (Continued from Page 1) spent in tying a quilt for the host- by Mrs Maynard and Mrs lowers ess after which she served lutch at the last meeting On account of the Box Butte 'County Fair the meeting was Congregational for Mi iu 200 members of the Con gregational church and Sunday School enjoyed a joirit picnic at the 'State Park on- Wednesday evening of this week Mrs Chas Bollenbaugh Entertains Bridge Club A quiet wedding took place at the home of the parents Mr and Mrs Utter at Newport Nebraska on Sunday August 9 1931 uniting Miss Gladys Utter and Mr John A fiiust of Whitney Nebraska The ceremony was performed at gifts turned in by the members for safe keeping until Christmas time Miss Dora Smith Entertains in Honor of Miss Hoellwarth Miss Vera Hoellwarth of Rapid City- left Tuesday for her home after spending several days as the guest of Miss Dora Smith at the Smith home on Main street Guests for three tables of bridge were present in honor of Miss Hoellwarth on Saturday evening at the Smith home with Mrs A Courshon receiving the high score favor A gift favor was also presented the guest of honor and Mrs Morey was awarded the traveling prize dared that it is time Anierican people topk stock and realized just what the condition is that exists high noon by Rev Henry Allgor of regaj(jg foreigners in th is coun- Elsewhere in this paper we have stated that our county treasurer is in communication with the department of public works attempting to get the exact status of truckers operating back and forth between Nebraska and South Dakota Today noon Thursday the treasurer received the following telegram from the Public Works Department of Motor Vehicle Division: "South Dakota laws on commercial vehicles are reciprocal ex- Dinner At The Country Club Mr and Mrs Mitchell were hosts on Tuesday evening to sixteen guests at dinner at the Country Club The tables were prettily decorated with garden flowers and after the delightful meal the remainder of the evening was devoted to bridge Mr and Mrs Swigart of Gordon and Mrs Cleo Scott Findley were out-of-town guests The occasion was in honor of Mrs birthday Butte the The try He stated that today there are about 6000000 aliens in United States just twice as many arm" and Drovers Bankajeng as there were people in this Nebraska in the presence of immediate family bride is Assistant Cashier of Whitney Nebraska and the cept such as enter the state to do (groom is a prosperous farmer hauling of any kind After a few days spent with the parents the young couple will leave for their home near Whitney telegram we conclude from Nebraska can i Mrs Chas Bollenbaugh was The Aid Society of the hostess on Monday night to the church sponsored the affair and members of a bridge club of which managed to have a bounteous sup-she is a member Mrs per with fried chicken and plenty Wadsworth received the favor for of everything appropriate for such high score and Mrs Roy Hampton an occasion the consolation Mrs Leo Bump was the only out-of-cluK guest to Mrs Louis Lecher substitute for the evening Light Entertains Club refreshments were served after the Mrs Ucher entertained favors were awarded the members of a Wednesday after- noon bridge club thia week All Sherman members were present apd the high score favor wa8 won by Mrs Chas The hostesses Mrs May- Bollenbaugh The consolation nard and Mrs John Powers of the went to Mrs Feldhausen De-Ladies Sherman Society meeting lightful refreshments were served last Thursday afternoon report a in the late afternoon In two very good attendance After the weeks Mrs 31 Wadsworth will business meeting the afternoon was entertain the club devoted to bridge with Mrs Welch being awarded high score Wednesday Night favor and Mrs Earl Beabout the Christmas Club-free-for-all cut Mrs Neal Danley was hostess Mrs James Kinney and Mrs this month to the Wednesday John Rapp were hostesses on night Christmas club Although Thursday afternoon of this week several of the members were un-Lovely refreshments were served able to be present an enjoyable GAINES TALKS AT SQUAW MOUND PICNIC Wednesday night Newton Gaines and Douthit of the University Extension Department together with their wives held a Isinglass Butte Mrs Annin was hostess to the Isinglass Butte club at our last meeting This was principally a business meeting and thirteen members were present Miss Norma Pinkerton was a visitor Some committees were appointed and the fair booth preparations were discussed in general All new officers present At the usual hour our hostess served delicious refreshments Next meeting will be with Mrs Henry Bracht September 1st It is important that all members be We Cook The We Cook Club met at the home of Maxine Plte on August 14th The meeting was called to order by Margaret Bass president There were ten members present and two visitors Opal Pinkerton and Dorothy Pate The minutes of the last meeting were read corrected and approved Frances and Mildred Brecht gave a demonstration on the baking of whole wheat muffins The results were good Refreshments were served and thfc next meeting is to be held at the home of Sarah Alexander in two wqeks August 25th intra state for From this that a trucker haul into South Dakota and bring loads from South Dakota to Nebraska without taking out a South Dakota license and on the other hand if a trucker from Nebraska goes into South Dakota and hauls within the state of South Dakota for hire then he must take out a South Dakota license For ax-ample if a trucker takes a load of hogB to Oelrichs and brings back a load of lumber he does not need a South Dakota license but if he takes a load of hogs to Oelrichs and brings back a load of lumber for a farmer living on the north side of the Nebraska-South Dakota line then he must have a South Dakota license What we have said about Nebraska cars operating in South Dakota applies to South Dakota cars operating in Nebraska Any Nebraska owners of commercial trucks who have paid licenses in South Dakota where they have been doing only inter state hauling should take steps to get their money refunded Those who have been doing intra state hauling are entitled to pay the South Dakota license country at the time We gained our independence He explained that it has been discovered that many of this number have resided in America for many years and have never become naturalized citizens of the United States He stated that many cities of the country have aliens on the city payroll while American citizens are out of jobs Senator Heflin stated that he has always fought for restricted immigration He is now in favor of shutting them off entirely for five years and of having an investigation in the country in order to see that all foreigners either become naturalized citizens or are deported He declared that closing our ports to foreigners for five years will be a great factor in eliminating the unemployment problem in this country The speaker devoted the latter part of his address to the prohibition question He showed the changes that have taken place the good things that prohibition has been responsible for and declared that America does not want to go back to the days of saloons He explained that before prohibition men drank liquor and it was all right because they had the excuse that the government sanctioned it Now however if a man wants liquor he has to sneak around and feel like a criminal Senator Heflin declared that the women of America have made a great fight to have prohibition that they have been immensely benefited by it and that America will not go back to the saloons of old most interesting meeting at the school house At this meeting there were about two hundred and fifty people pres ent most from the neighborhood A few were present from Crawford and Chadron The speakers talked mostly about community life and boys' and club work Tonight Thursday there will be a picnic at the Chadron State Park and the above mentioned speakers will have charge of the program i WI JAMS ENJOY VISIT Jolly Workers The Jolly Workers met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs Ray Gillming The afternoon was BUSINESS LOCALS THEIR RELATIVES We have at the Journal office a Boston bulldog whom the owner may have by proving property Taxi You-Drive-It and Yellow Cab Phone 666 38-tf EVELYN BLUNDELL HOME FROM TRIP NO HUNTING or trespassing allowed on my place northeast of Chadron or on any land controlled by me A Littrel 48-51 BOX BUTTE COBHTT FAIR Hemingford Nebraska August 24th to 27th Sixth Annual Exhibition Mr and Mrs Glenn Williams of Little Bordeaux have had as their guests this week: Mrs parents Mr and Mrs Widman of Central City an uncle Coolidge of Edgewood Iowa a niece Miss Pearl Bruns of Gordon and a friend Miss Margaret Foley of Rapid City Mr Widman was one of the guardsmen stationed at Fort Sheridan in 1893 and he enjoyed driving through the Beaver Valley noting the many changes and looking for old landmarks FOR RENT JACOBS APPOINTED TO COUNCIL VACANCY FOR RENT 5-room brick house bath and auto garage Cor 5th Ann St To responsible parties Call Nelson Phone 442 45-tf FOR Three rooms with bath close in ground floor private entrance Call 589-M or 100 45-tf Miss Evelyn Blundell daughter of Mr and Mrs Tom Blundell arrived home Friday of last week from an extended visit in North Dakota and Omaha Miss Evelyn was accompanied home by her aunt Mrs A Zipple and son Jackie of Fargo They were joined by Mrs Marie Anthony mother of Mrs Blundell and Mrs Zipple and a niece Miss Vivian Mam at Omaha who also accompanied them to Chadron They expect to return the latter part of this week accompanied by Mrs Tom Blundell who will stop in Omaha with her mother for several days Miss Evelyn reports a wonderful time on her vacation and is trim for school this fall Many friends were glad to visit Mrs Zipple who was formerly Miss Bessie Anthony of Chadron and her mother who was also well remembered by a host of friends At their meeting Monday night the members of the Chadron City Council accepted the resignation from that body of Barney Lecher who has moved out of the first ward Franklin Jacobs was appointed by the council to fill Mr place Mr Jacobs is a young man who ias resided in Chadron for many years and is now engaged in the insurance business His many friends will be pleased to learn of lia appointment to the council FOR RENT My residence on the corner of 4th and Shelton Will make a low rental charge to desirable parties Geo Snow FOR SALE PERRY-KOELLMANN Miss Anna Mae Perry and Mr Carl Koellmann this week announce their marriage on July 9th at Winner South Dakota Mrs Koellmann is the daughter of Mr and Mrs George Perry of our city being one of the popular members of the younger set Mr Koellman was working at Parmelee this summer but was an instructor in the Orchard schools last year Both Mr and Mrs Koellman expect to continue their school work this fall Mrs Koellman will remain in Chadron and attend the Chadron Normal college and Mr Koellman will finish college at Grand Island The many friends of the young couple join the Journal in extending hearty congratulations FOR 1500 bu 1930 corn Call A Qqiswt 48-49 COUNCIL LETS CONTRACT FOR RESURFACING HERE FOR Two-year-old Holl-stein Bull good stuff priced right Seegrist Whitney Nebr 4 48-tf Mr and Mrs York drove to Lisco to spend Friday visiting at the home of Mrs brother Otto Johnson FOR Purebred Buff Or-pingtop co*ckrels First prize Box 417 Rushville Nebr 49-52 Work is expected to start very shortly on the resurfacing of the paving in district number 1 The paving in parts of the first district has become badly worn and needs surfacing in order to save the paving At the regular meeting of the council Monday night the members voted to let the contract to the Roberts Construction Company and they are expected to begin the work in a few days The cost of the resurfacing will be around 00000 Many other Attractions Mrs Edward Hopkins and little daughter arrived home Saturday of last week from a visit of several weeks at Dead wood Johnson attorney at Rushville was a Chadron visitor Wednesday attending to business affairs FOR SALE 5-room partly modern house on Ann St 50x150 lot Chicken house and yard other outbuildings Fruit trees Will trade for stock Wm Pfund Chadron Nebr Phone 104-W 49-50 Pace Theatre Society PROGRAM FOR WEEK ENDING FRIDAY AUGUST 28th Tor miles and miles oar motor REEL and MOVIETONE ACT Matinee Sunday at 2:30 15 and 35c At 15 and 50c Mrs White and Mrs Whitsel Honored On Saturday afternoon August 15th another of a series of parties was given this time being in honor of Mrs Annie White and Mrs Whitsel at the home of Mrs White when about thirteen ladies arrived to spend the afternoon Mrs birthday came on Saturday and Mrs on Sunday the following day A covered dish lunch prepared by the ladies present was greatly enjoyed especially the lovely cakes baked by Mrs Whitsel and Mrs Manchester The color scheme of lavender and white was prettily carried out in both lunch and decorations The ladies departed in the late afternoon declaring to meet again at the earliest opportunity THIS FRIDAY NIGHT AUGUST 21st A Metro All Talking Picture starring RAMON NOVARRO In OF with CONRAD NAGEL MARJORIE RAMBEAU MADGE EVANS and AUBREY SMITH Also a 2-reel All Talking COMEDY Talking NEWS REEL and FABLES 15 and 50c 1 TUES AND WEDNESDAY AUG 25th AND 26th All Talking Radio Picture starring ROBERT WOOLSEY In Also Talking NEWS REEL and MOVIETONE ACT and BOBBY JONES In I PLAY 15 and 50c -for BANNER is the sweetest running non -premium gasoline you have ever bought smooth its powerful alive and there are extra miles in every gallon! Try it and buy it again and again WHITE EAGLE BANNER GASOLINE SATURDAY NIGHT AUGUST 22nd A William Fox All Talking Picture starriiig SPENCER TRACY WARREN HYMER and JEAN HARLOW Also a 2-reel All Talking COMEDY Talking NEWS REEL and MOVIETONE ACT Matinee 2:30 10 and 35c At 15 and 50c Birthday Party for Mary Smith Mrs Robert Smith of Oak-street entertained a number 6f little boys and girls on Saturday afternoon honoring her small daughter on her sixth birthday Those present were Miss schoolmates and neighbor friends Games were enjoyed during the afternoon after which two kinds of cake and other refreshments were served by Mrs Smith A number of birthday gifts were presented Miss Mary by her friends in honor of the occasion THURSDAY AND FRIDAY AUG 27th AND 28th A Paramount All Talking Picture POPS THE with SHEETS GALLAGHER STUART ERWIN CARLE LUMBARD LILYAN TASHMAN and NORMAN FOSTER Also a 2-reel All Talking COMEDY Talking NEWS REEL and FABLES 15 and 50c Hudoco Service Stations Third and Chadron Second Bordeaux Yule Club Entertained by Mrs Thornberg Mrs Charles Thornberg entertained the members of the Yule clpb at her home on Friday ing of last week On account of the meeting being held at night instead of in the afternoon as is customary several games of bridge were played with Mrs Thurber winning high score Lovely refreshments were served by Mrs Thornberg and several HUDSON OIL CO Chadron Nebraska SUNDAY AND MONDAY AUG 23rd AND 24th A Paramount All Talking Picture starring VICTOR McLAGLEN and MARLENE DIETRICH In Also a 2-reel All Talking IOMEDY Talking NEWS Agust 30th and 31st September 3rd and 4th September 6th and 7th FOR THE September 13th and 14th.

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Chadron Record from Chadron, Nebraska (2024)
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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Views: 5526

Rating: 4 / 5 (71 voted)

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Author information

Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

Phone: +2613987384138

Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.