The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER THURSDAY JULY 28 1960 31' Bay Warned of inancial Crisis A Rice lea ses South Bend Wn his I DOWN STE DOWN a had Mrs Newton 3 45 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE a the the American American American American American American 1 2:0 1:30 Canadian Canadian American American American London Denton uo ago Dr 3:35 3:30 2:00 2:35 She was long a Women's Aux Memorial Hos actlvc in wom the irst Con Manzzuttl tun taaoc isnouniih! GHsucducUUlnl Upmit 50 30 3 OU UO Ontario Stone Republic Steel Otis Steel Republic Steel Republic Steel 30 2 3j 10 10 50 her Bay EastchH Taylor llcht Stein Herbert Snider Retired ire Battalion Chief Dies AT STATED HOURS 68 3 64 6 68 9 78 11EBBI RT SNIDER Michigan CiVTTK Norway Misener Renvuvie Lcmovne Erunknac GrH (on Suodoc bi icoidoc Hall Peter Battlrford Polanis Kfyshey Mormac Pride rank A Sherman Yayeht Candt Whit teW 0 No 31 Bentunzt 9 9 1 1: PM 12 15 12 15 12:20 123O AM 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 TEMPERATURES 3 a 6 a 9 a Noon Highest temperature Wednesday Highest temp same dale last year Lowest temperature Wednesday Lowest temp same date last year Mean temperature Normal temperature Deficit of temp this month to date Accumulated deficit since Jan Total precip 24 nrs ended 8 Total piecip this month to date Excess of precip this month to date Total since Jan 1 Excess since Jan I Nationality Israeli German German German German Swedish German British American iMnerican American American 7730 9:30 10:00 11:00 Dock 9th Street 9th Street 6th Street 6th Street Riverfront Riverfront Riverfront Riverfront Eire Ore Central urnace 2U 10 Metis Hagartv Rutnrttell tu Hustler barce Oil No 33 rankrllffe McCullough ore ermt light Stanley 3:30 Tateprescudoe White The Bay Village school board was told bluntly last night to go out and attract commerce and industry or else The suburb cannot support a first class school system with a residential tax duplicate Regi nald A Neuwien of the Educa tional Research Council of Greater Cleveland told the board you do would be going from nothing to some he said face bankruptcy No I want to be that strong But your financial picture is one of the most serious in the Double Tax Duplicate Neuwien told the board that if it wished to continue to pro vide the same educational serv ices as it did now it would have to double its tax duplicate in the next 10 years That means a jump of $34 500000 to $69000000 The du plicate is now increasing at the rate of $2000000 a year Bay Village now' has one of the highest school tax rates 2791 mills and one of the lowest per pupil rates of expenditure $304 per pupil Neuwien is the administra tive research director of the Educational Research Council 1 Mrs Helen (Shaw) Smith of wide acquaintance in Ihn medical profession here died unexpectedly yesterday in Lakewood Hospital She was taken there Tuesday night after she was stricken ill home 455 Vineland Road Village Born in Canada 86 years she was married there to Calvin Shaw a Toronto physi cian The couple came here in 1898 Her husband died in J9I1 or many years she was of fice manager for a group of physicians She gained a wide acquaintance in professional circles In 1948 she was married to Dr Robert A Smith a promi nent physician of Ghent or many years Mrs Smith had been a resident of Bay Vil lage Skilled in knitting and crocheting she had made arti cles for agencies supplying war and missionary bandages and clothing She is survivied by nieces and nephews residing in On tario Several of them will be here for the private funeral at 9:30 am riday in the Zeis funeral home 16105 Detroit Avenue Lakewood riends may call from 3 to 5 pm and 7 to 9 pm today at the fu neral home Burial will be in Toronto Coulby tuK Boule lug Delaware 'Saskatoon AlxoiHil Schoonmaker tUS Gypsum Hosford Cadillac Homer Campbel! flue Sasamnre Biue Line lu8 Laughlin Henry Stein brenner Ream BrookdaleBenson ord Oblebay Taylor Lehigh 1 Paterjw 1 Cana doc North I idy Elsie Wmck Westrtver Republic Steel Republic Steel Otis Steel Riverfront Sycamore were Girdltr snyder Jr Mudye White CasimirJames Maida tPrlns Willem Wood Htbard Ed itzgeraldAlpena Gloria Hatfield DcoHindman Weybum tuy Victorious Abbotsford Scalor! Selkirk Canadoc Stadaconi Oil Transco barge No 04 Leecliffe Hall Ken Raman Imperial London i 1: 2 tf 2 4 9:25 10:15 ll40 1:40 12:15 1255 2:50 255 3:10 3:30 3 43 CAMPING Cfoti to Cleveland oo Rovio 12 just tai! of Aufou Delightful campsites far tents aed bailors available to areg just eaeM it RCUMDUR UH PARK Nestled aleng IM beautiful lake aio Mded tod ho tiles Modern facilities include aandy Ideal for the fimili or groufls Remnant rates or information call ER 1 SI Oltf or 10 24211 Sister Perpetua Solemn requiem mass for Sis ter Perpetua will be celebrated at 9:30 am tomor row in the chapel of St Joseph Convent 3130 Rocky River Drive NW Visitation will be this afternoon in the convent She died there Tuesday at 88 Early this year she observed her golden jubilee as a member of the Community of St Joseph She entered the order in 1903 from St Agnes Parisli here She was professed in 1910 Surviving her are a brother Diomas Murray of Ireland and two sisters Mrs Bishop and Miss Elizabeth Murray both of California Robert Warnock Robert Warnock retired production manager for Crozier Container Corp here will be buried In Lakcwwxl Park Ceme tery after services at 2 pm to day in the Daniels funeral home 15800 Detroit Avenue Lakewood He died Tuesday in his home 2570 a Drive Rocky River at 80 In early years Mr Warnock was a sandlot baseball umpire and an officer of the Amateur Baseball Umpires Association Surviving him are his wife the former Lena iedler a son Robert two daughters Miss Margaret Warnock and Mrs Patterson: a brother and twersisters Clock Calendar ishing Prove Most Productive ull Time Angling Is More un Laconia Wandbr Avondale 6:15 756 dnpscUy AM 1:12 3:33 3:41 AM 5:09 6:34 8 30 9:419:50 10:53 12:28 PM 2:09 and 2:14 2:23 Munson Midland PrinceMead Champlain rantz Johnston Sweden Gull Transport Dag red HuuheUga ugue McLaughlin US Gypsum lLugiTed BaytransportAquarmna Algorail Nettleton Texaco Brave Oglebay RandallNorth American DOWN A 4:44 6:11 7:36 and 9:23 9:27 12:07 PM 2:00 Mrs Charles Braman Mrs Charles Braman daughter of an early mayor of Elyria died there early yester day in her home at 200 Deni son Avenue after a ill ness She was 90 The former Anna olger site a daughter of Diomas and Della olger Mrs Braman was 1hc idow of a former president of the Savings Deposit Bank Trust Co of Elyria He died in 1932 She was a member of the first board of directors of the Elyria YWCA member of the iliary of Elyria pital She was groups of gregational Church in Elyria Surviving her arc a son Theodore Braman a daughter Mrs Judson Hall two grand children and a sister Services will be at 2 pm to morrow in the Bicken funeral home Elyria with burial in Ridgelawn Cemetery there catfish or crappie This is probably the ultimate In fishing pleasure Next comes the solid relaxed enjoy ment most fishermen as they watch a bobber or fin ger a line or cast and retrieve a plug or spinner If a fish or two or three should be hooked a great day If they are not biting and this is i the common case well it wa? a great day to be But you want to catch dish! Take the solunar fishing table from the sport section of yes Plain Dealer You'll have the major and minor feeding periods for this next week there The angle's al manac reports Saturday and Sunday among the month's best fishing days Today tomorrow are moderately good for fishing Combine Ifcejwo recommendations and should catch iish these hxt few davs SHOWERS and thunder showers are forecast to day for the south Atlantic states UNITED STATES WEATHER BUREAU AT CLEVELAND HOPKINS AIRPORT: CLEVELAND AND VICINITY Sunny and mild today high 84 air and little change in temperature tonight low 65 Partly cloudy tomorrow and warmer with a chance of showers In the afternoon Winds on the lake southwesterly 8 to 12 knots today and tonight ASH I NG ON Off ictal oreca st Mostly fair with no marked temperature change today although a few isolated thundershowers this afternoon and evening in the southern portion High today mostly in me MTKOROLOGU'AL report clear cy cloudy pc partly cloudy raln i Aneus Morgan ''arrell Andrea Brovic ASfinHxna Victory Dickson Parcnv Palmer ThomDMMi East uarke uerr Lamont Clarke Resins Arnim Townsend Robinson urd Smith tAlpena snenango II Silver Bay Lebanon Andrews West JoymBvklr Diamond Alkali 3 iMcuartny Reserve PtUn Baker I TateII Snyder I Benson ordHuron Boland Cedarville Pontiac Richardson Weir TCalvIn JamesDavidwn 35 Humpnrey IroquoisR JonesHelen Hindeman tAquarama Port Lists DI LI TH Tuesday: Hood 6 Spun 8:13 Hutchinson 9 9:15 Labdie 10:23 Hanco*ck llsnt Tuesday: Hutchin son 5:05 Tewkesbury oie Townsend 11:25 light Wednesday: Berwind 1:15 Chisholm 1:25 lltht Wednesday: Dur ston light Denton 1:50 Dunlap 3:55 ere was taken at the time of his promotion to battalion chief He was a member of irefighters Union and of ire Chiefs Association or many years he and wife attended East Shore Meth odist Church Euclid Surviving him are his wife the former Agnes Whipple of Cleveland his daughter Mrs Gebhardt a son Ellis and six grandchildren Services will be at the Merle Owen funeral home 16019 Eu clid Avenue East Cleveland at 3 tomorrow Burial will be in Acacia Park Cemetery Dr Paul A Wilkinson Dr Paul A Wilkinson who for 25 years has been Welling only optometrist died Tuesday in Allen Memorial Hospital Oberlin after an ill ness of several weeks Bom 51 years ago in Nor walk he was a graduate of the high school there His profes sional degree was from Ohio State University He began practice in Wellington soon after his graduation Dr Wilkinson was secretary of the Cleveland Chapter of the Ohio Optometrists Association He was a member of the Lo rain County Optometrists As sociation Long active in the Boy Scout movement he was a member of the executive Council of the irelands Area and was a com missioner of that area He had the Silver Beaver Award high est adult rank in the Boy Dr Wilkinson was a former president of the Wellington Kiwanis He was a member of the irst Baptist Church there and active in its groups Surviving him are his wife the former Evelyn Rugg teach er of home economics in the Wellington High School three sons Paul John and Thomas Wilkinson: two sisters and a brother His home was at 232 Main Street Services will be at 2:30 pm tomorrow in the irst Baptist Church Wellington with burial in Green vv Cemetery riends may call at the Curtiss Truman funeral home Welling ton ISHERMEN USE Party Boat WAN EL for ishing Trip on Lak Erio Hour 8 am to pm to pm to 12 midnight Price $250 pr porson SI 25 for children bait Included or reservations call OL 1 0142 Wcdnrsdiv A Al 6:30 pupil population would jomj from 3129 to 4295 in the 10 years Die survey showed Baj would need additions of six classrooms each to three ele mentary schools by 1962 Tota cost was put at $330000 exclu sive of equipment Neuwien will explain his re port to Bay residents tonight a' a special meeting of the board in Normandy School at 8 front picnic on the North Side Police said five youths leaped 1 on the two families clubbed the men into unconsciousness with bats and fists slashed the clothes from the women aged 27 and 23 and raped them re peatedly despite their pleas i that they were pregnant Knife at Throat One woman was choked to keep her from screaming The other was raped while a knife was held at her throat One woman told police the gang threatened to kill her two chil aged 1 and if she re sisted The gang fled as someone ap proached Police in pursuit brought down Cleveland Dorsey Jr with a bullet in the neck They arrested the others after Dorsey revealed their hiding places Police said the group was led by James Hines 16 Dorsey Hines Louis Mc Cranie 16 James llarr 15 and Roscoe Clark 18 were reported fire department in 1906 as named in true bills member of Hook and Lad der Co 3 in the downtown Two to Be Charqed (district That was in the days of horse drawn apparatus He With Store Burglary aided in fighting many of the Twr ex fires here including sev fwo East Side men caught in eral on lumber docks alon the ishing is only what you make of it the conclusion of experts who apply serious thought to the public and scientific aspects of this increasingly popu lar American pastime There are three classes of fisherman The hungry angler wants to catch fish he can eat The dedicated sportsman makes his effort a thing of skill and science The rest oi us iisn tor lun We catch what we lohgale can fish when we can fish and get too churfied whether we take fish home or not If you are hungry or scien tific and want to catch the greatest poundage of fish per fishing hour watch the clock and the almanac By concentrating most of your fishing time on solunar fish ing periods and the fish ing days forecast by your ang ler's almanac you should catch the most fish in the shortest time If you arc a sportsman true your success is determined by how many obstacles you over come to catch a lish This group can fish under adverse conditions of time weather and and come up a winner with a fish or two But most modern fishermen fish when and how they can This is usually at the times according to solunar tables and almanac ratings But who has the most fun? All you have to do is watch the youngsters along any shore seawall or boat These boys and girls ut more pure desire into their fishing than the most eager rookie at Paul football camp And they usually shake with pleas ure when they catch a fish even a small perch white bass tug ORT luesdo KN 5:07 6:53 8:15 1 51 Wednesday AM 1:38 1:48 3:55 4th and Transfer 4:56 Mrs Smith Physicians' Aide Dead His report on the system's building etaffing and financial needs wa prepared at the request Neuwien suggested that board take the lead in bringing non residential construction to Bay Village He pointed out that it could seek a selective buyer for a parcel of unused land which the board owns on Clague Road The report estimated Bay's SylvaniaAlgocen I Saskatoon fJamesMaida Sir Jamr Dunn Robinson Manchester Venture Arrived: cleared LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE TO: Jean Weiser address un Known David Ralston address unknown Ed Robeson address unknown Roy Kirsch 444 Homecomer Dr Grove City Ohio Robert Ralston et al 119 rieasant st Dayton a onio rank Ralston 23 North moor Pl Columbus Ohio Pete Ramtere 1177 Johnny Cake Ridge Rd Painesville nutA You are hereby notified that on July 15 1960 the Council of the City of Euclid adopted Resolution No 138 1960 which provides as follows: RESOLUTION NO 138 1960 By Mr Sustarsic A resolution declaring it neces sary to Improve Brush Avenue from East 260th Street easterly approximately 2035 feet to the easterly line of Upson Park Sub division East 261st Street from Euclid Avenue northerly approximately 297 feet to Brush Avenue and from Brush Avenue northerly ap proximately 350 feet to the north erly line of Sublots 58 and 70 in Upson Park Subdivision East 262nd Street from Brush Avenue northerly approximately 770 feet to the northerly line of Upson Park Subdivision East 263rd Street from Brush Avenue northerly approximately 540 feet to the northerly line of Upson Park and East 264th Street from Euclid i Avenue northerly approximately 655 feet to the northerly line of upson raiK bUDtuvisioti as re corded in Volume 90 Page 16 of Cuyahoga' County Map Records by the Installation of sewers and water mains with appurtenances WHEREAS this Council declares that said Improvement is condu cive to the public health conven ience and welfare of the inhabi tants of the Citv of Euclid NOW THEREORE be It re solved by the Council of the City of Euclid State of Ohio three fourths of all members elected thereto concurring: Section 1: That it is necessary to improve Brush Avenue from East 260th Street easterly approximately 2035 feet to the easterly line of Upson Park Subdivision East 261st Street from Euclid Avenue northerly approximately 297 feet to Brush Avenue and from Brush Avenue northerly ap proximately 350 feet to the north erly line of Sublots 58 and 70 in Upson Park Subdivision East 262nd Street from Brush Avenue northerly approximately 770 feet to the northerly line of Upson Park Subdivision East 263rd Street from Brush Avenue northerly approximately 540 feet to the northerly line of Upson Park Subdivision and East 264th Street from Euclid Avenue northerly approximately 655 feet to the northerly line of Upson Park Subdivision as record ed in Volume 90 Page 16 of Cuya hoga County Map Records by the Installation of sewers and water mains with appurtenances Section 2: That the grade of said street as improved shall be as shown by the plans and profiles which are made a part hereof and that the grade of the curbs shall be as shown on said engineer's plans and profiles Section 3: That the plans spec ifications estimates and profiles of the proposed improvement here tofore prepared by the engineer and now on file in the office of the Administrative Director be and the same are hereby approved Section 4: That the whole cost of said Improvement less one fif tieth (150) thereof and the cost of intersections shall be assessed in proportion to the benefits which may result from the Improvementupon the following described lots bounding the pro lands are LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the undersigned Clerk of the Village of Brook Park Ohio at his office in the Village Hall 6161 Engle Road Berea Ohio until 12:00 Noon EDST on riday August 12 1060 for the furnishing of all labor and material for the construction of Concrete Pavement In West 161st street within the Village of Brook Park in accordance with plans and specifications on file and open for Inspection at the office of the service Director and available at the office of The Courtney Engineering Company' 880 The Ar cade Cleveland 14 Ohio Each bld musl eentain the full name of each person or company interested in the same and shall be accompanied by a certified check In the amount of 5 of the total amount of the bld and made payable to the Treasurer of the Village of Brook Park Ohio as ti guarantee that 1f the bld Is ac cepted a contract pursuant there to will be entered into and its per formance properly secured Should any bld be accepted the check of the successful bidder will be returned upon proper execution and securing of the contract Checks of unsuccessful bidders will be returned after a contract has been awarded and entered Into or upon the rejection of all blds The Council reserves the right to reject any and all blds By order of the Council of the Village of Brook Park Ohio Cyrus mcgovern Clerk of the Village of Brook park Ohio cp dJuly28aug4196O Herbert Snider retired filled for a quarter century battalion chief of the Cleveland The accompaying fire department died Tuesday in the home of his daughter Mrs Wahneita Gelhardt 2430 Pleasant Street Ind He had resided there since he be came ill last No ve or many years the family home here was at 25111 Lake Shore Bou levard Euclid Mr Snider was 79 He joined the SA LT 1 PM 4:30 5:00 5:30 63C 7:30 7:30 8:30 900 10 30 AM 5:00 5I3U 5 3U JoU 5:39 6 U0 i i i 1 1 lursuaj rM 4:15 42u 4:40 4:35 6:05 6:15 7: 15 7:30 7:50 7:55 3U00 10:05 10:30 11:00 1100 1 UO0 11:25 1 1:55 Wednesday AM 12:50 12:50 Dei ro i Tuesday 4U5 5:15 5:255:30 6:05 6:30 6:50 7:05 7:45:05 I 8:25 8:45 9:10 0:25 925 9 35 9:50 9:35 1 1 :00 11:20 WednewfUr AM 12:05 12:45 1:15 2 00 2:00 200 81 79 7769 83 84 64 74 74 74 169 5 26 0 21 3 31 063 ALMANAC IOR TODAY Sun rises 6:15 a ni seis at 7:51 pm TEMPERATURES IN OTHER CITIES I WIN HARBORS Tuesday: Stanley licht Tuesday: McCullough Jr uau pjju Avery oau A I ed es a Wednesday: am erberl 6:30 ore LOR 4 IN Wednesday: James Davldsnn A Wood oie Leacu Ottinger sand Algosno tug Deleware light Wednesday: Ream light Al k'osoo coal Leico Ottinger lltht SURIOR ARRIVED Wednesday Trimble stone Mohawk Deer South American joe Block Sykes Austin c1 A Thompson Wednesday: Hanco*ck 6:30 am Hutchinson 7 Berwind 7 Chisholm 9:30 Joe Block 2 pm South American 3 pm Hnod 4 pm steel SANDUSKY Wednesday: Ben Tate Wednesday: Tate coal CONNEAUT Wednesday: Baker ore Wednesday: None AMI HI LA Wednesday: Cadillac Thomas ration utcema vvanany ore: Hah George Stdnbcrner Taylor atone Wednesday: Laconia Wilkinson Cadillac A Sehulte merchandise George burner EastcliH Hall coal Hl ALO A 1 TUsd a Non CLEARED Tuesday: Reiss Bros Joe Morrow George Steinbrenner Eastclllf Hall Perseus light North American pas sengers Wednesday: Platt Jn Steelton ore Ingalls autos Wednesday: Dinner wens steel it nicail: On the Water ront Great Lakes and Seaway cargo vessels in tho Port tn Glev iann yesterday were: Ship Dagan Bilbao Rheinstein Lahnstein Weiratal redborg Billital Manchester Venture Schoomaker Grace James Laughlin Lehigh Tug John Roen IV barge Marquis Roen Robinson Smith Shenango II Silver Bay Joint Due today arc: Laketon Ontadock Norway Davidson Richardson Ships which left Cleveland yesterday Sall Colbcy Sonara all light and lands to vvtt: AU lots and lands and abutting upon posed improvement whleh said lots and hereby determined to be specially benefited by said improvement and the cost of said improvement shall Include the expense of the preliminary and other surveys and of printing and publishing the no tices resolutions and ordinances required and serving of said no tices the cost of supervising the preparation of the transcript and the cost of construction together with Interest on notes and bonds Issued in anticipation or tne col lection of deferred assessments and all other necessary expenses or expenditures Section 5: That the assessments so to be levied shall be paid in ten (10) annual installments with interest on deferred payments at the same rate as shall be borne bv the bonds to be issued in an ticipation of the collection thereof provided that the owner of any property assessed may at his option pay such assessment in cash within thirtv (30) days after the passage of the assessing or dinance Section 6: That bonds of the City of Euclid shall be issued in antici pation of the collection of assess 3 ments by installments and in an amount 'eoual thereto and notes of said Cttv shall be issued in an tlcipation of the issue of Section 7: That the remainder of the entire cost of said improve ment not specially assessed which Includes the cost of Intersections together with the cost of any real state or Interest therein pur chased or appropriated and the cost and expenses of any appro priation proceeding therefor and the damages awarded any owner of adjoining lands and interest thereon and the costs and ex penses of any such award shall be paid by the issuance of the manner provided by law Section 8: That this resolution shall take effect and be in full force and effect from and after the earliest period allowed by law ATTEST: O'CONNGR Clerk of Council HARRY KNUTH President of Council PASSED: 7 15 60 APPROVED: 7 18 60 STMS Mayor CERTIICATION I OTonnor the dulv elect ed qualified and acting Clerk of i the Council of the Citv of Euclid Ohio do hereby certify the fore going to be a true and exact copy i of Resolution No 138 1960 passed i by said Council on the 15th day of July Clerk of Council CPDjuIy28aug41960 Passages PORT COLBORNE UP Tuedtty fm Dredse Lyman 4 52 lues John Roen 4th Patricia and barge Marnulst ugue 5 Reported Quickly Indicted After Chicago Park Attack CHICAGO Officials took swift action within hours after a gang of hoocjlums pounced out of the darkness of Lincoln Park beat down two young hus bands with baseball bats and repeatedly raped their preg nant wives A grand jury was reported to have voted true bills yesterday accusing five Negro youths of rape robbery and assault The victims are white The gang violence occurred Tuesday night as the two cou ples and one two children walked' together through the park from a lake LEGAL NOTICE $295 000 HEIGHTS OHIO NOTICE Of SALE BONDS Sea led bids win be received by hdegnetk tiscal of the City of Parma Heights Cuyahoga County Ohio at his of fice in the City Hall 6281 Pearl Road Cleveland 30 Ohio until one clock Eastern Daylight Tlme' (12 noon Eastern Standard Time) August al "hich time the bids will be publicly opened and read I Or tflP niirrhatn nf th issues of bonds of said City in the aggregate amount of 5295000 improvement Bonds series 1960 1 of the denom ination of $1000 each issued in anticipation of the collection of special assessments to pay the property portion and the City portion of the cost of im proving Oakwood Drive Manor ford Drive Lotusdale Drive and ni wnn wicKfield Drne and Elmore Drive between certain termini by grading drain ng curbing paving and resurfac ing by paving with asphaltic con crete including base replacement and draining and by installation or curbing where not previously installed together with (he neces sary appurtenances thereto and maturing $19000 on December 1 years from 1961 to 1970 inclusive except $18000 on 1 in each of the vears and The amount of this issue and the maturities thereof are subject to reduction and adjustment so as to retain substantially equal annual matur ities in the evpnt nf nach ments of assessments made prior to the sale date aforesaid 2 $25000 Street Improvement Bonds Series 1960 2 of the denom ination of $1000 each issued for uc impose improving Ackley Road between certain termini bv constructing a water main therein and Improving Pearl Road between certain termini by constructing a relief storm sewer and a sanitary sewer therein and maturing $1000 on December 1 in each of the years from 1961 to 19x0 inclusive except $2000 on December 1 in cch pt the years from 1976 to 1980 inclusive 3 55 ODDO PonraoflriK 1960 of the denomination of $1000 each Issued for the purpose of acquiring real estate and interests therein for parks and public play grounds and maturing $2000 on December 1 in each the years from 1961 to 19S0 inclusive ex cept $3000 on December 1 in each hf the years from 1971 to 1980 inclusive 4 $33000 Watercourse Improve nrnnf DntwL kf nXX 40 Uie uenominauon of $1000 each issued fnr the pur pose of Improving a watercourse from Stroud Park to Metropolitan property by straightening and deepening and constructing concrete pipe culverts under Eu reka Parkway and under Acklev Load at certain locations anil maturing $3000 on December 1 inthe years frnm 1961 to 19(0 inclusive except $4000 on December 1 in each of the vears 1961 1966 and 1970 The bonds of all said issues will be dated August 1 1960 will bear interest at the rate of four per centum pet1 annum pavable June 11961 and semi annually there after on June 1 and December 1 of each year Principal and in terest on said bonds will be pay able at the office of the legal de positary of the City presently Society National Bank of Cleve iand Cleveland Ohio and are sup ported by the limited general taxes except issue No 1 which is supported by limited general taxes anrt special assessments Blds shall bp TYIMfip nnlv fnr nil or none of said bonds and the same single rate of interest must )e for all four issues Split rate blds on a single issue and bids at different rates for the re spective issues win not be con sidered Bids may be made at a rate other than that hereinbefore specified but not in excess of six per centum per annum provided Jhat it a fractional Interest rate hs bid such fractional rate shall be in multiples of one quarter of vnu Will Said bids will be promptly con sidered and said bonds vvill be sold to the highest bidder offering the lowest interest rate at not less than par and accrued Interest to date of (leliverv Tha Intrnct will be determined by calculating the total Interest to the stated maturities at the rate bid and de ducting from the aggregate of such interest charges the aggre gate premium bid If each of two or more bids is the highest bid offering the lowest interest rate the bonds will be awarded on each one of said highest bids as is chosen by lot All bids must be accomnanied by a bond or certi fied check on a solvent bank pav able to the City of Parma Heights in the amount of one per cent of the par amount of the bonds bid for upon condition that if the bid is accepted the bidder will re ceive and pay for such bonds in accordance with 'the terms and provisions of this notice or for feit the same as liquidated dam ages in the event said condition is HUI I UUlllt'U Bids shall be sealed and en dorsed for City of Parma Heights Bonds of 1960 (our Is sues)" The proceedings for these issues have been taken under the super vision of Squire Sanders Demp Sfy Bond Attorneys Cleveland Ohio whose approving opinion may be obtained by the successful bidder at his expense Complete transcripts of proceedings and the printed bonds win be furnished bv the municipality together with a certificate showing no litigation pending or threatened at the time of the delivery to enjoin delivery or to contest the validity of the bonds or the power to issue them the lew Or collcrtlnn nf or special assessments for their pavment In the event the interest on said bonds should hy act of Congress or otherwise become subject to ederal Income Taxes prior to de livery the successful bidder mav refuse to accept delivery and in such event his bond or cetrifled check shall be returned without Interest It is contemplated that the leg islative authority of the munici pality will meet at eight on August 25 1960 to con sider said bids and make an award The right Is reserved to reject bids GEORGE SPANAGEL Director of inance july28aug4ll1960 a burglary of a Lawson store Cuyahoga River and the Cleve in Maple Heights will be land Clinic disaster charged today A third will be Advanced Steadily questioned Chief advance That man a 23 year old sol been steady through the inter dier from the Garfield Heights meciate grades to that of chief Nike site owned a car found of Battalion a Post he had near the store James A Davis" 34 of 2232 55th Street was shot in Vi Zi me ugnt aim auouc am yes TI I I terday by Patrolman Robert QT SnAICPr iC Pacovsky when police surprised 1 vliUUi Ij him in the store at Lee and Maple Heights Boulevard LGdCl dt 53 Davis' companion 28 was captured as he ran identified with church welfare NOTICE SALE of bonds c1ulturai activities here died Sealed hide will bn 1 uesdav in Clpvpland Plinin short illness lake City School District (former he had been a resident of Dfstrmt) cT Cleveland 1932 1 tv Ohio at the office in w'ien she married Her husband 'MverRoadb'weslke' American Ohio until 1:00 o'clock pm East i rass Co in its sales division Savings Time on the here IStft aav of August 19G0 At which I time the blrte will be' publicly rs Cwton long had opened and read for the purchase been a member of Plymouth of said EduTaion Church of Shaker Heights and ot 52iooooo formanyycarsmanageditsan rummage sales She also 1 $1400000 School Improvement was active in the Hospital Guild Bonds Series 1960 1 issued for the Lf purpose of constructing and equip Cleveland and the Bandage Ping a new fireproof high school Brigade a war activities group building with sewage disposal Tnf orcnlrmv TlnnU rinh facilities and landscaping and im 1 le mtercolony Book Club preying a site therefor and ma and the Dames of Dunham lhe Tavern othcr Shoups invearJjorn 1S)B2 tn inclusive which she had been active J5gf AtarcRret Ihm nnk0 Abusive mel she was born in Buffalo Bonds'Seslolssued1" for phe was a gduate of ranklin the purpose of acquiring and im School there and of airfax new Junior College in Waynes and furnishing and equipping boro Va slS'o Surviving Mrs Kovtun ter Tirfa is on June first and December first Mrs Thomas A Bumper years frora 1969 The Newton home is at 3664 All of said bonds shall be dated Latimore Roaci Shaker Heights sePtember i960 Services will be at 1:30 pm be in he denomination of LAj 1 $1000 each shall draw interest today in the Hi own 1 orward semi annually on the first funeral home 17022 Chagrin cicijs or June and December of each year beginning June 1 1961 boulevard Shaker Heights mihhioraMefho4Afrirr rnnR ar Burial will be in Hamburg payable at the office of the legal Kt rr depositary of the Board presently Hcr family would appre Hna of I ciate contributions to the River Ohio) and are supported by American Cancer Society 337 unlimited taxes I Arcade Bids shall be made only for 1 "All nf rolri the same single rate of interest rate blds on a ADVERTIsem*nT OR BIDS 1 bids at different 'rfitnf for 'thoartl( Sealed Proposals will be received 1 snective HnPVm1 Tthe at the OICE Of' DONALD A sJderod" BidseSmaWvillbenadee i nrovidct SITY ADELBERT BLDG 2040 ntrost rrae ADELBERT ROAD CLEVELAND fractional shau unti! Tuesday August 16th ea: of one ouarfe 19i0 at Noon East All bldsmi nt: err Standard Time 1:00 bv a bond plrtrnpa Eastern Daylight Saving Time for solvent bank furnishlng the material andtper der) navahle In wfj P01 the fnr hp 'CU cation In tinn anci construction of a WOM cent of the na amnut oa? 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WT C7vlic Western Reserve University BV CHAS WESTON Clerk I ClPVInnri AHIa CPD July2128taugust41960 PDJulyl42122Saug 11960 i 30 4 0 5 5: oo frOm WtATHIK aUMAU V2991J II 80l 90 i tIa Kain XOZ V991J or Dayftmo Thursday iflurw Show High Temperofutes Expected 1 I I I I is IliTbl BJOUTDOORSsJ rwj 'JLI til SAU1T STE IT 1 ursd WVdiifsd it PM AM Avers Senator 6:00 Hutchinson 6:30 Nloicon Bav 6:30 TeakBv 7:30 Irish Oak Anderson 10:00 Cllawav 7:30 MorreU 10:00 Reiss Heron Bar 10'30 Olds 8:30 WC ord 10:30 McLaean 9 00 Cowan 11:30 Jackson 9:30 Outremount 12:00 Wednesday Norris 12:00 AM PM Mancox 4:00 Millson 12:30 House 4:00 Gobeille 1:00 Robertson 4:00 Nlacara Miller 4:00 Mohawk L1ibert 5:00 Block 2:00 Greene 6:30 Clrdier 3:30 Wednesday July 27 i960 Sam 2 pm 8 pm Barom (sea level! 2909 2910 2905 Temp (dry bulbi 66 80 78 Temp (wet bulbi 65 66 70 Humidity (relatival 95 54 69 Humidity (srlbi 92 85 lot Precipitation 021 0 0 Low High Low Albany ey 80 68 Lnulsv'le pc 87 65 ey 97 68 Memphls pc et 74 Amarlllo 98 17 MlamiBch cy 88 77 Atlanta pc 83 70 pc 84 62 Blrm'ham pc 94 71 Mpls StP 90 60 Bismarck 101 31 NOrleans cy 95 78 Bolse 90 78 NcwYork 73 69 Boston cy 77 63 OklaCIty 98 74 BrownsvOe 9B 74 Omaha 74 87 Buffalo pc 76 63 Phnenlx 103 80 cy 87 76 Plttsburph 83 63 Chicago pc 81 71 74 61 Cln'naU PC 81 65 91 59 Columbus pc 87 65 Ralelgh 87 72 Denver cy 95 64 RapIdClty 10O 69 DesMolnes 90 64 Rlclimond cy 84 71 Detrolt pc 88 64 StLouls pc 89 74 Duluth 80 S3 SLakeC pc 104 74 El Paso 98 70 Antonlo 99 74 tWorth 102 78 SanDlepo 86 71 Galveston 95 77 Sranelsco 59 52 Helrna pc 88 57 StSteMarle 76 55 Indla'olls pc 86 65 Seattle 87 61 Jackson'le pc 93 76 Spokane 80 63 Kan CIty cy 90 74 Tampa 86 72 LasVeyas 104 85 cy 84 67 LAnyelw 88 69 Wlchfta 91 71 I.

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Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.