How Many Seasons Of Himegoto Are Out (2024)

1. Himegoto (anime)

  • It originally aired on BS11 from July 7 - September 29, 2014. Himegoto follows Hime Arikawa, a second-year student at Shimoshina High School. Forced to...

  • Himegoto (also known as Secret Princess Himegoto) is a Japanese anime series adapted from the manga series of the same name by Norio Tsukudani. It originally aired on BS11 from July 7 - September 29, 2014. Himegoto follows Hime Arikawa, a second-year student at Shimoshina High School. Forced to assume a large amount of debt from his now-absent parents, Hime is saved by the three girls of his school's Student Council after he is chased down by debt collectors. In return for paying off his debt, H

2. Himegoto -

  • Himegoto · 5.88(60,885 users) · Ranked #10445 · TV (13eps) · Studios Asahi Production · More Information.

  • Constantly on the run from loan sharks, Hime Arikawa has to deal with the debt left over from his parents' lousy spending habits, which they left under his name. Fleeing in a maid outfit forced upon him by the moneylenders, he is found and rescued by Shimoshina High School's student council, who pay the debt in full. However, now indebted to the student council for saving him, they not only make Hime transfer schools, but also make him a part of the student council as their servant! Forced to cross-dress for the rest of his high school years, Hime has no other option but to obey the demands of the girls in the student council. As he is harassed both mentally and physically, he must overcome his somewhat perverted classmates and join forces with other crossdressers throughout the school. [Written by MAL Rewrite]

3. Himegoto Next Episode Air Date & Countdown

4. Himegoto - Apple TV (NL)

  • Season 1. EPISODE 1. I Feel Like I've Lost as a Girl ... Because of a sudden mission, the student council members are asked to help out various clubs.

  • The story follows Hime Arikawa, whose absent parents have left with saddled with a huge debt. After being saved from debt collectors by three girls on…

5. Himegoto (TV) - Anime News Network

6. Himegoto+ - Himegoto Wiki - Fandom

  • Himegoto+ is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Norio Tsukudani and a spin-off of Himegoto. Seven chapters of the series were serialized in ...

  • Himegoto+ is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Norio Tsukudani and a spin-off of Himegoto. Seven chapters of the series were serialized in Waai! sister magazine Waai! Mahalo from July 25, 2012 until the magazine was discontinued on December 25, 2013. The characters introduced in this series were then moved over to the mainstream Himegoto publication. The anime adaptation of the manga used select chapters from this publication as the basis for a few episodes. Kaguya Arikawa and h

7. Himegoto - watch tv series streaming online - JustWatch

  • Is Netflix, Amazon, Now TV, etc. streaming Himegoto? Find out where to watch seasons online now!

8. Himegoto: 1 season 2014 -

  • All information on the 1 season of the Himegoto series: the list and schedule of the series, description and rating on

  • All information on the 1 season of the Himegoto series: the list and schedule of the series, description and rating on

9. Himegoto (Anime) -

  • PopularThe most-rated anime on aniSearch during the current season ... much, they demand that he continue to go out as a girl. And that even for ...

  • Information about the anime Himegoto from studio ASAHI PRODUCTION with the main genre Comedy

10. Himegoto | TV Time

  • It is very short at less than an hour as each episode is literally only 4 minutes long. ... Click on the different category headings to find out more and change ...

  • Himegoto follows Hime Arikawa, a second-year student at Shimoshina High School. Forced to assume a large amount of debt from by his now-absent parents, Hime is saved by the three girls of his school's student council after he is chased down by debt collectors. In return for paying off his debt, Hime agrees to their conditions of becoming the student council's "dog" and spending his high school life dressed as a girl.

How Many Seasons Of Himegoto Are Out (2024)
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