Nora Valkyrie/Synopsis (2024)

Hero Overview



  • 1 Background
  • 2 RWBY
    • 2.1 Beacon Academy Initiation
    • 2.2 Start of Classes
    • 2.3 Second Semester
    • 2.4 Vytal Festival Tournament
    • 2.5 The Battle of Beacon
    • 2.6 Journey to Haven
    • 2.7 In Mistral
    • 2.8 The Battle of Haven


Nora Valkyrie turned up inKuroyurias a homeless orphan who had to scavenge for food. Some time later, she metLie Renwhen she was being bullied by a group of boys who did not recognize her but could tell she was poor and wearing strange clothes. As Kuroyuri was attacked, Ren saved her. Both she and Ren applied years later toBeacon Academyand were accepted together.


Beacon Academy Initiation[]

Nora noisily wakes up Ren and chatters incessantly to him about her excitement of being in Beacon Academy while he brushes his teeth, puts away his sleeping bag and eats breakfast. She mentionsteamformation while they are in the locker room and how they could communicate in theforest, using sloth noises to find each other and be on the same team. However, Ren tells her that sloths do not make a lot of noise.

Shortly after Ren defeats aKing Taijitu, Nora makes a "sloth call" before she drops down, hanging upside down from the tree in front of Ren. Ren comments that he is sure sloths do not make that sound, but Nora just presses her finger to his nose while saying "boop".Glynda Goodwitchwatches the exchange on herScrolland informs Professor Ozpin that the last team has been formed. Glynda comments that she can't see them working well together, but she thinks they will do better thanJaune ArcandPyrrha Nikos.

Nora eventually arrives at theabandoned templewhile riding on the back of anUrsa. She thenhits itwithMagnhild'sgrenade launcher, killing it and displeasing her. When Ren appears from behind the Ursa and tells her to never do it again, he notices she is gone and has collected a White Rookrelic. She dances withit on her head and proclaims she is the "Queen of the Castle".

After more initiates arrive, Nora and the others flee to an ancient ruin in the hopes of escaping theNevermoreand theDeath Stalkerthat are closing in on them. Nora fires several explosives to distract the Nevermore, but she is then saved byWeiss Schnee,Blake Belladonna, and Ren when the Death Stalker appears behind her.

Nora and the restfightthe Death Stalker, hitting it with a few explosive attacks before Jaune takes charge. He orders Pyrrha to cut off the scorpion's stinger that Ren had loosened, and when it landed on the Death Stalker's head, Pyrrha launched Nora into the air, and she drove the stinger into theGrimmlike a nail, presumably killing it. After completing the initiation, Nora is inducted intoTeam JNPR.

Start of Classes[]

Nora and her team stick their heads out of their dorm after hearing Weiss' commotion about being late to class. Once the team inexplicably falls over each other, she and her teammates are seen running to class with Team RWBY.

Nora eats lunch withTeam RWBYand Team JNPR. She tells a story about her recurring dream, in which Ren clears up several of her exaggerations, such as Ursai that were reallyBeowolves.Pyrrha mentions they can help Jaune Arc withCardin Winchester, and Nora suggests they break his legs.

One night, Nora jumps on her bed and asks about Jaune's whereabouts. Ren answers Nora, saying that Jaune has been rather scarce after he started to do favors for Cardin. Pyrrha, however, brushes him off in saying Jaune knows what he's doing. Ren and Nora look at each other questioningly. Later as Teams RWBY, JNPR, andCRDLvisit theforestto collect sap, she drinks a full jar Ren gives her.

Second Semester[]

While enjoying lunch in the dining hall her her team, Nora flings some food at Yang, who eats it from the air. Nora tosses a large pie over at Team RWBY's table, but it hits Weiss instead of Yang.

The two teams engage in a large scalefood fight, starting with JNPR constructing a large structure from tables with Nora at the top, once again singing that she is "Queen of the castle". Nora jumps down and flips an entire table of watermelons at Team RWBY before creating a hammer out of a pole and watermelon.

She manages to take out Weiss and Yang, but she is knocked into a soda machine when Blake hits her with a string of sausage links. She then tosses cans of exploding soda at Blake, and Pyrrha soon helps with herSemblance. Ruby defeats all of Team JNPR with her Semblance, smashing them against the back wall with a vortex of wind and food.

Glynda enters soon after and puts everything back in order, telling the kids not to play with their food. Nora looks at Glynda before loudly burping, then laughs with everyone else over the incident.

Nora reads a book in her team's dormroom. She overhears Jaune privately comment on how Ren and her are "together-together", which she embarrassingly debunks. She joins the conversation between Pyrrha and Jaune, who tells the team leader to tell Weiss what he feels. After Jaune leaves, Nora tells a saddened Pyrrha to practice what she preaches.

She is later seen at the dance with Ren. After Jaune asks Pyrrha to dance and the music escalates, she grabs Ren and joins, dancing with her team as a group.

After the teams are assigned to missions, her team meets Team RWBY outside the school, shortly expressing how "hurt" she is Team RWBY gets to go on a world-saving mission without them. Her team sees off Team RWBY on their mission to Mountain Glenn.

Nora and her team head toward their airship for their mission. After alarms are heard from the city, Team JNPR heads over to Vale to help. Nora manages to kill a King Taijitu with a single blow from her hammer and later helps control the outbreak with the rest of her team.

Vytal Festival Tournament[]

Nora shares a meal with her team and Team RWBY before Team JNPR's first match. When Jaune says he thinks he will vomit, she enthusiastically tells him to aim at the enemy. She assesses her team's combat skills by saying they have a world renowned fighter, a ninja and Jaune, indirectly insulting him twice. At the thought of losing the first round, Nora says they will have to live as outcasts when nobody wants to associate with "Team Lose-iper". She goes on to the thought of being exiled from the school, but she and Ren have no home or parents to return to.

Team JNPR's first match in theVytal Festivaltournament is againstTeam BRNZofVacuo'sShade Academy. After a brief melee in the center of the arena, Team JNPR is quickly pinned down byMay Zedong, Team BRNZ's sniper, who has taken cover in the trees on the opposite end of the battlefield. AfterNolan Porfirioincapacitates Ren with his electric weapon, Nora makes him hit her with it to charge her Semblance, the ability to conduct electricity to her muscles. By the time he realizes his mistake, Nora has already sent him flying.

When Jaune realizes that the mountain biome has lightning, he tells her to get to the top and charge her Semblance further. She is able to make it and charge, and she transforms her weapon to launch all her grenades at once to destroy May's cover. May is not harmed, but Nora's attack leaves a heart-shaped burn mark in the forest biome. She also hits the other three members of Team BRNZ with an explosive hammer attack.

Jaune attempts to finish the match by calling out team attacks, starting with "Flower Power" for Ren and Nora. Ren is especially confused as to how he is expected to bring "a flower" and how this constitutes a combat tactic. Nora suggests that he bring "flour, like in baking". Exasperated, Jaune simply has Nora hit Team BRNZ with her hammer, which she does, knocking them clear out of the arena and winning the match.

Nora and Team JNPR progress through the doubles round and elect Pyrrha to represent them in the finals. Taking it upon herself to prepare her teammate for her match, Nora coaches her in physical training but strongly disagrees with Ren when he tries to get her to drink a "healthy" green slime-juice. Nora samples Ren's concoction and spits it out in disgust. Ren and Nora remain quite unaware of Pyrrha's personal turmoil at the time, though she does wisely give Pyrrha and Jaune some time together rather than interrupt, allowing the pair to share a moment together.

Nora and the rest of her team are present atAmity Colosseumto cheer on Pyrrha in hermatchagainstPenny Polendina, where she witnesses Pyrrha accidentally destroy her opponent.

The Battle of Beacon[]

Nora is among the group of students present at Amity Colosseum at the beginning ofthis Grimm attackon Vale. Her weapon flies to the floating arena in a rocket-propelled locker. After a Giant Nevermore breaks into the stadium, she deals a large blow to its head before its eventual defeat. The group takes anAir Busto Beacon where they begin to fight the Grimm.

During the fight, Nora pushes Ren out of the way of anAtlesian Paladin-290. She takes its attack for him but is still able to fight later on. Nora and Ren rest with their injuries and stand by their decision to leave only when Jaune and Pyrrha return.

Journey to Haven[]

After the incident, she accompanies Ren, Jaune, and Ruby to investigate the conspiracy behind the Vale crisis, beginning their journey toHaven Academy.

Months later, while Team RNJR is still on the road to Haven, a nearby village inMistralcomes under attack by aGeist. Ruby is the first to respond, but Nora, Ren and Jaune quickly rush to assist her and the team destroys the Grimm together. In exchange, the village leader arranges for the team to be given supplies and a blacksmith upgrades Jaune's armor.

Afterward, she and the others make their way toShion, hearing that the village would have an airship they could use to get to Haven. However, upon arrival, they see the village in ruins. The four find adying Huntsmanwho tells them the village was overrun by Bandits whose attacks caused panic attracting the Grimm. Jaune and Ruby quickly try to put together a plan to save the Huntsman's life, but Nora is doubtful that he will be survive; before the three can turn back around to look at him, he succumbs to his injuries. Nora, with a tone of uncertainty, asks if they should bury him.

Ren urges the team to leave the village as he walks away, and Nora catches up to him. The two stop when they find a hoofprint. They recognize it and they look at each other with serious expressions.

Later, they travel to a village namedHiganbanaand stay at its inn for the night. Concerning the lack of encounters from the Grimm, Nora believes their luck has turned around. She and her friends continue on in high spirits, not knowing thatQrow Branwenhas protected them from Grimm.

An unknown amount of time later, they walk into the abandoned village ofOniyuri. They attempt to search for survivors until they realize that the village has been abandoned for a long time. Before they can leave,Tyrian Callows, who has been tasked to hunt Ruby, attacks them. During the fight, Ruby charges Nora's Semblance with an electrified rifle shot in order to deal a massive blow to Tyrian, but he is able to block Nora's attack by revealing his scorpion tail to intercept her strike. Tyrian proceeds to overwhelm Team RNJR, but before he can land a critical strike on Ruby, Qrow arrives and blocks the attack.

Qrow and Tyrian fight, and Nora tries to intervene with Ren to no avail. After Tyrian flees the scene, she asks Qrow who Tyrian is.

That night, Team RNJR learns about the fourMaidens, thetwo deity brothers, the four relics andSalem. When Nora asks why they are not in a hurry to get to Haven to warn about the impending danger, Qrow answers that the headmaster will be on his guard after what happened to Beacon. Later, when he tries to avoid Ruby's question about him following them discreetly, Nora insists that he answer, reasoning that he has been telling them stories of what they needed to know. The following morning, Team RNJR discovers that Tyrian poisoned Qrow during the battle.

Using a makeshift stretcher, they carrying him in the hopes of finding help. Unfortunately, they reach a fork in the road and must choose between a mountainous route that will lead them to their destination and a lowland route that leads to Kuroyuri. Nora suggests that they split, for Qrow cannot be carried over the mountains. She sets off with Ren on the mountainous path toward Mistral, hoping higher ground will allow them to see a better way to get help. On the way through the mountains, she discovers an open cave filled with walls stained black and various weapons and items from villages acrossAnima. She and Ren hear a howl and see a strong disturbance in the trees.

Upon arriving in Kuroyuri, Nora and Ren find Jaune, Ruby and Qrow safely before theNuckelaveeGrimm arrives in the town. During the ensuingbattle, Ren gets pinned to a wall by the Nuckelavee, and with Ruby's help, Nora saves him from getting hit by its other hand. This leads to the Nuckelavee grabbing Magnhild and using it to smash Nora against the ground until her Aura breaks, which sends Ren into a frenzy against the Grimm. Nora tackles Ren out of the fight and talks sense into him. When the two rejoin the battle, she slays the horse portion of the Nuckelavee with the others' help, and Ren finishes it off.

The smoke that results from the Nuckelavee's disintegration catches the attention of pilots from Mistral who were on patrol, and the group is transported to theCity of Mistral, where Qrow receives medical attention and they find a place to stay. On the way there, she sits with Ren, who initiates hand-holding. Once in the city, she and Ren join Jaune in sitting in quiet remembrance of lost loved ones in Jaune's room.

In Mistral[]

Nora, along with Qrow and the rest of Team RNJR, meetsLeonardo Lionheart, headmaster of Haven Academy and is immediately struck by how anticlimactic it is. She learns of the connection between the Maidens and the Relics through the subsequent conversation, but stays out of things except to express her readiness to help. Later, whenOscar Pineshows up, she is flummoxed by his presence, protective of Ruby and again flummoxed by the unusual 14-year-old.

Nora watches with the others as Oscar gives Ozpin control of his body and the former headmaster reveals the true nature of his being as a soul and memories transferred into Oscar after a long line of succession. Nora suggests they bring Oscar to Lionheart to convince him they could secure the Spring Maiden, but Qrow and Ozpin deny the proposal, citing Lionheart's unusual behavior. Ozpin plans to train Nora and the rest of her team so they can best ensure the safety of the Relic of Knowledge.

Nora, Oscar, and the rest of Team RNJR train outside. After Ozpin finishes teaching Oscar and Ruby as they spar, Nora elaborates on Semblances, saying her Semblance unlocked when she survived being struck by lightning.

While Qrow searches for Huntsmen in Mistral, Team RNJR prepares dinner for them upon their arrival. Nora cuts up carrots but occasionally snacks on them, wondering if Qrow will bring the Huntsmen over since they are preparing a lot of food. She then watches with Jaune and Ren as Ruby unexpectedly reunites with Yang and Weiss. Later, the six of them enjoy a ramen dinner while going over past events, including the battle with the Nuckelavee where Nora points out Jaune’s strength. When Weiss brings up the co*cktail party disaster, Nora states her disbelief but is startled when Weiss summons a Boarbatusk right next to her. Later, as Yang shows off her new robotic arm, Nora challenges her to an arm wrestle, which Yang wins when she propels it off.

The Battle of Haven[]

Nora and the rest of the group arrive at Haven Academy to find Professor Lionheart andRaven Branwen. Nora sees Raven's magic for the first time and is taken aback. After Raven opens a portal forCinder Fall,Emerald Sustrai,Mercury BlackandVernalto step through, the Huntsmen and Huntresses break into fighting. Nora and Ren fightHazel Rainart, who arrives declaring the presence of the White Fang. Nora stares in disbelief as Cinder impales Weiss with a spear. She rushes with Oscar to Ruby's side to wake her up after Emerald knocks her out.

As the fighting breaks out again, Nora urges Yang to stop Cinder, Raven and Vernal from getting the Relic of Knowledge. Later, as Jaune heals Weiss, Nora promises Ruby she will protect them from harm. As the battle continues, Nora and Jaune discuss about his Semblance, and he concludes he is not healing Weiss but using his Aura to amplify hers. Upon seeing Hazel harm Ren, Jaune urges Nora to help him. She charges at Hazel, but he pins her and grabs her by the head, sending electricity into her. Unbeknownst to him, the lightning strengthens Nora, and she throws him off her. After Ozpin tells her Hazel's Semblance, Nora swings her hammer into Hazel, sending him crashing through the academy's wall. She rushes to Ren's side as he tries to get back up.When the fight resumes, Nora begins to tire out and is left bewildered as to how Hazel can quickly recharge his Aura.

After the battle, Nora watches happily with Jaune and Ren as Team RWBY is reunited.

Nora Valkyrie/Synopsis (2024)
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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.