Read MTL - How Come These Monsters Have Health Bars - Chapter 435 5 saints, like the death of the world - NovelBuddy (2024)

Move forward half an hour.

The inner center of the cemetery of the God Tomb is in front of the main mausoleum, which covers an extremely large area.

Saint Dylan closed his eyes tightly, hovering at the entrance of the main mausoleum, and his whole body was constantly surging with holy energy.

Saint Alicia, the lower **** John, and the two descending gods stood not far away and waited silently.

"Lord John, it seems that our plan has not caught up with the changes. The last line of defense of the Byzantine system has actually formed the cemetery of the tomb of the gods."

Alicia chuckled and said something.

"Even if the waste Wella didn't lose the holy relic, I'm afraid it's not that easy to break through the tomb of God and enter it."

"This is indeed a bit of a surprise, but on the premise that the holy relic is lost, it is easier to open a tomb of God than to break through the ban imposed by the Byzantine system."

John said indifferently, squinting at Dylan who was trying to open the tomb of God, and looked at Alicia casually.

"Lord Alicia, although you are a saint directly designated by the Goddess of Radiance to represent her will, Lord Dylan is also a saint of the Goddess of the Night. You and I will each take 25% of the revenue obtained from the opening of the cemetery, and the remaining 5 transactions will be collected by Lord Dylan. Shouldn’t you have any opinion on this arrangement?”

"Lord John, you said that, how dare I have an opinion?"

Alicia said something a little yin and yang angrily, with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

"I'm just a saint after all. I don't want to offend the supreme goddess of the night. Besides, Sir John, you are here and represent the will of the supreme god. How can I dare to go against the will of the supreme god?"

Meeting these words, John nodded silently and did not answer.

In terms of status, Alicia and Dylan are not as good as him.

As a lower god, he also looked down on the two from the bottom of his heart.

In essence, Alicia and Dylan are still human beings, but they are favored by the two supreme gods, Radiance and Darkness, respectively, and the ability to use part of the power and knowledge of the two supreme gods has become slightly different.

In the end.

The saints were nothing but flukes.

And mortals, in the eyes of gods, are nothing but grass.

If it weren't for the fact that the backgrounds of the two were unbelievably hard, and there was a supreme leader behind them, John wouldn't respectfully call them "adults".

Although the lower **** belongs to the bottom, but no matter how bad he is, he is also a god.

And speaking of background, his background is not bad.

Behind him is the supreme supreme god.

Change to normal.

Even if it is a saint of a higher god, he doesn't need to have the slightest respect when he sees it.

The two had preliminary negotiations here, and they were trying to open the tomb of the gods, Lord Dylan, and slowly opened his eyes.


A quaint huge gate quietly appeared.

Alicia, John, and the other two angels raised their eyebrows when they saw this.

Watching the door appear to finally stabilize there, Alicia spoke up.

"The main mausoleum was opened so quickly. It seems that although the last group of Byzantine Protoss died out, they were the most powerful, but their strength was not very good."

"You would be wrong if you underestimate the Byzantine Protoss."

John answered and said.

"In the beginning, in order to destroy the Byzantine system, the price paid by the supreme gods was not small. I was not able to participate in that battle of gods, but I know that there were several supreme gods who ended up not only did not get much benefit, but also suffered a lot of damage. The Supremes were forced to leave the venue early. If not, this place might not be able to give birth to such a rare phenomenon as the cemetery of the gods.”

Before he finished speaking, Saint Dylan looked back.

"Mr. John is right, we have to be more cautious on this trip, there are no small problems here. The use of the power of the Evernight Goddess to open the main mausoleum is a bit unbelievable, as if the main mausoleum was not opened by me, but there is a force that hopes that the main tomb will be opened by me. I opened the mausoleum. In the main mausoleum, I am afraid there are some things we don’t want to see.”

Hearing Dylan's words, John frowned.

Alicia and Dylan are both saints, and their understanding of the cemetery of the God's Tomb is derived from the two supreme beings, the light and the night, and they are not complete.

Ragnarok and the tomb of the gods are taboos, whether it is for the supreme gods or other gods.

A lot of information will not be known to others.

After all, it is about the destruction of at least one Protoss civilization.

The reason why Alicia and Dylan were able to learn part of the information through the two supreme beings, Shining and Darkness, was only because the cemetery of the gods was born in this place.

It was impossible for him to understand the "thing" Dylan mentioned.

Alicia couldn't possibly know.

Because among them, there are hidden secrets behind the creation of the cemetery of the gods.

The birth of a new breed of gods.

The reason why gods exist is actually very simple.

The relevant rules are not the main ones.

The real key.

It is this world that needs God.

Keep it simple.

In the realm of the gods, gods are the same basic creatures as humans and other living things.

Only when God exists can the world be considered complete.

Look back.

The appearance of such a vision in the cemetery of the gods not only satisfies the conditions for the appearance of the vision, but also indicates that this world will evolve a new race of gods.

Their birth was in the main mausoleum of the God Tomb Cemetery.


A new race of gods is born in the tomb of the gods, and it takes at least millions of years of precipitation.

Therefore, before that, John, who knew the inside story as a lower god, didn't care.

At this moment, Dylan's words, but he couldn't help but not care.

The main mausoleum of the tomb of the gods is not simply opened by him relying on the power of the goddess of the night, there is another power at work.

That power, I hope he will open the main mausoleum.


It shows that a new race of gods that should have taken millions of years to be born has actually been born, and they want to go out.

A similar situation has not been encountered in the Supreme Protoss' battle for countless years.

The races of gods born early are usually weaker.

But they undoubtedly belong to this world and are favored by the will of heaven.

The cemetery of the God's Tomb itself is also a kind of restraint for them.

Before they are strong enough, the main mausoleum cannot be opened from the inside, only the strong enough external force can be opened.

This is a little troublesome.

Looking at the gate of the main mausoleum in front of him, John's face was not very good-looking.

A brand-new race of gods born ahead of time after only tens of thousands of years of precipitation, their weakness is beyond doubt.

If it is in full bloom, he can slaughter it cleanly with his own strength.

But the situation of the Byzantine God Realm is really special.

Due to the shattering of the Divine Realm, there is a certain degree of overlap with the Heavenly Sacred Realm, resulting in the Byzantine Divine Realm being a part of the Heavenly Sacred Realm by default.

If it weren't for this, the few who participated in the battle of gods at the beginning would not have returned empty-handed and forced to retire.

This situation is a bit embarrassing.

If he did his best, he would be punished by heaven.

But if you only use these powers at hand, even if Alicia and others attack, only a few of them are completely powerless to fight against the **** race that was born here.

Alicia and Dylan are not blind.

John's face was so ugly, he must have thought of something they didn't know through Dylan's words just now.

In this regard, they are not too curious.

The two descending angels will not talk about it, they are just servants of the gods.

As saints, Alicia and Dylan know that they should not try to ask about some things they shouldn't understand. If they touch some taboos in the supreme gods, they will only be destroyed as a result.

what is has been confirmed is.

To go deep into the main mausoleum in front of you, I am afraid it is not just as simple as not going well.

"Lord John, what should we do next?"

Alicia spoke up.

The tone changed from the previous frivolity, to a taste of the following god, John.

Dylan also looked over.

Although he didn't say anything on the surface, he was obviously ready to hand over the initiative.

Facing the attention of the two, John was silent for a moment, then raised his eyes.

"The main mausoleum is not fully opened yet. We will not open this door for the time being. The contents inside cannot be dealt with by the strength of the people we are present. We can try it with Weena's participation when the follow-up troops arrive. Our purpose is not to clean up, but to recover the three most needed things."

After all, he continued.

"In addition, when the main tomb is really opened, it is not only the things inside that need us to deal with, but also the sleeping souls in the entire cemetery of the gods will be awakened. Those souls are difficult to kill, and we need humans to resist in order to avoid entanglement. The matter had to be carried by the people of the Western Continent and the world who were not of the highest faith. Originally, they were brought to let them explore the way, but now the situation is just right. They were fortunate enough to set foot in a broken God's Domain, and these people can be considered dead. "

When greeted with such a voice, the two descending angels said nothing.

As if it were all natural.

Alicia and Dylan's expressions darkened.

Empathy, not so much.

As believers of the Supreme Faith, non-Supreme Believers are dispensable to them.

But they are all understanding people.

The person who was originally used to explore the way has resisted the awakened spirit, so who will come to explore the way?

The answer can only be the believers of the Holy See and the present church.

Alicia and Dylan are still human in essence, and the difference from ordinary believers is only a little special.

Even the believers of the Holy See and the Church in this world have become victims. Will it be the two of them next?

Among them may be very large.

Don't talk about anything else.

Even if there are two supreme favors, if there is no special "accident", the two of them cannot go to the supreme god's realm.

The harvest of this trip is to be brought back by John, Wella, and the other two descending angels.

People who "carry goods" must not sacrifice casually, right?

Alicia and Dylan are not fools.

They don't want to be victimized.

At the same time, they are also very clear that although they can get a lot of benefits afterward, the supreme favor is only to use them temporarily.

However, in front of them, they don't have much choice.

Part of the will of the Radiance Goddess and the Evernight Goddess resides in their bodies.

They were powerless to resist.

The two of them were feeling powerless, and the five people present felt something in their hearts, and turned their heads to look at the sky in the distance.

at the same time.

Outside the scope of the cemetery of the gods, thousands of terrifying sword shadows appear high in the sky.


Seeing such a situation, the five of them all put out a question mark.

Before the five people could react, the sword shadow fell.

! !

The five stared.

What the hell!

Who is this! ?

"Boom boom boom!"

The shadow of the sword fell, blocked by the invisible force guarding the cemetery of the God's Tomb, and bursts broke out abruptly, tearing apart the cemetery for protection.

next second.

God's Tomb Cemetery was like a hornet's nest stabbed with chrysanthemums, instantly frying the pot.

Accompanied by the sound of ghosts and wolves, the spirits slumbering in the cemetery of the gods were awakened and rose into the sky.


The five people in the hinterland of the cemetery were stared at by the awakened spirits, and the faces of the five people turned pale at that time.

It is not ordinary spirits who are staring at them.

Look around.

There are dozens of them, either at the level of the gods in the tenth or the eleventh level, and even close to the mid-level gods in the later stage of the eleventh level.

this tm…

Saint Dylan didn't hold back first, he closed his eyes and wanted to pray and perform magic.

Alicia grabbed him and scolded him.

"Idiot! If you want to die, don't pull me!"

Dylan was stunned when he heard the sound, and then suddenly realized that although these five spirits can be dealt with together, they will attract more spirits.


Alicia stopped Dylan and turned to look at the lower **** John.

"Lord John!"

John's face will be very ugly.

However, his attention was not on his dozens of souls, but on the distant sky.

Hearing Alicia's voice, he looked back and nodded.

"Let's avoid it for a while and see the situation."

While speaking, he raised his hand and waved lightly.


The nearby space was distorted for a while, and the five people present were wrapped and swallowed into it.

John was ordered by the Most High God, and in a sense a saint, and he could borrow some of the power of the Most High God.

In front of him, he used part of the power of the Supreme God to influence the space, isolating the five people present in a parallel space.

The space was isolated, and dozens of souls staring at the five people suddenly rushed into the air, and they were desperate to shuttle in various ways outside the parallel space.

These spirits have long lost their minds.

Killing is their instinct.

The guardian deity cemetery is the meaning of their existence.

But no matter how eager they are, they can only look at Alicia and others who have entered the parallel space, and cannot reach them.

in parallel space.

John and the others all looked into the distance.

far away.

They saw a man in Tsing Yi enter the cemetery with a sword.

The robe flutters, and the sword will cut off a soul, and harvest it arbitrarily.

The divine soul, which was extremely difficult to kill, seemed like a piece of paper in front of him.

Immediately after.

Another three-year-old girl came off and threw a pagoda.

The pagoda is born.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a giant of three thousand feet and crashed down.

In addition to causing the entire cemetery of the gods to tremble, dozens of gods were killed in minutes.

It's not over yet.

There was another woman in the distance, and a monstrous torrent suddenly descended from the sky, engulfing a lot of souls.

Immediately after.

The power of water was touched, and the soul engulfed by the torrent was instantly purified.

There were many incidents in the far sky, and Alicia and the others were a little confused.

These three...

Where did it come from?

Why can killing spirits be the same as killing chickens?

What made them even more terrified.

It seems that the three acts are simple, and it is impossible for them to pick one of the five who are present at the scene.

Unless, they unlock the seal inside the body.

But if so, they will inevitably face divine punishment.

The five are being surrounded.

The situation between heaven and earth changed, and the fear and power of heaven quietly descended into the world.

The five people were originally ugly, and their faces were white and white.

Anxiety, this is secondary.

They felt the power of divine punishment.


what's the situation?

The vision of heaven and earth was clearly caused by someone using the Eastern Forbidden Technique.

For Mao Dongfang's forbidden art, it can attract the power of divine punishment! ?

All five were stunned.

"Lord John."

Alicia turned her head.

John didn't make a sound when he heard the sound, and his eyes were slightly condensed in the distance.

at this moment.

His gaze crossed the space.

Then two figures came into his eyes.

One is Li Jing, who is performing a forbidden technique, and the other is Wei Na, who is completely reduced to a foil.

Seeing the two figures, John was taken aback for a moment, and then his face became extremely gloomy.

It's him!

The blasphemer that the Supreme God is looking for!

Wella, the slu*t, didn't appear by his side with the big army. Could it be that she has betrayed! ?

John was surprised.

It was at this time.

In his vision that crossed the space, Li Jing seemed to notice and pay attention, grinned with white teeth and smiled kindly, and said, "So you are here".

John was taken aback.

this human...

Found my peep?

How could he find out! ?

Seeing that the power of the forbidden technique became more and more terrifying, and the power of punishment became more and more terrifying, John turned his head to look at Alicia and the others.

"It's blasphemers! Let's go, we can't wait! Or we'll all die here!"

Having said that, he slapped open the door that had not yet been opened in the main mausoleum with a backhand slap without hesitation, and stepped into it.

Alicia and the others were stunned when they saw this.

The word "blasphemer" popped out of John's mouth, causing them to not react all of a sudden.

But they came back quickly.

Blasphemer, the one who cheated on the wave of the supreme god!

"It turned out to be him!? He is an orthodox immortal practitioner!?"

Alicia was in disbelief.

A practitioner of the orthodox immortal way, who casts the supreme divine spell and summons part of the will of the supreme deity, how can she believe it?

Believe it or not, Alicia did not dare to be slighted at all, and turned her head and followed John into the main courtyard of the mausoleum.

The rest followed closely behind and did not dare to stay outside.

Outside the scope of the cemetery of the gods.

Li Jing's hand-printing method changed rapidly, and his line of sight also crossed the space.

This method, he originally would not.

But after John used similar means to spy on him and was caught by his spatial cognition brought about by reversing the space, he learned it.

Seeing John staring at him, it was like a mouse seeing a cat. He turned around and took Alicia and the others into the main mausoleum of the tomb of God. Li Jing pouted.

These guys ran pretty fast.

But it doesn't matter, sooner or later we will meet again.

Concentrating, Li Jing pinched out the last handprint.

Tribulation Thunder Nine Breaks.

The technique is completed.


Thunder exploded.

A pitch-black thunder ripped apart the sky and smashed straight on top of Li Jing's head.

! !


This pitch-black thunder was not an ordinary thunder but a heavenly punishment!

This falling trend...

It was clear that he was going to hack Li Jing!

Without thinking too much, Wella had to unravel the seal in her body when she moved her mind.

The punishment in front of him is not very strong.

In her heyday, it is not difficult for her to take a hard blow.

But Li Jing can't stand it!

However, just as Wella was about to unseal the seal, the heavenly punishment that fell suddenly came to a sudden stop not far from Li Jing's head.

? ? ?


This is the second time she has seen the serious punishment.

But the punishment will still brake, she has never heard of it.

Just as he was stunned, Heaven Punishment was already extremely gentle, as if he was afraid of hurting someone, as lightly as a cloud fell on top of his head and merged into his body.

next second.

A dense black thunder appeared all over Li Jing's body.

! !


In the past, she would definitely not understand when she saw such a situation.

But she has become a higher god, and her cognition and vision are different.

At this moment, Li Jing is controlling the punishment of heaven.


Can it still be controlled?

Shouldn't this be the power that belongs to the will of heaven alone! ?

"Wait here, I'll be fine soon."

The dull voice sounded, making Wella tighten her body and nodded obediently.

She had no choice but to obey Li Jing.

Being trapped so badly, it must be a lie to say that she doesn't hate her.

Even if Li Jing gave her better opportunities and strength, she had to think about it.

She just saw that Li Jing was being hacked and wanted to rescue him.

On the one hand, it is subconscious, and on the other hand, I don’t want someone to die like this.

But that didn't mean she didn't remember Li Jing.

Wella, who can now be called a goddess, is still a woman in essence.


Holding revenge is normal, isn't it?

But now, she is convinced of Li Jing.

The power of space is the only divine right of the supreme **** in the supreme **** domain, and no one else can interfere.


The Supreme God's Domain has no relevant powers at all, and in the history of the Supreme God's Domain, no **** has ever been able to control such a power that is enough to destroy the world.

Li Jing, who was filled with the power of divine punishment, ended up.

The battle suddenly turned one-sided...

Do not.

To be precise, the war situation has completely become a one-sided crush.

Regardless of whether it was the Nine Realm or the Tenth Realm or the Eleventh Realm, Li Jing shivered and did not dare to resist.

Heavenly punishment, this is the power of heaven.

They put it nicely, they are gods and souls.

To put it uglier, it's just a group of femininity that survived because they didn't die.

Change to previous.

When encountering this kind of thing, Li Jing always uses Yang Lei.

After all, the yin was suppressed by the yang thunder blood.

But now, he has better options.

Stepping into the Nine Realms to truly control the rules of Thunder Punishment, he has been able to directly control the power of Heaven's Punishment, but he will use a little more energy than usual to control the Five Thunders.

Each of the five thunders has its own characteristics.

God's punishment destroys everything.

Can open up.

There's no need to back down, right?

"Boom boom boom!"

Li Jing walked in the sky in the sky, and the terrifying divine punishment filled with the aura of destruction kept falling from the sky, hitting every divine soul that appeared in his field of vision with precision.

"Essence +1809."

"Essence +999."

"Essence +1425."

"Essence +2243."

"Essence +666."

The prompts kept popping up in front of him, and an upgrade prompt popped up from time to time, and Li Jing was refreshed.

Wella looked at the back of his leisurely strolling in the air, her heart fluttering.

Li Jing's attitude is very strong.

But now it seemed to her.

This one seems to be the Demon God of Destruction.


Symbolizes destruction.

Li Jing left.

Linglong and other artifact spirits are very busy.

Everything else is fine.

The key point is that Li Jing has mastered the power of divine punishment, and has frightened countless souls who should have no sanity, and countless souls are escaping everywhere.

Some ran outside, and some wanted to escape back to the tombstone.

These have to be stopped.

After a few minutes.

The cemetery of the gods is at peace.

Thousands of divine souls were "surpassed" by Li Jing effortlessly.

After dispelling the effect of the nine breaking points in the body, Li Jing called out the panel.

Manager: Li Jing

Rule control: thunder penalty, space

Heaven and Earth Essence: 5346/269487

Level: 211 (aspiration) / next level level 225

Skill Points: 127

Spiritual strength: 44732

The magic weapon of natal life: Linglong (24% for the eighth level of the fairy weapon), Qingfeng (24% for the eighth level of the fairy weapon), Yantong (24% for the eighth level of the fairy weapon)

Equipment: Nameless (14%)

Passive skill:…

Check the panel, UU reading www. Li Jing direct good guy.

With this breath, he was raised to level 30.

However, this wave is not too surprising.

Although there are not many spiritual sources, most of them are several hundred thousand.

But before and after, he alone killed more than 4,000.

In this wave, he harvested at least nearly five million essence sources in one breath!


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Read MTL - How Come These Monsters Have Health Bars - Chapter 435 5 saints, like the death of the world - NovelBuddy (2024)
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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.