The Richmond Sun from Richmond, Indiana (2024)

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SIX of the not be sold or on NOTICE KI DNEY WORTI KIDNEY WORT its on New Castle is to have a daily pa per Brother Pleas of the Mercury gives notice that he will commence the publication of a daily on the 2d of July This of course is done to a long felt and while we do not wish to discourage this new venture in journalism all past expe rience has shown that daily papers in towns the size of New Castle have proved failures We however wish the Mercury success pecuniarily There is nothing that appears to create greater consternation among Republican politicians than the men tion of the probability of Samuel Tilden being a candidate for Presi dent in 1884 They show their fear of him and begin to talk of a feeble old man his barrel of money wreck ing of railroads etc They evidently think they dropped the income tax suits too soon The Democrats of Ohio meet in State Convention to day to nominate candidates for Governor and other State offices to be filled at the Octo ber election The Convention will 'be largely attended and there will be a warm contest for nominations as the Democrats are confident of carrying the State The ticket will be a long one as nearly every State office is to be filled and the Legis lature elected will have a United States Senator to elect Judge Hoadley Gen Durbin Ward and Judge Geddes are the prominent candidates for nomination for Gov ernor New Methodist Church The Trustees of the irst Methodist Episcopal Church have purchased the ground on the southwest corner of Main and ourteenth streets with a frontage of 100 feet and 165 feet deep where they expect to build at once a church edifice on the most approved plan The building will be spacious convenient and elegant an ornament to the and a credit to the congregation The church building it is expected will be ready for occupancy next fall or the year 1882 the gold and silver mines in the United States yielded 379300000 which is 81 300000 less than in 1881 Califor nia produced 316800000 in gold and Colorado 316500000 in silver Arizona produced 37500000 and Utah 36800000 in silver No Wayne Circuit Court September Term 1883 ed to draw his revolver but Story saw it glisten and wrenched it from the hand of his antagonist In do ing so the weapon was discharged and Story received the bullet in his hand Three shots followed in quick succession and Beaver fell to die upon a bed of grass beneath a roof of blackened sky and in the pres ence only of his slayer and his para mour The girl as goes her story bent over him and soothed him in the agonies of death She felt his last pulsation and saw his eyes set in death and darkness She then started for town to give the alarm Story followed threatening her at every step with death if she revealed his awful crime He followed to the Sheriffs door where she gave the alarm and was admitted There she told the story as above related The officers made search and found the victim at the point she indicated Her evidence before the Coroner Saturday morning was substantially as above Beaver leaves a wife and six children some of them married His relatives are numerous and wealthy and vow vengeance The murdered man is known to have had considerable money on his person but when searched the money was not found His last request was to the girl to take his pocketbook She refused to take it because she thought she might be charged with being the murderer Story was afterwards arrested anil lodged in jail He claims that the shooting was accidental He says Beaver stuck the revolver in his face it went off shooting me in the hand I held on to the revolver and got behind him and he tried to shoot me over his shoulder and I struck at the revol ver and it went off He said God that hit and dropped the revolver and Published every Thursday by JAMES ELDER TERMS: One Dollar per year or 50 cents for six months Publication Office In Build ing up stairs corner of Main and Sixth (old Marion) Streets Entrance from Main Street Indianapolis Sentinel: Judge Tu ley of Chicago has decided that a bucket shop stands on a level with the Chicago Board of Trade Gen erally bucket shops have been re garded as hells of more than average respectability bearing about the same relation to ordinary faro tables that the Stock Exchange bears to but Judge Tuley has given an opinion in regard to tele graphic matters which all gambling establishments together whether they spin a roulette ball deal cards from a case take small bets on the price of grain in the next five minutes or deal in grain and stocks in a princely manner on Judge Tuley seems to have got the hang of matters and his decision is strictlyin consonance with common sense and justice We would remind our subscribers who are indebted to us on subscrip tion in any amount that the money is needed and prompt payment would be a great favor to the pub lisher at this time One more num ber will complete the first six months of the third volume The extensive dry goods firm of Hess Co Indianapolis being in an embarrassed condition a re ceiver has been appointed on appli cation of eastern creditors Smith manager of the store was appointed receiver The senior member of the firm is Sheriff of Marion county Hon 8 Cox the distinguished Congressman of New York City de livered the oration at the Asbury commencement Greencastle on Tuesday evening A large number of distinguished men of Indiana were present and the oration was a brilliant production fully sustaining the great reputation of the orator Luther Benson the temperance lecturer recently celebrated at Ha vana Illinois the first anniversary of abstinence from the use of intoxi cants since he was ten years old On the occasion of the celebration Lu ther was the recipient of numerous congratulatory letters from distin guished people all over the country These letters all breathed encour agement to Luther to hold out in his course of abstinence Mr Ben son is without doubt one of the strongest and most popular temper ance lecturers ami is capable of do ing great good in the cause but the trouble heretofore has been that af ter a successful lecturing tour he would go back to his old habits Now that he has kept sober for a year it is to be hoped that his reform will be permanent 'The Republican papers have been having a good time for the past week in publishing articles in relation to the alleged unfriendly feeling exist ing between Hons Thomas A Hen dricks and Joseph McDonald The Palladium a few days ago pub lished several extracts from papers in reference to the ill feeling exist ing between these two distinguished Democrats and commented on it in the following gushing style significance of the quarrel is that while the Democrats are like dogs and the Republicans are healing old feuds shaking etc The will not feel so jubilant when it ascertains that no unfriendly feeling exists between Messrs McDonald and Hendricks and that the accounts it published were purely imaginary The Repub licans are catching at any sort straws to keep their courage up BELL RICHMOND LOAN Beal Estate and tamce Ajeecj Established 29 Years With all the discouraging reports of crops in the North it is agreeable to read of wheat and oats such as are found near Chattanooga wheat was the finest specimen of the kind we have ever seen at this time of the year The heads were thickly crowded with grain and the meshes well filled The grain was almost perfect requiring only a few more days to complete its growth The oats were certainly fine The stalks were six feet high and the heads full and A earful Democratic ExamplePittsburg Post Texas the banner Democratic State is a fearful example Republi can newspapers do not refer to In Texas there are 6200 miles of rail way lines growing two miles daily Tax is thirty cents on each 31000 There are 84250000 in the State Treasury State bonds are worth 40 per cent premium and the debt of the State was reduced by that rare old genius Governor Roberts who believe in political Thanks giving days 31400000 last year leaving a balance of Texas bonds outstanding and held mainly by Texas schools and institutions of learning of 81000000 5 per cents The taxable wealth has grown from 8280000000 in 1877 to 8410 free school fund will soon be 86361000 More than 81000000 were dispensed last year among free schools attended by 295000 pupils A white and color ed Normal School provides home made teachers The University of Texas has 1000000 acres of choice land and there is engrafted in the Constitution of Texas a provision enabling a poor man to invest 35000 in real estate and making it his nomestead it can mortgaged for debt and only con veyed absolutely by the joint deed of man and wife case against them involves inherent difficulties of proof which must ren der it a task of extraordinary skill and labor to establish guilt beyond a reasonable doubt That task sim ply proved impossible of achieve The Herald says good men and true sworn to deliver a ver dict according to the law and evi dence yesterday declared the Star Route defendants We notice already a disposition to blame and villify the jury It ought to be said for the jurymen who for the most part are obscure men without the power to defend themselves that the prosecution were well satisfied with them when impaneled and long afterward The attorneys for the Government made no complaint a month after the trial began that the jury were either drunkards or too ignorant to discharge the duty or that they were too corruptible Is it proper now when they have ren dered their verdict to attack their characters and qualifications because the verdict not merely acquitted the defendants but condemns the At torney General and his The Tribune says jury sys tem is not likely to gain in popular estimation by the verdict of yester day in Washington An exception ally ignorant jury one of the mem bers of which was so dependent upon his daily allowance of whisky that a fewr seclusion in the jury room resulted in a fit has been engaged six months in attempting to under stand and digest the vast array of details laid before them in intermin able length until the end was reach ed The verdict probably was one that noteven the defendants expect ed People will perhaps find com fort in the reflection that they paid an enormous price for their escape of the expenses of the two trials They have been punished to that extent at The World says: false ver dict was rendered by the jury in the Star Route prosecution It was more than a failure of justice It is a pub lic calamity It is a blow at justice an encouragement to dishonesty and a temptation to crime We deeply regret the disgraceful failure of jus tice although we predicted and ex pected OUR WASHINGTON LETTER rom our regular Corretawndent Washington C' June 16 1883 The close of the Star Route trial on Thursday has been the only top ic of general interest in Washington during the present week After a series of trials almost unprecedent ed in length and attended by many circ*mstances unexampled in the history of similar proceedings in this country the Star Route defendants have been acquitted by a jury whose honesty will not be seriously ques tioned However various may be the opinions of the people on any or all the points involved there are none except those whose interest was prompted by protraction who will not be heartily glad that the curtain has been rung down on a drama that had ceased to interest the public and had come to be re garded among those evils which can not be described as afflic It will be remembered that after months of preparation and after the PjUbVc'ihTnct Tiad 'ni'olflfU' fident predictions of a clear case and prompt action the prosecution start ed on a course that had to be aban doned The attempt to dispense with the formality of indictments and to proceed by information con sumed many weeks and cost an enormous outlay of money It would seem that with all the resources at its command the Department of Justice should have been able to de cide whether or not such a course was open The verdict of was a genuine surprise to every one except the defendants and their friends all of whom have for weeks past been confident in expressing the opinion that the jury would acquit When the trial commenced there were few who anticipated other than convic tion but as it dragged its slow length along the opinion was modified un til for a long time past not even the prosecuting counsel hoped for so much But a jury was what was anticipated except as above re marked by those personally interest ed and who seem to have had infor mation not accessible to outsiders The defendants and their friends were on hand in force when the jury came in and rendered their verdict and the scene that ensued was ex citing and dramatic One of the learned counsel for the defense start ed the hurrah and was about jump ing upon the counsel table when he seemed to remember himself An other Col Ingersoll turned around and kissed his own wife who hap pened to be sitting by him Anoth er one of the defendants sobbed gen uine tears which came so fast that he could not wipe them off with his handkerchief and another smiled while John Dorsey was appar ently as unconcerned as if it was a matter in which he had not the least interest and Gen Brady flushed and paled by turns The defendants were all surrounded by their friends and overwhelmed with congratula tions They were cheered lustily in the Court House and again as they emerged and went across the street for refreshments The two devoted women Mrs Dorsey and Mrs Peck who have been constant attendants alternately smiled and clapped their delicate hands and Mrs Dorsey de clared she must not leave until she had taken every juror by the hand and thanked him She was not nnwAVftr uRln tn nurrv niit hnr in VAV IIV 1 tention The manner of Judge Wy li lie in discharging the jury was cold and constrained ana he made it I I vfliade gv Retribution The shooting of Capt A Nutt by Dukes at Unionto wn Penn sylvania in December last will be recollected by most of our readers Dukes was afterwards tried for mur der and acquitted The trial and acquittal of Dukes created great ex citement at Uniontown and threats were made of lynching Dukes if he remained in the place He did re main however and last week James Nutt son of the murdered man shot and killed Dukes Nutt is a young man about 20 years of age He was arrested and lodged in jail IS A SURE CURE for all diseases of the Kidneys and LIVER It has specific action on this most importAnt organ enabling it to throw off torpidity and inaction stimulating the healthy secretion of the Bile and by keeping the bowels in free condition effecting its regular discharge JLjlg) In risk If you are suffering from dal Ids malaria have the chills are bilious dyspeptic orconstipated Kidney Wort will surely relieve and quickly cure In the Spring to cleanse the System every one should take a thorough course of it SOLD BY DRUOCIST8 Price SI most apparent that he did not ap prove of the verdict It is said a very bitter feeling ia entertained to ward him by some of the counsel for the defense Since the beginning of the Star Route trials the Government has paid the following sums to attor neys: To Bliss up to March 22 1883 84620818 to Brewster up to January 4 1882 85000 to Cook ebruary 4 1882 8694918 to Gib son ebruary 6 1882 85000 to Ker up to May 25 1883 82787248 to Merrick to April 23 1883 832 000 Allan A Pinkerton has been paid 8294974 the whole making a grand total of 812597948 To these payments many others must be add ed for instance 8200000 for wit nesses The total cost to the Gov ernment since the prosecutions be gan will be over half a million of dollars August Joseph I) Spahr Ad ministrator of the Es tate of Ammon Wag ner deceased V8 Mary Ellen Rowlan William Rowlan Ed ward Wagner Wil lard Wisler Matilda Wisler Almeda Wagner Alfred Wagner Ora Ammon Wagner Rebecca Wagner and Daniel Ball NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES by Joseph Spahr Administrator of the Estate uf Ammon Wagner deceased to all said defend ants that he has as such Administrator tiled bis petition in oilice of the Wayne Circuit Court asking for the sale of certain land in Wayne County to wit: The west bait of the southwest quarter of section 3 in town ship 15 of range 13 east Tne same being the land of said decedent at the time of his death Said petition will be heard in said Court at the Court House in Richmond on Monday September luth when and where said de fendants are notified to appear Joseph spahr Administrator Prrllk Robbins Attorneys June21l8S3 25 27 Bar Picnic The Whitewater Bar will hold annual picnic at New Castle June 30th Three hundred invita tions have been issued and a grand time is anticipated The Star Route Cases Ended On Thursday the jury in the Star Route cases which have been drag ging along in Court for over six months returned a verdict of acquit tal The first vote after the jury retired stood eight for conviction four for acquittal 'The verdict nf '3 tbat the Star Rout ers are guilty 6bbing tb gov ernment and that they been punished A Panic in the Produce Market at Ohicago A Big Drop in Lard Last Saturday was a day of great excitement in the produce markets at Chicago Lard tumbled 8170 per 100 lbs in a few minutes and the failure of McGeoch Everingham Co one of the boldest firms of op erators of the Board was announced The losses of the firm it is estimated will approximate 82000000 Sev eral other firms went under and the greatest excitement prevailed during the day A Murder Near Rushville On riday night a murder was committed near Rushville under the following circ*mstances: Joe Beaver a farmer near ayetteville and a man of family was in Rush ville and at a late hour on riday night he was seen to go north on the Wayne Cincinnati Louisville Railroad in company with Minnie Helm a woman of bad character formerly of Knightstown and who figured prominently as a witness in the oxwell case a few years ago What occurred after they had walk ed along the railroad some distance is told as follows by Miss Helm The girl says that herself and Beaver sat talking on the railroad ties when she observed a dark form drawing near them She pointed it to Beaver whereupon the black form vaqo zl cHriinir Konvnw A Ihrt XVQV auu II A VC Ci All vli 1 9 LAI IVil VI 1 Li vO A 1 VJ MW 41 UU1J two men grappled Beaver attempt prosecuted and fairly tried The The Pan Handle Railroad has ap propriated 810000 for the erection of a new depot at Logansport The new State House at Albany New York has already cost 8 14 220 000 and it is estimated that it will require 84371000 to complete it Last fall Hawkins Democrat was elected Sheriff of Hamilton county Ohio and his election was contested by Beresford the defeated Republi can candidate After being in Court over six months a decision was giv en last week in favor of Hawkins The Greenbackers of Ohio met in State Convention at Columbus on the 13th inst and nominated a full ticket for the several State offices to be filled at the October election Charles Jenkins of Mahoning coun ty is their candidate for Governor The Commissioners to locate the Insane Asylums met at Indianapolis yesterday The Times said that no decision would be reached that day and that it was probable that the locations would not be definitely filed before the early part of next week Tha1 Yor un an(I several other tlon Wil liam Holman candi' datefor President for in 1884 Mr Holman would good candidate for any position and would do credit to the highest office in the government The Prohibitionists of Ohio have put a full ticket in the field for the State offices The Republicans had laid their plans to capture the Pro hibitionists with a prohibition amendment to the Constitution but the Prohibitionists declined to be caught with the bait offered Republican alsehoods The Republican papers are doing a good deal of lying about Messrs Hendricks and McDonald in en deavoring to make it appear that these gentlemen are personal ene mies because of their Presidential aspirations Last week the Indian apolis Journal had a Lit of swash in regard to McDonald and Hendricks being seated together at a banquet given to a Georgia military company that visited Indianapolis and that they did not speak to each other This stuff was also telegraphed to Eastern papers and a great ado made over it Of course there was not a word of truth in these statements A correspondent of the Cincinnati News Journal called on I lendricks and Mc Donald and the following is what they hail to say on the subject: Mr Hendricks asked the reporter is this talk about McDonald and me about sitting next each other at the banquet to the Macon Volunteers? and not speaking to each other is just replied the re porter say what you did and it was even telegraphed all over the country with which reporter drew from his pocket one of the telegrams clipped from the New York Herald there be anything J11V1 I absurd exclaimed Mr Hendricks and continuing slowly is not the slightest truth in it It sure ly must be a love of lying for its own sake that would induce men to cir culate such a report as that I wish you would say that both gentlemen concerned deny it McDonald treat ed me with the utmost cordiality and I so treated him There was noth ing but the pleasantest intercourse Go ask The reporter went and found him communing with his after dinner cigar McDonald what about this report that you and Mr Hen dricks did not speak to each other at the is not a word of truth in replied Mr McDonald laugh ing I went there the first man I shook hands with was Mr Hendricks When we went to the supper room we passed in to the right and left and it was purely ac cidental that Mr Hendricks and I were seated side by side and so far from not speaking to each other we talked together so much about our private affairs that I became a little uneasy once for fear we were neg lecting our guests My relations with Nir Hendricks have been and are of the most cordial Comments of the New York Press on the Verdict New York June 15 The Times says: verdict of the Star Route jury is one that will give com fort and encouragement to all who think it is no sin to steal from the Treasury of the United States To the honest people of the Nation it is a result unexpected and undesired a grievous disappointment and a fresh revelation of the power of wealthy and unscrupulous graduates of the school of when confronted in the Courts of Washington by proof of their vil The Sun says easiest task would this morning be to denounce the jury who rendered the verdict of acquittal in the Star Route trial yesterday While nobody confident ly expected conviction most people thought there would be a disagree ment Probably not one in a thou sand who followed the report of the trial entertained the slightest idea of a verdict in favor of the defend ants It is not necessary to impute folly or knavery to the Judge or ju ry to explain the escape of the de fendants They have been ably Eihte Bought Sold and Ezchind MONEY TO LOAN In email sums on Real Estate and on arm Insurance in first class Companies at lowest rates Stbamship Tickets BELL Agent537 Notary rubllc Lntered at the Post Office at Richmond Indiana a Second Class Matter THURSDAY JUNE 21 1883 At Cost and Less Than Cost or the Next Thirty Days A Rare Opportunity will be offered to Con sumers to purchase Dry Goods and Notions AT GREAT BARGAINS AT West End Store Having deter mined to quit business in Richmond Goods will be sold cheaper than any other house can sell them In order to close out the Stock Goods will be sold AT COST AND LESS TUAN COST Now is the time to get the Greatest Bargains ever offered in this city ixtures Stools Show Cases and Deks for Sale LANDSBERG SON WEST JZUXTZD STORE 32 25 Ohl Slanil SO 532 Main Street NYE'S CHINA PALACE Now is the time for you to make your families happy with little expense With a view to reducing my stock and make room for goods to arrive 1 have re duced tiie prices on my large assortment of Dishes and Glassware till there is no excuse for any family to not have a liberal supply of good Dishes 1 am of fering Dishes for less than ever did before and the quality considered as well as the quantity 1 am confident that the people of Wayne County never had such an opportunity offered them beforfe I am selling Decorated Sets of Dishes for less money than tlie same goods are sold for in any other city west of tire Alleghanies Among the low priced Sets are 94 Piece Sets Brown Columbia 900 94 Melborne 1300 94 onnosa 1500 And a number of other beautiful Decorated Sets at correspondingly low prices I mean to reduce my stock if low prices will attract buyers Respectfully 830 MAIN STREET NYE TjTZLZEZE TILE CEJXZEZETTT SEWER IE ERTILIZERS atstid COAL ALL KINDS A GEO i 28 190 to 196 Wayne Ave Richmond Ind RICHMOND BREWERY EMIL MLILTEL Manufactures at the Richmond Brewery the best quality of Beer and furnishes it either bottled or in kegs His Beer is unadulte rated made with pure spring water and the best judges have pro nounced it a better boiled Beer than that made in Cincinnati or Indianapolis Richmond physicians recommend it as superior for medicinal purposes amilies supplied in bottles or by the keg and farmers will find this the best Beer for their uses 18 30 JOSEPH GRIMM 829 Main Street Richmond MAJfUACHIREK AWJVIIVGrS Window Door and Mantel Decorations Of tomans oot Kests ancy Tables Patent Mockers Arm and Easy Chairs Lounges Hair Moss and Spring Mattresses ALSO DKAIKR IN UPHOLSTERY AND DECORATION MATERIAL Window Shades Lace Curtains Cornices Poles and all kinds of Trimmings Upholstering and Repairing Carpet itting and Laying Lace Curtain Bleaching Work done Sub stantially and Artistically at Reasonable Prices GOODS SOLD AT SMALL PROITS THE DRY GOODS DEALER At an early day the active farm labor will hoover and a more general attention will be giv en to the purchase of various Merchandise It is still our aim to make the market the most at tractive in Eastern Indiana for the purchase of GOODS! And a Visit to our Large Convenient Establishment will Convince the Public of this act! Some of our Leading Purchases and Attractions we Mention Below 10000 Yds CHOICE PRINTS which we offer as low as they can be bought in the Largest Wholesale Market 10000 Yds BLEACHED MUSLIN 10000 Yds BROWN (Unbleached) MUSLIN at prices that puzzle the purchaser how they may be produced for so little money 5000 Yds of SHIRTING 2000 Yds of DENIMS and DUCKS 2000 Yds TICKINGS the best makes in the country 8000 Yds CHOICE GINGHAMS Our 8 3c Gingham is especi ally cheap and would be a bargain at 10c Printed Lawns in Choice New Patterns White Goods and Embroideries UNDERWEAR Made of Good Cloth and Trimmed with Excellent Quality of Embroidery MAGNIICENT HOSIERY AND GLOVES Also ft large assortment ofcheap Hosiery ami Socks which we buy in quantities and sell at or dinary wholesale cost of such goo Is Cloths and CaNsimercN for Men's and Boys' AV ear A iso the best Cotlonade Pant Goods for the least monev SPRING SHAWLS AND WRAPS IN CHOICE ASSORTMENT Of these we have a stock that meets the want of everyone our prices for these ranging from $luuo down to 15 cents Lace Curtains I Lace Curtains I Window Shades I Window Shades I Large Assortment and Newest Designs I inally we would mention the line of Goods especially attractive to the Ladies this it will be readily conceded is a stock of CHOICE SIJLCS A LKTZD DRESS OODSI his department of ourblore is replete with a line of abrics and Colorings neve)1 before equalled OurSUMMER SILKS range in price from 5uc per yard upwards Our BLACK1 Lk at $100 $115 $120 ami $125 are the beat value ever shown in this market and we doubt H'e in New York or any large market to day rhe WORSTED abrics in Black and Colors embrace every desirable variety and the prices are so low that the iiooreRt can buy and appear in costume most pleasing and service able i thou fear of extravagance We arc disposed to supply this community in the future as in the past years with a class of superior Dry Goods avoiding all inferior Goods ami at prices thatshall attract to us a con tinued liberal patronage We kindly invite a call promising our best and courteous attention RESPECTULLY GEO II KNOLLENBERG Affent for I'ATTEliX IANDRETH seeds I The most extensive Seed Growers in America ounded 1 781 DrnnnsaPnRtirBrd for our PRICED CATALOGUE Address simply LANDRETH PHILADELPHIA KIDNEY WORT.

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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

Phone: +9418513585781

Job: Senior Designer

Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.