Gilded Cage - Chapter 12 - Plutoascending91 (2024)

Chapter Text

He shouldn't visit the land of the living again. And he shouldn't want to. It was the power, surely, that he wanted. With her soul he would have the power to possibly overthrow the vees and then maybe get out of this deal of his. “Well Sinners, it's time for me to Sign Off. Until the next time.”

He flips switches and turns off some equipment. His shadow side eyes him when he straightens himself out. “What?” his shadow shoots him a questioning look, crossing arms. “You should always look your best.” his shadow rolls its eyes and shakes his head.

He knows he just saw them yesterday. He walks down the hall, his demonic form melts away and he's back into a more human appearance. He walks out and sees the gift shop, it's closed, and says the sign with the clock on it. It appears to be lunch time. He uses magic to reach in and grab a bouquet of pink roses. And a stuffed animal. He knows there are cameras on him, but he can't be seen by them. He also grabs a stuffed bear for the little girl- Emma! That was the little darling's name.

He jokes with himself, “let's add petty theft to my crimes.” He'd come unprepared and he didn't want to show up empty handed. It had been so long since he courted a dame. He stops walking abruptly. That was an odd thought. He wasn't courting. He was manipulating her. The Radio Demon stared at his reflection in the shop window. What was he doing here? Yes, the long game.

Alastor knocks, bouquet in hand. She doesn't answer, but she's always here. Hw thinks he hears a muffled voice saying something. He opens the door, “Salutations my dears! How- …” the radio static and scratch sound in his head. She gives a startled gasp.

“I didn't hear a knock! Oh f*ck get out!” she demands, covering her bare breasts. He stares in disbelief. They're blinking dumbly at each other. He has a small cute smile, his mind blank from the shock, and he just slowly closes the door. He's blushing behind a closed door. He clears his throat. He'll knock harder from now on.

“Sorry, I wasn't expecting anyone and I just wanted to change and not like I have a ton of options.”

Alastor softens. Mama would have liked her.

Aurora hugs her husband from behind in the hotel kitchen. She inhales the spices, the onion, peppers and the sauteed meats. She loves when he cooks. He places a hand over hers and chuckles. “Yes dear?” He asks, glancing over his shoulder.

“Wanna play hooky?” She asks with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

“What a bad influence my wife is on me.” He lifts his arm and she moves around to his side and he hugs and kisses her on the forehead. “After lunch, yes, let's go see Rosie.”

“Wanna watch another musical?” Aurora asks. He's stirring his jambalaya and he shoots her a skeptical look. “You will like it, trust me!” He makes a face, “Its about a killer who serves human meat pies! The music is great and the story is dark but good.”

He raises his brows, “You have my attention darling!”

Mimzy brusts in, “Hey Al, whatcha cookin’ good lookin’?” she notices Aurora and without the same enthusiasm greets her too, “Oh, heya Dolly.”

Aurora resists rolling her eyes. She smiles and leans into Alastor. “Hey Mimzy.” She's polite.

“Just my mother's Jambalaya!” Alastor chuckles. “Then my darling and I are going to watch a picture show.”

“Oh! What are we gonna watch?” Mimzy inquires, pointedly ignoring Aurora’s arched brow.

“Alastor and I are going to watch Sweeney Todd.” Aurora says plainly.

“Shall we get some popcorn?” Alastor asks, he tastes tests and sighs looking for cayenne pepper. Aurora is holding it in her hand and hands it to him.

“Honey, you're going to need more paprika and pepper if you add more cayenne.” She grabs them for him.

“No, darling, that's not-.” He looks up as if digging through memories, then the light bulb goes off and he kisses her again. “My! You're right, mother would have been impressed!” Alastor motions for her to move and he grabs the giant pot and leaves through the double doors to put it out. Aurora goes to follow but mimzy is on her tail.

“He's gonna get bored of you, ya know.” Mimzy states matter of factly, looking at her manicured nails. The flapper is smug, doing a little hip sway that causes the decor on her dress to jungle and dance.

The curly haired woman stops, glances over her shoulder and shrugs. “That sounds like your opinion.” Aurora inhales and starts to leave again and hears the flapper speak again.

“No, its a fact, outside of Husky and Niffty, I am one of the originals.” She is trying to goad her.

“We'll see.” The woman says as she walks out the double doors. Mimzy skips out after Aurora, planting a smile on her face instead of the devious expression she had seconds earlier. She says something to Husk but the former Overlord growls.

Aurora begins to dish out food when Mimzy announces, “Hey, Aurora gave me a good idea, let's watch Sweeney Todd!”

She resists the eye twitch. She keeps her soft smile on as Angel and Vaggie perk up. Charlie gasps and claps excitedly, “Aw! Aurora! What a great idea! Movie day! Its a good bonding experience!” Charlie is genuinely excited. Alastor shoots a questioning look between the two women.

Alastor speaks up, “Actually I was going to have that time with Aurora.” He rubs her back.

“Smiles, you're always running away with her, we wanna be with her too.” Angel protests, sitting next to Aurora. The woman just wanted to go home now. She had expecting eyes trained on her. “Cupcake, tell dark and creepy you wanna stay here.”

She sighs, “Angel. Actually-...”

Mimzy cuts in, “Oh, this is all too much excitement for a little housewife.” she winks at Aurora. “I think the poor dear wants to go crochet something.”

Charlie makes a concerned face, “Oh, Aurora, I forgot you are an introvert, do you need some recharge time?” Aurora wants to slam her head on the table. Aurora grips the white table cloth but releases it quickly. Really she just didn't want to be around Mimzy, the flapper purposely pushed her buttons. Most of the time it was water off a duck's back, but after a while it grated on her.

Husk practically snarls, “Why don't you let Aurora decide what's best for herself and shut up you bitch.”

“Aww, good to see you too puss*cat!” Mimzy retorts.

Alastor leans down next to Mimzy, a smile on his face that is dangerously polite. “Mim, watch what you say about “the little housewife” she's my little housewife.”

Mimzy waves him off, “I am just ribbing her!”

The woman is tapping her foot under her table. She feels like a kettle about to scream. “Hey Al, I think I wanna go lay down, can I have your room key?”

“Yes, dearest.” He produces the key with magic, he teases her by taking the key out of her reach and kissing her first. She then takes the key and leaves, using her protesting hands as answers to Angel and Charlie questioning her. She wanders down the hall, making practiced turns. She hears steps behind her and looks, she's bracing for Mimzy and is about to tell her to f*ck off when she eyes Husk.

“I hate that bitch. She's only ever around when she needs something from Boss.” he comments and joins her to walk. “They must have been friends for a while for the Boss to just ignore it.” Husk smirks, “He doesn't wanna admit it but he does care for some of us and he's got a soft spot.”

“Oh and she knows it too, she waits until he's outta earshot to say nasty things, does she have a thing for Al?”

Husk shrugs, “My guess is yes, but he's oblivious.”

“Wanna come in for a coffee or something?”

“Yeah I do. You think I wanna be stuck back there with that bitch?” Husk follows behind her into the room. Alastor's shadow tilts its head from a safe distance and seeps under the door after Aurora closes it. She sits on Alastor's virtually unused bed, she looks absently into the swamp. He magics them some drinks. “Boss let me keep some of my tricks.”

Aurora sips the warm brew, it already had her favorite creamer. “I am glad he did.”

Husk shifts around, he looks for Alastor's shadows but the shadow is quicker and blends in. “Sweetheart, I might be over stepping but does Boss….uh.”

“Treat me right?” Aurora smirks. “I thank you for your concern but Alastor treats me very well.” She bites her lip and appears bashful. “I am very happy.” Their sex is playing over and over again in her mind, as well as all their cuddle sessions and all his little gifts he gives her. She's trying not to get lost in her memories.

Husk seems hesitant, “I'm glad sweetheart but you have to know something.” He’s slumped and the lump in his throat is swallowed. His brows went up in concern. “Aurora, Boss is-...” he yelps when he feels a pinch on his calf. He glares down and sees a seething shadow of Alastor.

“Husk!” Aurora gasps and reaches for him as he recovers from his recoil. “Goodness, are you okay?”

“Yeah, I uh just, got a charlie horse.” His ears go flat when he notices from his peripheral that Alastor's shadow was threatening.

“I'm sorry, do I need to help?”

“No, its alright just need to stretch.” He glances down and the shadow is beckoning him. The shadow flees in front of him.

“Oh, uh okay.” Aurora's growing concern is written all over her face.

Husk closes the door and is confronted by Alastor. “Husker my old friend.” He nods, “let's have a chat.” Husk follows him and once they're a safe distance away. Alastor's head does a 180 to look at him and his body follows. “What the hell were you about to tell my wife?” His eyes glow red.

“The truth, you're gonna use her pure soul.” Husk crosses his arms and glares up at him, “I can't sit by any longer and watch you manipulate her, go on kill me, then explain to Aurora why I am gone.”

Alastor's laughter is cold and he shakes his head, “I am not surprised Husker. But disappointed you think so low of me.” The radio demon twirls his cane. “If you must know, yes that was the original intention, but no longer, so you don't need to concern yourself.”

Husker grumbles, “I am not sure I f*cking believe you.”

“I do plan to tell her how her blood can give me powers, I am sure she won't mind letting me have a taste here and there.” Alastor mentions. “And when she dies, we'll be a power couple… a fallen angel is powerful down here.” He's the cat that got the canary. “Besides, how do you know about this?” He inclines his head and gestures.

“‘Rora cut herself on something. I saw it shine gold.” Alastor nods, his wife did have a bad habit of doing too much at once and it often resulted in little injuries. Husk decides its best to change the subject, “Boss, I don't like the way that bitch is treating your wife.” He grumbles and taps his foot impatiently, “Besides you know Mimzy only shows up when she wants something.”

“I can and will handle this Husker, my friend.” Alastor answers and pats his head.

“Don't blow me off, I aint no damn pet- we used to be friends, you and I used to confide and take each other's advice!”

“But you are my pet.” Alastor chuckles and starts to walk away.

“Big talk coming from someone who's also on a leash.”

“What did you say?” The radio static is thick. Husk starts back pedaling and backs up, stuttering with his hands up in defense.

“If you ever say that again.” Husk is thrown to the ground and the green glowing chain appears around his throat. Alastor begins to pull the chains. He elongates his neck and body to tower over Husk. His eyes radio dials and then he shrinks back down. A manic look to his smile and eyes. “I will tear your soul apart and broadcast your screams for every disrespectful wretch who dares to question me.”

“Got it.” Husk says while shaking.

“Lovely.” He gets in his face then stands, “It was nice catching up, but I have a wife to attend to.” He straightens his coat. His features are returned to normal as he fixes his bowtie.

Aurora calls him in when he knocks and states himself. “Darling?” He sits on the bed next to her. She sends him a weak smile. “Everything okay?”

“Mimzy irritates me.” She looks away. “Her snide little comments don't bother me, but I'm only human, so after a while it grates on me. I don't react but she tries harder. She's been isolating me to say down right hurtful things to me.”

“Such as?”

“Oh that you'll get bored of me soon. And what did she say this morning? Oh yes, “All men say they want a housewife but they really want a wild one!” She sighs, “I just want to punch her, she doesn't know anything about me, I'vebeen working since I was 15 years old.” Her cheeks are puffed out.

“Well she should leave you be, I've noticed how she sabotaged our movie night and she was informed about crossing me.” Alastor says, he leads her up to look at him with fingertips on her chin. “Let me make it up to you.”

Aurora softens, “Okay Al.” She scoots closer, “What were you thinking?”

“Why don't you take me to a place you like in the world of the living.”

“Okay, its a date then.” She bumps him with her shoulders. “When is my hot date?”


The next day

Mimzy has been at it again and Aurora is just not reacting. Sometimes it's silence, sometimes she just shrugs or answers “no '' or something non committal. Aurora had taken a break from baking and cooking around the hotel. She's got her feet up, Angel is regaling her about the night out he had. She's giggling with him as she crochets a slouchy beanie for him. It's a hot pink yarn with black.

“Wow, you two really know how to party.” Mimzy giggles.

“Yeah we do.” Angel says he's laying on Aurora and texting on his phone. They take a picture together and Aurora goes back to her hobby pointedly ignoring the flapper. Angel's phone goes off, the curly haired woman peeks over and sees Valentino’s name. She feels how Angel's mood drops and her heart hurts. He swipes it away and sniffles.

“Angel, you can quit can't you?”

“Yeah, but where else am I gonna find work, toots?”

“What about here, at the hotel?”

“Nah, I ain't cut out for this.”


“I don't really wanna talk about this.”

Aurora drops it. She heard some of the voicemails and she almost blew her lid. That f*cking asshole, Aurora thinks. Mimzy is gabbing on about something, Angel seems to be humoring her. While crocheting she doesn't notice Angel get up and leave.

“I can't believe Al is with someone as boring as you.” Mimzy says casually, sitting across from her. “It's weird, did ya put a spell on him? Nah, what was I thinking you're as seductive as a piece of toast.”

“It's weird you care so much.”

“I'm just a concerned friend.” Mimzy puts her hand to her chest. “Al means so much to me!”

The water has been boiling, now the kettle screams, “No you're f*cking not, you're a jealous scheming little actress.” Aurora shoves her project into her bag and stands to look down on the shocked flapper. “You're mad and jealous because I got the one man you wanted but couldn't have.” She begins to storm off but turns to twist the knife a little, “Oh and we had sex the other night and it was great!” Mimzy was red in the face now, sputtering. Aurora flips her off and storms past Angel and into the elevator. She's panting in the elevator, she takes slower deeper breaths and then feels mortified. Oh her damn temper. She knocks and he answers the doors. “Al, can you just take me home?”

“As you wish dear.” He says, brows together, “Is everything alright?”

The woman is bashful, “I kinda lost my temper.”

Alastor opens to respond, his shadow fills him in and he chuckles. “Nothing to fear dear, her little crush she has on me really does need to die.” He kisses her, “You put her in her place, no shame in that.”

“I still wanna go home Al.” She hugs herself.

He doesn't want to think about why his heart seems to dance when she calls it “home”, his home that turned into their house which she now calls home. How can he deny her such a thing? “Very well dear.” He tugs her startled form to him and they teleport back.

Back at the hotel.

“Mimzy.” Alastor states walking towards her down the stairs.

“Oh, hey Dollface? Where did the missus go?” She asks, “Was all this too much excitement for the little mouse?” she yelps when Alastor grabs her wrists.

“You were warned,” the static is thick and his eyes glow red, “Your silly little crush you've had on me is getting on my last nerve. I have tolerated it due to our years of friendship but that only goes so far.” his grip becomes vice like. “I don't like hurting women dear, you know this, but I take what is mine very seriously and my morals can have exceptions.”

Mimzy stares up at him, she shakes a little. “Geez, Al, you're starting to scare me.”

“I should.” He says curtly and releases her. His hands go behind his back and he walks past her, “Don't push me. Leave my wife alone, she has told you off, that should be enough, your harassment ends here.”

“You got it Al!”

Next morning

“Dear, I think you should come to the Hotel.” Alastor says as she ties his bowtie and smoothes his lapels over. He's hooking a necklace on her and cards his fingers through her hair. “I took care of Mimzy.”

“Al, I don't want to.” she mutters, “I just think maybe I should keep some distance.”

“I don't want Mimzy to think she got to you.” He motions for her to sit and he takes a knee to put her shoes on. He stands and offers his hands, she takes them to get off the bed and she starts putting the cufflinks she bought him on his sleeves.

“Oh, Al, I just have a bad feeling.” She says.

“Nonsense, if something happens, I will intervene.” Alastor embraces her and rocks them side to side. She turns her head away, he gently pulls her chin back and kisses her. Against her gut, she decides to go with him. She spends the morning making breakfast with Charlie. The princess wants to bake cookies and Aurora is more than happy to show her tips and tricks.

“Well your cookies are so fluffy and soft, mine get thin and crunchy.”

“Oh, the trick is cream cheese.” Aurora explains, “You also have to chill the dough for at least 2 hours, ideally overnight.”

“What!? Huh, I never would have guessed!” Charlie drinks her coffee. They're sitting at a large table, the crew has come and gone with no sign of Mimzy. The two chat for awhile, Charlie put her head in one hand and elbow on the table. “Vaggie and I got into a small fight yesterday.”

“Well, I'm sorry Charlie, do you want to talk about it?”

“Yea, you see-...” Charlie goes on, Aurora listening. Aurora gives her some insight and the two realize its lunch. Aurora grabs her plates and brings Alastor his lunch, she is sure to make herself a plate. On her way up she sees Angel. She smiles and greets him but he goes past her without a word. She sees Mimzy come out from his room. Aurora ignores her but can't help but wonder what the two spoke about. Mimzy simply says as Aurora passes, “Even if Al doesn't hate you, I'll make sure everyone else at this tacky joint does.”

The woman rolls her eyes and takes Alastor his lunch. The two eat together. Once she's back down, she sees Angel in the lobby and she goes to sit next to him. He puts his legs out to stop her. Aurora frowns, “Oh, sorry, I'll give you space.'' She turns to go to another spot.

“Cut the nice act, Mimzy told me what you said yesterday.” Angel grumbles.

Aurora stops, “And what pray tell did she say?”

“That you're just my friend because ya pity me- you look down on me because I ain't as fancy and prim and proper.” His voice is cold and mocking. “Ya don't like that I'm a p*rnstar and prefer me sober.”

Her heart hurts. “Angel, that is not true at all.” she hesitates, “Well, I mean the one part about being sober, I do much prefer you without drugs in your system.” She reaches for him, “I don't care that you're a p*rnstar, as long as you're safe, I don't like that horrible man controlling you at work. He's abusing you.”

He slaps her hands away, “You ain't my real ma, I don't need ya ‘concern’.” Angel gets up and storms off.

Aurora’s a screaming kettle on the inside. Her eyes see red. Mimzy picking on her was one thing, now she was using people's insecurities against them. Angel's words were like a knife. She turns to start searching the chaotic hotel for the flapper. She finds her talking to Husk and Husk is grumbling at her. The woman opens her mouth to shout the flapper's name when someone else from outside does it instead.

“Ah f*ck!” Mimzy wide eyed terror goes to the doors. “They found me already?” There is pounding on the doors and shouts of Mimzy's name from multiple male voices.

“Who found you?” Husk demands.

Alastor appears as Vaggie runs to the lobby with a spear at the ready. Vaggie is glaring at Mimzy. Alastor is cool, calm and collected. He walks in front of his wife, “Go to our room dear.” He hands her the key. She takes it but hesitates.


“I’ll be fine dear, I’m the Radio Demon.” He assures her with a wink and winning smile.

“Oh, I might owe about 25,000 or so grand I borrowed.” Mimzy puts her fingers together.

Vaggie curses in Spanish and announces, “Civilians go to your rooms, I will hand this.” Alastor holds up his hand.

“No need, it's time I remind everyone why I am here.” His eyes turn to radio dials and he enlarges as he exits the doors. Angel has come out to see what the commotion is with Charlie and Vaggie is trying to herd them back to their rooms. Husk breaks a bottle and Mimzy goes to cheer on Alastor as he becomes giant and uses his tendrils to stab a loan shark. Aurora is frozen. She forgot just how fragile all of this was, he’s a demon. Her brain is stuck in a vicious cycle. She’s aghast. Features blanching from shock as she watches her husband eat other demons. Charlie and Vaggie are arguing and Angel is now pushing Aurora back, telling her to go somewhere safe. Someone escapes Al’s gaze and enters. Vaggie is unprepared but she recovers quickly and shoves the shark back. Aurora doesn’t want to leave, she wants to make sure everyone is okay- she wants to help. There are screams or terror, agony, grunts of effort. Vaggie takes one down, she uses her foot on its chest to pull her spear out.

Alastor is shrinking down, he’s gotten everyone and he comes in, dusting himself off. He is surprised to still see Aurora there but she shrugs and smiles weakly. Alastor goes to Mimzy. “Mimzy, I think you should leave.”

“What, you love taking care of me, you heartless son of a bitch!” She’s poking his chest and he’s clearly unamused.

“Mimzy, if you wish to redeem yourself and decide to stop your petty little games you may stay, but you purposely came here knowing I would clean up your messes for you, but no more.” He leans in, “If I ever see you again, I will let you join the others that dared to cross me, this is the final warning.” Mimzy scoffs, she tells him off and then storms off. While everyone is arguing about the wall, Aurora is still kinda in shock, Alastor has his hand around her waist, but she’s still seeing this gentle, at least with her, man- demon- in his giant form. She didn’t even know he could do that. She hears something and sees the shark demon start to rise. Her brain is registering what she’s seeing out of the corner of her eyes. He rises and is going after Angel, all their backs are turned away from what they had assumed was a corpse. She doesn’t think, she acts. She grabs Vaggie’s spear and slides in to use the Shark’s own speed and weight against him. He’s speared before he can react and Angel is turning to see it.

Alastor is quick to grab the impaled demon and drag him away. Angel is quick to go in front of Aurora and scold her. Alastor decapitates the shark demon with pleasure, knowing his wife is well distracted. “Aurora, are you insane!?” there are tears in his eyes. “Why would you put yourself at risk like that, especially after I was such a dick to ya.”

Aurora cups his cheek, “My love isn’t glass.” She gives him a weak smile and he hugs her tight with all his arms. Charlie and Vaggie join in on the hug. Aurora chuckles, “Uh, can I go home now?”

They release her and they’re all chuckling nervously. Alastor takes her hand and she leans into him as they teleport home. He’s singing her praises again, but she’s just shaking. “Darling, that was so clever, of course, I knew this, you’re very clever, using his body weight against the oaf, even if it was in defense of that pest!” Aurora is shaking, she begins to cry. “Darling?” he asks, embracing her.

“I K-k-killed someone Al.”

“In defense of someone else, my darling, you did nothing wrong!”

She’s shaking like a leaf. He tuts and bends to pick her up, he carries her into their bedroom and tends to her. Getting her tea, comforting her with words, sweet caresses, gets her into a blanket. “Oh my tender little wife, I am sorry this happened, it was never my intention, I will be sure you don’t have to do that again.” he starts brushing her hair. She sobs and he brings her into his chest. He’s comforting and doting, but on the inside he’s so proud of her. He even whispers to her how brave she was. She falls asleep on his chest, tears down her cheeks.

Gilded Cage - Chapter 12 - Plutoascending91 (2024)
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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Author information

Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.